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View Full Version : Help on equipping Reiksguard Knights

07-15-2010, 12:41 AM
My Empire army is growing slowly, but surely. My next project out is a unit of Knights that I will paint up as Reiksguard.

However, I am looking for some tips on how to equip them? Is the SnB combination the way to go? Or perhaps lances? The thought is to use them as the hard-hitting CC unit to complement my gunline and spearmen, and I also expect I will not stop with one unit.

How have you guys found the use for the knights and what equipment have you found work good for them?

07-19-2010, 03:37 PM
When you purchase knights you are only given the option of great weapon's or lances. Remember hand weapon and shield provides no special bonus to cav and that you have no choice but to use a special weapon if able to do so.

So if they are going to be Reiksguard then they are lance knights. You just have to decide if they are inner circle or standard knights.

07-19-2010, 11:53 PM
When you purchase knights you are only given the option of great weapon's or lances. Remember hand weapon and shield provides no special bonus to cav and that you have no choice but to use a special weapon if able to do so.

So if they are going to be Reiksguard then they are lance knights. You just have to decide if they are inner circle or standard knights.

Well that became rather embarrasing as I obviously had not read the rules of them properly.. My main army so far has been WoC, I'll blame it on that!

Thank you for the reply, appreciate it, makes it a lot easier :) Going to start building them tomorrow methinks!