View Full Version : GW UK - comment on legitimacy of PDF DH/WH codexes...

07-17-2010, 12:49 PM

A new one on this subject for you to consider. Don't know if anyone has spotted this:


A look down states only the PDF codexes are valid. Now interestingly this flies in the face of the 'JOHN HOLLINGSWORTH Customer Services email, which stated something along the lines of 'our tournaments will still use the printed codex.'

So, GW's supposed flagship tournament, at GW HQ in WW, have called PDFs only - ie no to allies.

I have emailed them asking to clarify if this is correct and if so why, I will post a response when I get something.

Any thoughts?

07-17-2010, 01:00 PM

A new one on this subject for you to consider. Son't know if anyone has spotted this:


A look down states only the PDF codexes are valid. Now interestingly this flies in the face of the 'JOHN HOLLINGSWORTH Customer Services email, which stated something along the lines of 'our tournaments will still use the printed codex.'

So, GW's supposed flagship tournament, at GW HQ in WW, have called PDFs only - ie no to allies.

I have emailed them asking to clarify if this is correct and if so why, I will post a response when I get something.

Any thoughts?

Sounds like the Throne of Skulls is trying to simplify things, by not having arguments about PDF vs. printed codices. It will add fuel to the fire, though. Major arguments will commence in 3...2...1...

The ones I really feel sorry for are the Grey Knights players; without allies, their army becomes extremely difficult to play, especially against mech.

07-17-2010, 01:13 PM
nothing to it really, GW issued a statement about the PDFs weeks ago saying you can still ally if you have the codex, but cant with the PDF. so to make it easier in the tourney, they are using the PDF. i see this as a way to simply avoid mix-ups between having 2 official dexs. simples! ;)

07-17-2010, 03:14 PM
nothing to it really, GW issued a statement about the PDFs weeks ago saying you can still ally if you have the codex, but cant with the PDF. so to make it easier in the tourney, they are using the PDF. i see this as a way to simply avoid mix-ups between having 2 official dexs. simples! ;)

No Mr Bryce, I don't think it is that simple. GW US saying you can use either, and that there is a mistake in the PDF (check the email from customer services in the other thread in the news/rumours section) GW UK saying you can only use PDF - that another element of GW has said contains errors which to date have not been amended. Respectfully that is not simple - something is wrong there.

07-17-2010, 08:57 PM
Don't play in the Throne Of Skulls and you can use whatever you want.

07-18-2010, 01:11 AM
This is 100% contrary to the GW blog post on their website that openly and explicitly stated that if you have the physical copy of the codex, you use it.

07-18-2010, 02:02 AM
darklink got it right. thats what i was on about, the blog, not an email. on the Blog they explicitely stated that people who have the paper dex can use allies, those with the PDF cant use allies.

07-18-2010, 02:27 AM
OK, so explain why the blog is permissive, and the TOS rules are explicitly restrictive. As darklink said 100% contrary.

PS Darklink have you got a linky?


BuFFOOOO thanks for the helpful comment.

07-18-2010, 02:51 AM
already did:

so to make it easier in the tourney, they are using the PDF. i see this as a way to simply avoid mix-ups between having 2 official dexs.

it really comes down to logistics and rulings. it is far easier to rule on one set of rules than on 2 different ones. also, havent the community been asking for the whole allied mystic to guard thing in tourneys to be banned? as its percieved as OP? this is GW giving peeps what they actually want in a tourney setting.

07-18-2010, 03:51 AM
Brycey, Brycey. I'm after the second level analysis. The community/OP explanation is nearly there - although there are few enough occasions when GW listens to opinion.

Let me order this -

1. A part of GW has said the lack of allies was a mistake (the custserv email in the other thread - can't be bothered to link).

2. This same source said you could use hard copy.

So, given these 2, there is absolutely no logic apparent - I see where you are going with simplicitly but why would you use something which given 1. above is containing mistakes and 2. GW has said specifically allies can be used? A fella called Brendan Bell (GW US) had an email shown on this site saying hardcopy was authorised for Ardboyz.

So why the apparent disparity between GW US and UK?

07-18-2010, 04:09 AM
probably for similar reasons to why at a mcdonalds in the uk you get a burger the size of your palm, but in the states you get one the size of your face, whereas in thailand yous get duck. Its what the consumers in different nations want. we dont want burgers the size of our face in britain, whereas in the states its got the demand for said burgers. The americans probably dont want crispy duck, or green curry from maccy Dees, but thai people would. in the states there is a (generally in competion) a WAAC mentality, whereas in britain we have a "its the taking part that counts" one. Besides ard boys is meant to be the cheesiest wotsit in the pack is it not? whereas ToS isnt? the bit in that linky that got me was the requirement for a fully painted army, and if you werent sure your army was "fully painted" then call them to find out.

07-18-2010, 04:15 AM
Fair one - and people wonder why some of us worry about dumbing down...

07-18-2010, 10:04 AM
The americans probably dont want crispy duck, or green curry from maccy Dees, but thai people would. in the states there is a (generally in competion) a WAAC mentality, whereas in britain we have a "its the taking part that counts" one.

Welcome to the internet, where lemmings and parrots live.

Sorry, you are just wrong, and quite to the contrary. It is the UK major tourney scene that has mostly done away with the soft score system, while here in the states, this dreaded thing is everywhere. Like plague. So oddly enough, I would actually LIKE you to be correct, because I would love to have soft scores abolished.

Same with he dumbing down of the rules myth, but hey, I guess people REALLY want army killing virus grenades back, and 7 hour game stalling overwatch as well. Oh, and unless we have a negative modifier to armor saves, the game MUST be for kids, right?

LOL at best.

07-18-2010, 10:57 AM
Welcome to the internet, where lemmings and parrots live.

Sorry, you are just wrong, and quite to the contrary. It is the UK major tourney scene that has mostly done away with the soft score system, while here in the states, this dreaded thing is everywhere. Like plague. So oddly enough, I would actually LIKE you to be correct, because I would love to have soft scores abolished.

Same with he dumbing down of the rules myth, but hey, I guess people REALLY want army killing virus grenades back, and 7 hour game stalling overwatch as well. Oh, and unless we have a negative modifier to armor saves, the game MUST be for kids, right?

LOL at best.

Not quite so true anymore, the UK 'GT' system has had a overhaul returning some weighting to the softscores while independent events are about 50/50 when it comes to counting sthem for best general or not, whatever your opinion of them.

07-18-2010, 11:15 AM
Welcome to the internet, where lemmings and parrots live.

Sorry, you are just wrong, and quite to the contrary. It is the UK major tourney scene that has mostly done away with the soft score system, while here in the states, this dreaded thing is everywhere. Like plague. So oddly enough, I would actually LIKE you to be correct, because I would love to have soft scores abolished.

Same with he dumbing down of the rules myth, but hey, I guess people REALLY want army killing virus grenades back, and 7 hour game stalling overwatch as well. Oh, and unless we have a negative modifier to armor saves, the game MUST be for kids, right?

LOL at best.

Thats because soft scores are oxymoronic - its still about the winning, just in different categories.
I'va always thought soft score was an example of competitiveness at work - in that every last piece of the tournament must be accounted for and a winner announced - most sporting, best painting, hideous b.o etc - as opposed to the UK - you win if your army wins, lets not try and fanny around with any other thing. Theres something quite straightforward and honest about that.

As to myths just because you declare something as a myth doesn't make it so Buffo - I know you harp on like an old man on the front porch about Codex Creep not existing. Many many veteran players think that less rules means overall the game has been dumbed down.

Nowhere did I say that a streamlined rule set can't be fun, nor have I stated I think it is a kids game - only recently I said quite the opposite. But I maintain that the old days must have been fun, or no one would have bought and played 40K and we wouldn't have gone through 5 editions.

Its a different gaming experience for sure but clearly there is a generation which wants instant gratification - it must be now now now and fit into 2 hours or it is no good. Well the change in rules from 3 days to have a fun game to 2 hours - whatever has enabled that, I am using the vernacular 'dumbing down' to mean make simpler - are you agreeing it is simpler? If yes, then my vernacular is suitable.

I can't LOL INTERWEBZ ftw teh ubber roflcopter lmfao at you or any other internet speak cack in your direction, merely hope you achieve a darwin award soon.

07-18-2010, 11:45 AM
OK, so explain why the blog is permissive, and the TOS rules are explicitly restrictive.

Because TOs are quite frequently nutjobs with weird ideas about how the hobby should be played and wnat to force that on all the players who join their tournaments?

Or maybe that's just my own personal experience.

07-18-2010, 12:05 PM
Welcome to the internet, where lemmings and parrots live.

Sorry, you are just wrong, and quite to the contrary. It is the UK major tourney scene that has mostly done away with the soft score system, while here in the states, this dreaded thing is everywhere. Like plague. So oddly enough, I would actually LIKE you to be correct, because I would love to have soft scores abolished.

Same with he dumbing down of the rules myth, but hey, I guess people REALLY want army killing virus grenades back, and 7 hour game stalling overwatch as well. Oh, and unless we have a negative modifier to armor saves, the game MUST be for kids, right?

LOL at best.

i said in general, as in not just tabletop, but all sports, including american football, baseball, lacross, and more besides. i think its something that permeates US society, like in business or life in general, you guys are driven to suceed. In britain, we're like our weather, a bit melancholy(bill baily summed it up best with his new national anthem, a mix of portishead and hhokey kokey) and sucess is less important(in general).as to whether the rules are "dumbing down", i honestly cant comment, as i havent been gaming since 1st edition, and simply owning the rules-set doesnt make me an expert on game length, difficulty etc. as to tourneys without "soft" scores, or lack thereof, just organise your own. if its that popular an idea, and its done well, then itll become a major event, and youll be happy!

07-18-2010, 04:44 PM

07-18-2010, 04:48 PM
Not quite so true anymore, the UK 'GT' system has had a overhaul returning some weighting to the softscores while independent events are about 50/50 when it comes to counting sthem for best general or not, whatever your opinion of them.

Thank you for your input on this, I will take this into consideration from now on, as I have no reason to distrust you.

As to myths just because you declare something as a myth doesn't make it so Buffo - I know you harp on like an old man on the front porch about Codex Creep not existing. Many many veteran players think that less rules means overall the game has been dumbed down.

It is a myth. Deal.

Nowhere did I say that a streamlined rule set can't be fun, nor have I stated I think it is a kids game - only recently I said quite the opposite. But I maintain that the old days must have been fun, or no one would have bought and played 40K and we wouldn't have gone through 5 editions.

No where did I even QUOTE you or respond to anything you said, so I have NO idea what you are on about here.

Stop getting defensive when I wasn't even talking to you, about you, or responding to you.

Its a different gaming experience for sure but clearly there is a generation which wants instant gratification - it must be now now now and fit into 2 hours or it is no good. Well the change in rules from 3 days to have a fun game to 2 hours - whatever has enabled that, I am using the vernacular 'dumbing down' to mean make simpler - are you agreeing it is simpler? If yes, then my vernacular is suitable.

The game is BETTER than it ever was in any previous edition, and THAT is what matters. Call it what you will.

can't LOL INTERWEBZ ftw teh ubber roflcopter lmfao at you or any other internet speak cack in your direction, merely hope you achieve a darwin award soon.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Speak English please.

i said in general, as in not just tabletop, but all sports, including american football, baseball, lacross, and more besides.

I agree, but, don't pretend that only Americans are headless monsters wanting to win at everything. Last time I checked the news, people in other countries get killled over soccer/football. When was the last time there was a soccer riot in England? Like five a day?

I can play the stereotype game as well :)

i think its something that permeates US society, like in business or life in general, you guys are driven to suceed.

I may be mistaken, but just about everyone around the globe wants to live in America, work in America and be an American. I have lived in Germany and Italy for 4 years, and in the Middle East for a few years. I am a dual Citizen of both Brasil and America, and back in my country of birth, EVERYONE wants to get a piece of the American success action. Despite what people on the net want to believe, people in 'real life', who want a better life for their family, all want to cross the boarder to get in here for a reason.

Hell, most of the companies that RUN America aren't even American!!

Wanting to succeed isn't just an American concept. You know, the world has existed before America, right? America was founded by British companies trying to be successful... So we can thank you guys for instilling the greed in our veins since we are just your children.

Ever since man has walked the earth, the need to suceed by any means has been with us.

WAAC, success, greed, etc.... This is human nature, not American nature.

In britain, we're like our weather, a bit melancholy(bill baily summed it up best with his new national anthem, a mix of portishead and hhokey kokey) and sucess is less important(in general).

Ha! Until your soccer team loses, then it is a riot in the stands and in the streets. Chavs shivving chavs left and right!

I respect your opinion, and delight in our banter!

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
07-18-2010, 09:44 PM
Buffo, i respect you and any American, but that comment that everyone wants to live in the USA, seriously.
I live in Australia, lots of beaches, great weather, and great scenery.

Why would everyone want to live in the USA?? watch the news, do yo know how many illegal boat people try to get into our shores each month here??
Likes America but its not the best place to live. Every country has there ups and downs.I mena saying that everyone wants to live, breath, work and live the American dream, dont you think that a little over rated there???

Im not starting a flame war of which country is better, or who's country is richer or anything else, but I think Buffo you didnt think this through, or maybe you did, and are justa proud American.
I understand that, i love Australia.

But i would never rant that everyone wants to live in Australia, work here, or anything else.

Silly Buffo

07-18-2010, 10:02 PM
I'm a huge "the PDFs should be changed" proponent. But ultimately, it doesn't matter. The Tournament Organizer---aka "god"--has stated which army lists will be legal at the Throne of Skulls tourney.

Discussion over. That's the way it's going to be. If you don't like that, it's probably best to stop worrying about it and go elsewhere.

07-18-2010, 11:01 PM
I don't plan on going to Throne of Skulls anyway, never did... not like I'd be able to afford the flight there anyway :P

but I think Buffo you didnt think this through, or maybe you did, and are justa proud American.

Hint (http://www.google.com/search?q=define:tinternet%20roll) :P

07-19-2010, 01:09 AM
Buffo, i respect you and any American, but that comment that everyone wants to live in the USA, seriously.
I live in Australia, lots of beaches, great weather, and great scenery.

Silly Buffo

I agree with him. I live here in Spain, in Europe (but you always site it under Mexico or in Northern Africa) and here we have green fields, mountains, and we´re all surrounded by water!! The Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Cantabric Sea... We have a lot of beaches and it´s common lots of yankees come here to enjoy my country: paella, siesta, cheap beer and alcohol... FIESTA, as you always say.

So... Why should I want to go to USA? I only have one reason and it´s watching NBA, but talking about miniatures there´s no need.

Please, stop believing you are the center of the world...

07-19-2010, 03:24 AM
I'm a huge "the PDFs should be changed" proponent. But ultimately, it doesn't matter. The Tournament Organizer---aka "god"--has stated which army lists will be legal at the Throne of Skulls tourney.

Discussion over. That's the way it's going to be. If you don't like that, it's probably best to stop worrying about it and go elsewhere.

Thanks for this well thought out comment cactus man. Yes, you are right, none of it matters, as it is a hobby and a luxury, you are correct. Clearly you are an analyst and debater of socratic and homeric and rodin proportions all rolled into one, I bow to your wisdom.

However, having invested time and money in both the hobby, the company, and this tournament, I would like there to be a rational joined up approach company-wide, with the reasoning behind it explained as I am an adult and not their servant.

Therefore actually it matters enough to me to post, and discuss it on here. It matters enough for you to read it and reply. So therefore if YOU don't LIKE that, please take your own advice, stop worrying about THIS thread and go elsewhere.

07-19-2010, 05:19 AM
Throne of skulls has zero to do with games that are played casually and other tournies. The GW community blog says that the PDF does not override the printed codex.

07-19-2010, 07:21 AM
As Ive mentioned on several occasions, My Mother is an American. All I have to do to get US Citizenship is stroll into the US Embassy in London and ask. There are several really good reasons why I never have.

I wouldn't move to the States if you paid me to.

07-19-2010, 09:15 AM
I've been reading this thread and here's my 2 cents worth, We American's have it way to easy. With the new generation its all me,me! they take but never give. they are all for riding on coattails of are forefathers who were ambitions, driven, and self-reliant.not to rag about my nation but for the most part there pansies!
And for the Brits, well I'll put it lightly we need you as much as you need us, you lads on the other side of the pond have the Old world mentality of it will come out in the wash. So sit back and have a Pint!

TOS is for thou's of us who don't want to play against a tin man army or so on

07-19-2010, 10:30 AM
Buffo, i respect you and any American, but that comment that everyone wants to live in the USA, seriously.
I live in Australia, lots of beaches, great weather, and great scenery.

Why would everyone want to live in the USA?? watch the news, do yo know how many illegal boat people try to get into our shores each month here??
Likes America but its not the best place to live. Every country has there ups and downs.I mena saying that everyone wants to live, breath, work and live the American dream, dont you think that a little over rated there???

Im not starting a flame war of which country is better, or who's country is richer or anything else, but I think Buffo you didnt think this through, or maybe you did, and are justa proud American.
I understand that, i love Australia.

But i would never rant that everyone wants to live in Australia, work here, or anything else.

Silly Buffo

I don't think you understood my post at all. Let me explain in detail what I meant.

I am NOT an American. I speak 3 languages, and have traveled and lived around the world. Everywhere I have went, 9 out of 10 people want to live in America.

When I say 'everyone' it is an figure of speech. That is my fault for saying 'everyone' because I forget that people online have no ability to understand what a 'figure of speech' is.

When I lived in Germany, every girl I met wanted to marry me to get into America. when I lived in Italy, it was pretty much the same thing. When I lived in Iraq, the people I met (not only from Iraq, but the Philippines and Croatia as imported workers) always asked about America, and creamed of moving to America. In Brasil, my home country, the entire modern culture it all about trying to live like an American if they could not legally move to America.

So yeah, everyone does want to move here.

Let me put it this way. You and I both live in "Western Society', and this is what these people want. They want plumbing that works, they want clean water, they want immunizations, they want education, they want jobs. What these people really want is 'Western Society' and all its freedoms, BUT, when it comes to categorizing what Western Society IS, it is easier for them to identify all these positive attributes with America.

Now the above may sound off when talking about Germany or Italy, but I am not claiming to know what motivates people to do what they do. They wanted to move to America for a 'better' life, even though the life I saw for them in Germany was just as good, so I am just saying what I saw.

I am sure, if given a chance, these people would move to Australia in a heart beat. With America being the big dawg on the planet at the moment, all attention focuses on us on ALL matters, whether warranted or not.

I don't plan on going to Throne of Skulls anyway, never did... not like I'd be able to afford the flight there anyway :P

Hint (http://www.google.com/search?q=define:tinternet%20roll) :P

Fail, as usual. What else is new with you though?

Can you at least TRY to be a decent troll?

07-19-2010, 10:57 AM
Thanks for this well thought out comment cactus man. Yes, you are right, none of it matters, as it is a hobby and a luxury, you are correct. Clearly you are an analyst and debater of socratic and homeric and rodin proportions all rolled into one, I bow to your wisdom.

However, having invested time and money in both the hobby, the company, and this tournament, I would like there to be a rational joined up approach company-wide, with the reasoning behind it explained as I am an adult and not their servant.

Therefore actually it matters enough to me to post, and discuss it on here. It matters enough for you to read it and reply. So therefore if YOU don't LIKE that, please take your own advice, stop worrying about THIS thread and go elsewhere.

I think my post is better rationalized than you are considering.

See, I agree: there should be a unified approach to GW rulings across all their regional events. It would help clarify things immensely for players around the world.

However, you are suggesting that they should be forced to do this. The reality is that whoever has organized this tournament has decided otherwise, likely after considering his or her personal opinions on the subject. It isn't possible to be that aware of the discrepancies between bound and online editions and not factor them in when creating this sort of rule.

You are suggesting that one or more persons in the writing and customer support staff at GW are in charge of making blanket rulings for all GW events. This is simply untrue. We know this because actual GW tournament organizers have the ability to override them at any moment, as is being proven at this very moment. And they always have.

What I am suggesting is that the only way to raise an objection to this is the following: write (or email or call, if you can) the Games Workshop event support division. Tell them that you will not be attending this event, nor supporting it in any way. Make it clear that the withdrawal of this support is due ENTIRELY to this decision regarding PDF codices and not, for example, the possibility that you live on the opposite side of the planet (not necessarily aimed at you Denzark, this bit is for everyone). And then continue to not support GW events that do not use the current, correct rules for these armies. Whining about it to the rest of us isn't going to do anything. The Tournament Organizer, again, has decided what will and will not be permissible at the tournament. Oh, and lest we forget, that was the precise statement of the release a few weeks ago regarding this question in relation to these codices authenticity.

Only when GW sees that this decision will hurt their event's reputation will they reconsider changing it.

07-19-2010, 12:09 PM
I've been reading this thread and here's my 2 cents worth, We American's have it way to easy. With the new generation its all me,me! they take but never give. they are all for riding on coattails of are forefathers who were ambitions, driven, and self-reliant.not to rag about my nation but for the most part there pansies!

One thing I will say about America, is that you really can't generalize about it. Except for the high obesity rates. That's everywhere, thanks to the extreme abundance of foods of nearly every conceviable type. It's really easy to get fat here.

But even culture and attitudes change across the states. You can travel to the next state over, and people can have a different accent, completely different political views, different slang, different attitudes and approaches to life.

In fact, not long ago an old friend of mine visited for the 4th of july up in Tahoe, coming from Vegas. She was stunned at how often people would hold the door for her, or pull out a chair for her, or just do other little polite things. Apparently that doesn't ever happen in vegas.

07-19-2010, 12:57 PM
I think my post is better rationalized than you are considering.

See, I agree: there should be a unified approach to GW rulings across all their regional events. It would help clarify things immensely for players around the world.

However, you are suggesting that they should be forced to do this. The reality is that whoever has organized this tournament has decided otherwise, likely after considering his or her personal opinions on the subject. It isn't possible to be that aware of the discrepancies between bound and online editions and not factor them in when creating this sort of rule.

You are suggesting that one or more persons in the writing and customer support staff at GW are in charge of making blanket rulings for all GW events. This is simply untrue. We know this because actual GW tournament organizers have the ability to override them at any moment, as is being proven at this very moment. And they always have.

What I am suggesting is that the only way to raise an objection to this is the following: write (or email or call, if you can) the Games Workshop event support division. Tell them that you will not be attending this event, nor supporting it in any way. Make it clear that the withdrawal of this support is due ENTIRELY to this decision regarding PDF codices and not, for example, the possibility that you live on the opposite side of the planet (not necessarily aimed at you Denzark, this bit is for everyone). And then continue to not support GW events that do not use the current, correct rules for these armies. Whining about it to the rest of us isn't going to do anything. The Tournament Organizer, again, has decided what will and will not be permissible at the tournament. Oh, and lest we forget, that was the precise statement of the release a few weeks ago regarding this question in relation to these codices authenticity.

Only when GW sees that this decision will hurt their event's reputation will they reconsider changing it.

And yet this is an internet discussion forum. You seem unfamiliar with the format so I will enlighten you:D

People come on here and talk about things that interest, annoy or excite them. Other people then answer with opinions of their own and a discussion of the subject matter takes place. It doesn't matter if the discussion will change anything or not, the entertainment is the discussion itself.

If we did not indulge in exactly this type of discussion it wouldn't be much of a discussion forum would it?

If the current topic seems boring or pointless to you, don't take part.

Whining and moaning are the meat and drink of the Internet discussion forum and your whining about Denzarks whining is a case in point:rolleyes:

07-19-2010, 02:31 PM
Whining and moaning are the meat and drink of the Internet discussion forum and your whining about Denzarks whining is a case in point:rolleyes:

Of course, whining about whining is a vital part to any internet discussion

07-19-2010, 02:54 PM
Of course, whining about whining is a vital part to any internet discussion

As is whining about someone whining about someones whining:D

07-20-2010, 05:14 AM
Ha! Darky and Mr A, I snorted out loud (SOL'd?) between my whining.

Listen, crazy cactii. I have written to the organisers asking them to explain the inconsistency. What I'm not saying is that I can't operate under constraints and instructions I don't like, I do it every day of my life as do most of us except for criminals and lunatics who fling their dung outside their cages.

But, as it is not a criminal law or even military law, blind acceptance without questioning is not required. Going or not going will not achieve my desire here - which is to discover WHY 2 different parts of the company are ruling 2 different ways on the issue. Not just a slight skewing on a small aspect but a complete 180 degrees difference.

What I am hoping is that someone can come up with some unassailable logic why this is the case (and not 'becuase they're the TO it is their right - that is no answer - and not 'there is no such thng as unassailable logic' because that is guff)

Alternatively, as sometimes happens on this site, someone may have an insight or intelligence of some sort as to why GW is doing this - primary source information from the horses mouth so to speak.

Please read and understand Aldramelech's comments on what a discussion is for - if you can't advance this you might as well not bother at all.

@ Pendragon you are right - lets have a pint.

07-20-2010, 02:41 PM
lets have a pint. drink till the topic is fuzzy

07-21-2010, 02:52 PM
My email to GW and now a reply - so we'll wait and see what comes next (PS my contact and phone numbers excluded - I have not just made this up):

RE: Army List Question - 40K TOS 2010‏
From: Warhammer World Events ([email protected])
Sent: 21 July 2010 10:48:47
To: mongo ming ()


Apologies for any confusion on this – I’ll forward your email on to the Games Developers to make them aware of the situation.


Andy Joyce

Warhammer World Events Manager

Check out the blog! http://warhammerworld.typepad.com/warhammer_world_news/events.html

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From: mongo ming [mailto:]
Sent: 17 July 2010 19:46
To: Warhammer World Events
Subject: Army List Question - 40K TOS 2010

Dear Sir/Madam

Having seen your FAQ reference the above event, I wonder if you could clarify that ONLY the PDF versions of the Inquisition codexes are allowed. This is becuase, on the release of the PDFs, many players queried the lack of allies in the PDFs. There was such a heavy email traffic that, I have seen emails purporting to be from various GW, still giving the printed codexes legitimacy.

Firstly, from [email protected] stating printed rules could be used in the 2010 Ardboyz tournament. Secondly, the following:

The new PDF is up for the people who do not have access to buy the codex anymore. The missing Alies section in the U.S format is indeed a mistake. And whichever one the tournament/event organizer says to use is the one that we have to abide by. I know that for our tournaments we will be using the Physical codex and NOT the PDF. I hope this helps!


John Hollingsworth
Customer Service Specialist

Apparently from [email protected].

I appreciate these both seem to be GW US addresses, but i would be interested to see if there is no corporate parity regarding these rules.

If you have ruled the paper (complete with all rules) codex out, I would be greatly obliged if you could explain why you have done so, and why our US cousins haven't the same restrictions.

Thank you,

C (Denzark)