View Full Version : Greetings everyone!

07-15-2010, 06:51 PM
Hello everyone, allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Stephen Nowicki and I am the local "Hobby Champion" at the Games Workshop here in Milwaukee, WI. I am 24 and have been a veteran of 40k since I was 10, and am an all around game system connoisseur. I used to work for Black Orc games and helped with R&D for their game "100 Kingdoms" before the company was bought.

My greatest achievement as a gamer so far has been the creation of my "Long Fangs Storyline League", a campaign of epic proportions ( the guide is 75 pages long! ) that has endured within our gaming community for the last 8 months and continues to grow, with almost every store in the state adopting its rules and creating something of a "state-wide" campaign. If any of you guys are interested in checking out the rules set and giving it a spin at your local hobby store, please drop me an email ( [email protected] )to check it out, with no ego I can say that its model is flawless and it works extremely well.

Other than that I offer a grey viewpoint on all matters, choosing to not take any side except the side of what I believe to be right at the time, despite if what I believe is not what others do. Feel free to ask me any questions and I look forward to exchanging knowledge with all of you in these forums. Thank you and have a good day!

- Steve

07-17-2010, 07:44 AM
Welcome to BoLS Honor Bomb!

07-18-2010, 04:52 AM
Hello and welcome Honorbomb.