View Full Version : Feminising High Elf Prince kit

07-16-2010, 11:09 PM
I've got one of the gorgeous plastic High Elf Prince kits which I've never got around to assembling and painting for my little High Elf force. What I want to do with it is convert them into females and I'm wondering how to do it. Current plan consists of filing the waist down a bit to give it a more feminine curve, and if thats not enough possibly reshape the upper torso with green stuff in a sensible fashion. Any advice/opinions? Will the waist be easily filed etc?

07-17-2010, 12:15 AM
You could take a look at some wood elf models, i believe the glade guard have a few female torsos and heads.
that said, they would look waay out of place on an armoured prince model, so i'm not quite sure what to do there.

07-17-2010, 02:44 AM
Well thats the thing, I want to keep as much of the kit present as possible, not go using alternate torsos and such because there just aren't any which work. I'm hoping I can get away with filing the waist slightly and painting the helmet pink. If that doesn't work, GS breasts. But then I lose some of the nice detail on the torso, and I don't have the GS skill to replace it.

07-17-2010, 03:58 AM
Hm I'm thinking now I might just take a nice head off another female elf miniature and stick it on. I lose the pretty helmet though.:(

07-17-2010, 06:39 AM
Since I'm not very good at GS I have the same problem on different projects as well. Best thing I can suggest is make a GS mold of the chest, attach the boobs, then cast the GS mold very thin and try to drape it on the new "landscape" like cloth. It might work... it might not... might take several tries, but should be a good center piece when done.

07-17-2010, 07:15 AM
I'm not quite sure what you mean, though it sound promising. I feel a bit stupid (blonde) today.:(

Since I'm not very good at GS I have the same problem on different projects as well. Best thing I can suggest is make a GS mold of the chest, attach the boobs, then cast the GS mold very thin and try to drape it on the new "landscape" like cloth. It might work... it might not... might take several tries, but should be a good center piece when done.

07-17-2010, 07:36 AM
He means press the green stuff to the model so all the detail is on it in reverse, then when it's hard do the same to the green stuff with .. more green stuff, and you'll have all the detail the correct way on the greenstuff.
Then the only problem is to get it to attach to the model properly.

07-17-2010, 07:44 AM
Ah I see, that makes sense. So I attach some GS breasts to the actual torso, then drape the detail back over them and try and squidge it down to attach it without damage the detail too much, so Iget the original detail moulded over the new breasts? I could see that working. I could even file the original detail off first to make the torso smaller and more feminine and lay the GS detail over that.

07-17-2010, 08:54 AM
Eldar girl, where you based?

I've recently thought about basically doing exactly what you want, and will probably be doing one or two trys. If they come out ok, i would be more than happy to just send you one. (distance permitting of course. if your like in the out reaches of the outback then maybe not lol)

07-17-2010, 09:02 AM
Sent you a PM, addamsfamily.:)

07-17-2010, 09:08 AM
EG, I've done that to 'feminise' my Reaver's Princeps (http://collegiatitanica.blogspot.com/2010/06/divisio-mandati-igneus-angelus-complete.html) (scroll down a bit) and it works rather well.

I attached a blob of Green Stuff to an old brush to get the impression of the original armour and let it set. Meanwhile I built up the torso slightly, leaving that to cure.
Once it was all done I layed out a fairly thick layer (for what I was trying to 'cast', maybe 1mm) over the torso and lubricating the mould on the brush-head rolled it over the line of the torso, top to bottom, so the formerly flat design was now 'stretched'. The excess Green Stuff was squeezed out the side of the press mould, so I had to do some cleanup, trimming and a bit of minor re-sculpting, but it turned out alright.

With the helmet I have bored out IG helms to fit in new heads previously - the best photo I've got is here (http://collegiatitanica.blogspot.com/2010/06/reaver-techpriest-and-sentinels.html) (scroll down, the flamer Sentinel). It'd be a bit trickier with the fancy High Elf one and may require some rebuilding of the cheek-guards. One trick to make it look more feminin is to use a smaller head than the standard GW potato - a LotR (I used Eowyn in the linked mini) or Hasslefree (they tend to be a bit smaller) would work. It gives the illusion of a slighter build which indicates feminity more easily (it's why in Michaelangelo's Pieta he sculpted Mary to have a very small face compared to her otherwise large body - it accentuates her frailty at the time).

07-17-2010, 09:21 AM
Aha, I see, thanks! Nice princeps too, I wholeheartedly approve. Whole cities devestated by the firepower of the titan, only the artisan chocolate shops emerging unscathed... I think I can manage the torso with a bit of practise, this will be my most ambitious conversion to date, usually I stick to simple thing or bully a brother into doing it for me. I agree with the head advice too, I thought I might be able to get away with using the existing head but its too masculine. I found a Elf over at Reaper minis I like the head of, might borrow that and hollow out the platic GW head and strap it to her saddle as a helmet or some such thing.

07-17-2010, 10:01 AM
Nice princeps too, I wholeheartedly approve. Whole cities devestated by the firepower of the titan, only the artisan chocolate shops emerging unscathed...

Ha ha, not too far from her personality really :D

I had a look on the GW site, and assuming it's the torso with the two dragons facing each other, I don't think it needs to be that complicated. The cuirass is already curved outwards, but due to his gigantic elvish belt of bling it doesn't start from the waist, but from a fair bit up the stomach. It'd be simpler to bring the waist in and re-sculpt/cast the belt buckle as it would be on a flat plane, rather than trying to reproduce the dragons on an essentially spheroid surface.
Another trick to accentuate feminity is in colour selection and painting - use slightly more extreme highlights and shading than you would normally to bring out the curves (with the armoured elf here (http://collegiatitanica.blogspot.com/2010/07/myrianna-and-ingrior-of-aelfheim.html) you can see I did some 'underboob' shading so to speak). I'm looking at 2d pics here, but it could even be possible to work on the shoulders to give it a sharper curve and narrow them slightly.

05-10-2011, 06:38 PM
Or you could make a mould of the fancy armour and drape it over some dark eldar torsos, as they are already the right shape, and you dont loose the master torso if it goes wrong.