View Full Version : Tzeentch Blood Bowl Team- Name Pending

The Madman
04-20-2017, 05:54 AM
Though I've yet to even read the rules (or buy a copy) I couldn't stop when my creative juices began to flow; and having been inspired by a post on Master of the Forge when I googled 'Chaos Blood Bowl' (http://masteroftheforge.com/2016/06/18/blood-bowl-chaos-team/) I decided to assemble my own Tzeentch team. After looking over the teams of legend (https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/blood_bowl/teams_of_legend_en.pdf) supplement that's free on the GW site I decided to cover all my bases and go for the maximum number of each model in the Chaos Chosen Team. At the moment everything is just assembled, no greenstuff or hand filing has been done yet.

First up are the Beastmen runners or in this case, Tzaangor Runners. For the most part these are built straight from the box with one or two minor hand swaps, I might add some more open hands to the models. One thing you may notice is the lack of horns on these guys; that's because I used the horns on my warriors of chaos (as well as their shields and swords) so instead they will have an abundance of tendrils. The shoulder pads are leftovers from Chaos marauders, half sporting one pair of shoulder pads as the other half sport a different pair. Other then the tendrils I'm gonna add some straps to link the shoulder pads to their default armour around their waists.

Next up are the Chosen Blockers, these were an idea I had for chosen in my Age of Sigmar games confirmed by the Master of the Forge team. I had gathered a bunch of Stormcasts that I got from purchasing from an independent retailer as freebies (got another six I think). I like the stature they give and with the extra bits taken from the forsaken box sets (Good bits, meh models) I think I'll be able to give each of them a unique look despite the mono-posed legs. Theme wise from left to right is chosen doused in sorcerous flames, flowing mutation barely contained within his chaos armour, a crystallised chosen from the labyrinths of Tzeentch's realm, and finally a chosen with flesh remade into a more suitable image (though this one is subject to... change).

Last but not least is the Minotaur, this one easily had the most time in the conceptual stage. The problem I had was finding a suitable model that would fit a Tzeentch Ogre-sized model, the Bullgors were too bulky and would prove a challenge to repose and I at first came to settle with a chaos spawn but again I wasn't satisfied with the look. That's when I went onto the GW site and scrolled through the range and found the perfect model and pose for my Minotaur. The Undead Crypt Horrors gave me a tall, lanky model to base my upped Tzaangor on and with a few extra bits it's really become its own thing.

At first its head was an issue, there are very few suitable heads even outside the GW range for what I wanted and I did settle with a resin Lord of change head I hadn't used but even then it was a bit oversized. I had totally forgotten the Tzeentch herald head options until I came across it in my sprue box (box full of mostly full sprues) and it turned out to be the perfect size for the horror. I then added an additional arm sprouting from its left shoulder, a tabard from the Daemon Prince kit and a few tendrils from the Flamers of Tzeentch kit to further part it from the undead range it came from.

At the moment I don't know what to call my team but I've already got an idea for their own themed pitch (A sorta green/teal marble with cracks showing flowing magic beneath the stadium) and the colour scheme is that of my Age of Sigmar army (Turquoise armour with silver trim and purple cloth). So if you have any suggestions on names I'm open to ideas, even just the odd word to add to a pool of words to take ideas from.

05-14-2017, 06:52 AM
Did you mention about Khorn nurgle or slaanesh team too?