View Full Version : qestion about paint

bloodangel 83
07-12-2010, 10:27 PM
Hey guys, i have a question about Citadel's Blood Red", i'm almost out of paint and was wondering if i put a little water inside the bottle will it give me a little bit more or do i just need to buy more paint? Thank you for your time.

07-12-2010, 11:18 PM
It really depends on how much you dilute in the first place. If you add water to the pot, you will dilute the paint. With the crappy coverage I have experienced from this particular paint, I would stick a crowbar in my wallet and pony up for the new paint. Or you could try a new brand like Vallejo and see what the coverage is like.

07-13-2010, 12:36 AM
I'm regularly extending paints (hot summers here gum them up a little). Water or acrylic thinner will work. It won't get you much more paint (with red's already poor coverage you should be careful when thinning), but it will stop it drying up and make it easier to get out.

I have a single vallejo red - coverage is a little better than GW, but red and yellow acrylics are difficult. I like (approximately) gw foundation red, vallejo vermillion (don't have it infront of me so I don't know the name), gw blood red, then lighten with orange and yellow. The vallejo just fills in the missing colour between the foundation and blood red.

bloodangel 83
07-13-2010, 06:28 AM
thanks for the replys. i kind of figured i would have to buy some more and i will get it on payday. I'm thinking of getting 5 bottles to finish redoing my army to all match in color. I have 6-10 man squads, 1 assult sqaud, bikes, attack bike, 4 rhinos 1 pred, 1 whirlwind, 2 dreds and a lr to redo, so is 5 bottles going to be cover all of this with a good base coat?

07-13-2010, 08:40 AM
I'd recommend getting a can of Army Painter red primer (it comes in two red colors, one bright red and one darker red). It'll save you money and time because you won't need to use as much of the expensive GW paint, and it lays down a great base coat.

bloodangel 83
07-13-2010, 06:47 PM
Thanks Lerra for the tip, and one more question where do i get the army painter red primer. the reason i ask is i'm station in England and i know the postal system does ship spray paint. Thanks again for the help.

07-15-2010, 10:35 AM
If you're in the UK:

bloodangel 83
07-15-2010, 07:19 PM
Thanks for the website MasterSlowPoke. i will see what i can do when i get some money, how well does this type of paint work on the minitures?

07-16-2010, 01:19 AM
I have really good experience with army painter red base coat.
Try check this LINK! (http://www.thearmypainter.com/videogallery.php)