View Full Version : What is this weapon?

Chris Copeland
07-16-2010, 12:41 PM
Dear Old-Timers,
I have this Dreadnought. I really like this model and I'd like to field it. I'm curious, though: what is the long weapon on the right side? I'm guessing a las-cannon... any help would be appreciated...

Cheers... Copeland


Mike X
07-16-2010, 01:30 PM
Old timers? More like ancient timers. I can't believe Games Workshop financially survived producing models like that!

07-16-2010, 02:09 PM
That looks like the dreadnought is armed with a TL Heavy Bolter (they were smaller back then...) and possibly a conversion beamer.

07-16-2010, 02:12 PM
just either

a) make your poopnent clear of what it is (e.g. counts as)
b) swap it for a new weapon

its a lovely model tho :D

07-16-2010, 02:57 PM
Graviton Gun?

07-16-2010, 03:15 PM
What ever it is - its something you don't see very often...a dark angel being used.

07-16-2010, 05:04 PM
Dear Whippersnapper,

May I positively ID this for you?

It is the Imperial Furibundus Class Destroyer Dreadnought, equipped with a storm bolter and a lascannon - known as Fury for short.

Now, it's past your bed time, you can play with it in the morning.:D

Chris Copeland
07-16-2010, 06:59 PM
Thanks, Grandpa! Please tell us about the good ol' days! Is it true that there used to be Space Biker Dwarves in the game and something called a "Gamemaster"? :P

PS I really appreciate the ID on the weaponry... heck, now I don't even have to say "Counts As" when I use the model...

07-16-2010, 08:01 PM
Dear Whippersnapper,

May I positively ID this for you?

It is the Imperial Furibundus Class Destroyer Dreadnought, equipped with a storm bolter and a lascannon - known as Fury for short.

Now, it's past your bed time, you can play with it in the morning.:D

Not to mention they were (if I remember correctly) robotic dreadnaughts. You had Fury, Chuck & Eddy classes (Furibundus, Contemptor & Deredo).

07-16-2010, 08:30 PM
Not to mention they were (if I remember correctly) robotic dreadnaughts. You had Fury, Chuck & Eddy classes (Furibundus, Contemptor & Deredo).

Naw, they were cyborgs then too. The pilot was inside the ball shaped upper torso, in a foetal position with a tap directly into his spinal column.

In the original rogue trader (1st edition) the pilot wasn't a mortally wounded marine stuck in the dreadnought for the rest of his life. They could leave the dreadnought, though if they were suddenly ripped out of one they were stunned for a long time.

I loved the old school dreadnoughts. I think they have way more character then the boxy things they use now (which looked like they were ripped off from the movie 'silent running'). People liked to paint sharkmouths on the lower part of the ball shaped upper torso, like you'd see on WWII fighter planes.

07-16-2010, 11:20 PM
Nice, I'd be tempted to build a pre-heresy army just to go with it if I had one.

Kieranator K82
07-17-2010, 12:11 AM
just either

a) make your poopnent clear of what it is (e.g. counts as)
b) swap it for a new weapon

its a lovely model tho :D

Lol poopnent! Is that how you refer to all your associates?

07-17-2010, 12:47 AM
The competition at the time wasn't any better. Whenever we get people complaining about the quality of the sculpts at our group we pull out some of the early 80s, pre Warhammer stuff my brothers picked up. Scary scary.

Old timers? More like ancient timers. I can't believe Games Workshop financially survived producing models like that!

07-17-2010, 12:53 AM
Actually, as I recall, it wasn't even a stormbolter, just a twin linked bolt rifle. I have three of these, and I enjoy deploying them just so my opponents will go WTF? It's also fun to get into arguments about whether they're 'real' GW or not.:)

P.S. Yes, there used to be really short bikers running around, Marines and Imperial Army used to get jetbikes, and there were even Space Lizards. Good times, good times.

07-17-2010, 11:44 PM
Naw, they were cyborgs then too. The pilot was inside the ball shaped upper torso, in a foetal position with a tap directly into his spinal column.

In the original rogue trader (1st edition) the pilot wasn't a mortally wounded marine stuck in the dreadnought for the rest of his life. They could leave the dreadnought, though if they were suddenly ripped out of one they were stunned for a long time.

I loved the old school dreadnoughts. I think they have way more character then the boxy things they use now (which looked like they were ripped off from the movie 'silent running'). People liked to paint sharkmouths on the lower part of the ball shaped upper torso, like you'd see on WWII fighter planes.

Never mind them... remember the robots the guard used to have? They were like BigTrack (a tracked programmable robot tank used to annoy dads and deliver cups of tea) in that you had to map out their moves a turn in advance with counters.

07-18-2010, 01:58 AM
I don't remember laying out moves in advance. AFAIK the original rules had programs, laid out like a flow chart, so they could react to the enemy moves. Of course there was a chance the program would lock up.

07-18-2010, 10:49 AM
...there was a chance the program would lock up.

In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future there is only Windows 40,000

Sanguinary Dan
07-18-2010, 01:39 PM
Ah to think there was massive excitement in the shop when we received our first shipment of those Dreadnoughts. I don't think I actually ever put it on the tabletop though... Heck, I'd actually forgotten that I still have a pair of them in the garage. :)

But I won't count them toward my self imposed limit of 20 Dreadnoughts so I can still buy 3 more when GW or FW finally release a Furioso. :D

titan eddy
07-18-2010, 04:17 PM
Old timers? More like ancient timers. I can't believe Games Workshop financially survived producing models like that!
Yeah i agree this is from like the beginning of the 40k series:eek:

07-19-2010, 12:08 AM
What about the weapons on the old Space Crusade Dread? Can this thing even be used for 40k?

07-19-2010, 12:21 AM
From a 40k-newb perspective, that looks like an Assault Cannon and a Lascannon, with either hunter-killer missiles or just doo-dads on top. I'd love to play against it in 40k. It reminds me of the superheavy titans.

07-19-2010, 12:49 AM
the weapons on that chaos dread are heavy flamer, missile launcher up top with an assult cannon and las cannon up front. also under the head was a pair of bolters. as for the old metal dread at the top of this thread a friend of mine still fields one till he gets a new one as some oponents cry as its not much bigger than a terminator, also might explain in early editions why a rino could transport one.

07-19-2010, 02:17 AM
Pair of HEAVY bolters under the head (at least in the space crusade games we played).

Can it be used these days? Not with those weapons (too many of them).

As for the relative ugliness of them ... I STILL use two of them in my SM army.
They are referred to as "Sh!tkicker 1 & 2".
They are an older mark, designed for tunnel fighting and boarding actions.

and they STILL look better than the walking outhouse GW currently flog (Jes Goodwin design notwithstanding).

07-19-2010, 08:35 AM
From the '91 catalog, link to "The Stuff of Legends (http://www.solegends.com/)" site
