View Full Version : Help with arm bits for bike squads...

04-20-2017, 07:24 AM
Hey- I am looking for advice and suggestions for right arm bits for a series of space marine bike squads I want to put together.

I'm looking for right arm bits that would allow me to have my toops hold guns aimed forward or to the side. So far I have found arms from the assault marines (clip off the pistol, put in a gravegun/melta/etc) and arms from the sargent in a regular troop kit. Does anyone have any other bits from any other kits to suggest, or other ideas about ways to model a bike squad with upgraded weapons? I am thinking about gluing or magnatizing a gun to a biker's thigh to represent a mag lock or whathave you. The benefit of the magnets is that I could swap out weapons for different fights, the con is I suspect the guns will get lost.

Any and all thoughts appreciated. Thanks!


04-20-2017, 03:19 PM
I just use the guns with hands attached to the gun.

Swivel the arm up, chop off hand, glue gun hand on.

I think the arm looks like it's held out and locked at the elbow - like how a person shoots a rifle with a single arm.

04-21-2017, 04:17 PM
OMG Cactus, that's perfect. For some reason I think I assumed the regular biker arm would not work- that the angle would look too unnatural or something. That makes this much easier. Thanks for the suggestion.


04-24-2017, 09:57 AM
OMG Cactus, that's perfect. For some reason I think I assumed the regular biker arm would not work- that the angle would look too unnatural or something. That makes this much easier. Thanks for the suggestion.


No problem; and good luck!