07-12-2010, 09:13 PM
I'm putting together my list for my 1,000 point half of the 2,000 point doubles tournament and I need to know if I can run Asdrubael Vect in my 1,000 point Dark Eldar army/portion.
His rules (©1998 Games Workshop) are very old and state that he can only be used in armies of 2,000 points or more. Well, that was two editions and twelve years ago and times have changed. There wasn't meltagun spam as there is now, so what was a cool and somewhat powerful character is now old news when compared to beasts like Memphiston and the Swarmlord and most of the Space Wolf characters.
Anyway, since the total points of both armies is 2,000 points I -guess- it would be okay, but that's a guess. :D
I just want to run him one last time in a tournament before GW either eliminates him from the Dark Eldar lineup, or nerfs him.
I'm putting together my list for my 1,000 point half of the 2,000 point doubles tournament and I need to know if I can run Asdrubael Vect in my 1,000 point Dark Eldar army/portion.
His rules (©1998 Games Workshop) are very old and state that he can only be used in armies of 2,000 points or more. Well, that was two editions and twelve years ago and times have changed. There wasn't meltagun spam as there is now, so what was a cool and somewhat powerful character is now old news when compared to beasts like Memphiston and the Swarmlord and most of the Space Wolf characters.
Anyway, since the total points of both armies is 2,000 points I -guess- it would be okay, but that's a guess. :D
I just want to run him one last time in a tournament before GW either eliminates him from the Dark Eldar lineup, or nerfs him.