View Full Version : Incoming: Stellan Hoplites

07-12-2010, 06:44 PM
Hey Guys,

Here's the cover art of the upcoming Codex: Stellan Hoplites.A WIP document written by myself for recreational and professional purposes. If you dig them up out of the homebrew rules section you'll know these guys are a rather unique twist on Inquisitorial Storm Troopers. Specialized and elite the Stellans are, in game-play terms, an off-shoot of the Imperial Guard in much the same way as Space Wolves or Blood Angels are products of the Space Marine 'umbrella' codex.

What I'm hoping to create is a race that does not enjoy any of the brute force organic enhancements common to space marines and other super soldier 'archetypes'. The Stellans, equal in prowess to the elite Storm Trooper regiments are nevertheless human with all the faults and shortcomings that suggests.

However human beings can be surprisingly divergent - especially when left to the devious machinations of a wayward Lord Inquistor to whom the Adeptus Mechanicus owe a favor of some magnitude. The Stellans have more going for them even than their high-tech wargear and fierce disposition might suggest. Covert and mysterious a secret that would damn a whole world to extinction is hidden within the heart of every Hoplite. A weapon whose true potential shall forever be indeterminable but whose obvious power has the madman Inquisitor grinning in anticipation.

There are several themes I've attempted to build into the Stellans to make them more palatable and to give them authenticity and depth. I know the Greek theme has been done to death but hopefully this time it will be done right since it will have been done by an actual Greek. Also my fascination with space travel has made me add a 'star' theme (hence 'Stellans') which I hope will be more 'romantic' and more subtle than Angry Blood Vampires shooting Blood bullets from guns in their Blood Fists. Finally the enigmatic powers that drive the Stellans would not be complete without someone to personify them: The Lady Enchantress is a character based on a mixture of religious figures from mythology with a great deal of inspiration coming from my beautiful wife.

In game terms the Stellans will play like a mixture of Imperial Guard and Eldar. They are fast and hard-hitting but fragile and unforgiving in the hands of a novice. More than anything I wanted them to be specialized in close-quarters shooting and mobility with melee capabilities if the player is careful in choosing his battles. Synergy is not as important in a Stellan army as each unit should be able to handle almost any target. This will favor players that are bold and good at calculating risks. Often I find that units I've written off as lost will overcome all the odds returning to play a pivotal role in the endgame. This is because I've endeavored to make every model a significant one unlike regular GW codecies that make each squad feel like a meltagun with ablative wounds.

Balancing is still taking place and so the full codex is still some months away. However, I wanted to put this teaser out there and see how people feel about this third part rules-source. The primary objective is not only to match but to surpass GW codex quality with this release and show my fellow gamers just what we can do from home to enhance our hobby. I don't want this to degenerate into a "you'll never be able to use this in a tournament so it's useless debate." There'll be a time for that later. Rather I'd like some comments on the cover art and the idea in general. I'll add a link to older work on the Stellans (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=2060)but keep in mind that all unit entries have been re-done and many are completely different.

Chris Copeland
07-12-2010, 09:46 PM
Atrotos, I REALLY like the cover you've created for your Codex and I can't wait to read it when you are done.

A home-made Codex... that never occurred to me. How cool! Has anyone else seen one of these before? How common are home made codexes? I think it would be neat to play against one...


07-12-2010, 10:02 PM
Looks fantastic so far, and I'm intrigued.
If the content's great, I'll enjoy even more!

07-12-2010, 10:11 PM
In game terms the Stellans will play like a mixture of Imperial Guard and Eldar. They are fast and hard-hitting but fragile and unforgiving in the hands of a novice. More than anything I wanted them to be specialized in close-quarters shooting and mobility with melee capabilities if the player is careful in choosing his battles.

What you mean is that you made Dark Eldar?

Interesting :P

07-13-2010, 01:41 AM
Atrotos, I REALLY like the cover you've created for your Codex and I can't wait to read it when you are done.

A home-made Codex... that never occurred to me. How cool! Has anyone else seen one of these before? How common are home made codexes? I think it would be neat to play against one...


Thanks! Most of the artwork is being handled by 'Scraps'. He's quite talented as you can see. Others have made their own codecies before but I have never seen one with a truly original faction nor is the quality of any I have seen equal to this one.

Looks fantastic so far, and I'm intrigued.
If the content's great, I'll enjoy even more!

I consider myself a competent writer and game designer (though I have a tendency to go overboard with rules). Months of playtesting is taking place to counter-act my overactive imagination and so hopefully the content will be better than the cover.

What you mean is that you made Dark Eldar?

Interesting :P

Well someone had to...;)

07-13-2010, 02:35 AM
looks amazing :D

Master Bryss
07-13-2010, 04:13 AM
That cover is wow. Care to tell me how it's done?

Looks like I have some catching up to do with my Angels of Secrecy Codex, but first, I shall stand in the dark and observe....

07-13-2010, 07:15 AM
looks amazing :D


That cover is wow. Care to tell me how it's done?

Looks like I have some catching up to do with my Angels of Secrecy Codex, but first, I shall stand in the dark and observe....

It's done with photoshop as far as I know. There's packages you can download that give you all the tools you need to create certain lighting and textures. All one would have to do is draw the basic shapes then fill them in using certain 'brushes.'

07-13-2010, 08:30 AM
First off, the cover art looks amazing. You can definitely see the influence of the stormtrooper models (and my personal favorite, the Kasrkin Sgt.).

I know it's a bit early, but how will this book differ from what could be a codex that takes out platoons and leaves only mechanized vets?

You've got me very interested, I can't wait to see what you do with it.

07-13-2010, 05:37 PM
First off, the cover art looks amazing. You can definitely see the influence of the stormtrooper models (and my personal favorite, the Kasrkin Sgt.).

I know it's a bit early, but how will this book differ from what could be a codex that takes out platoons and leaves only mechanized vets?

You've got me very interested, I can't wait to see what you do with it.

Thanks, I'm happy to see such positive responses to the cover art.

The book will differ from mechvets in that the Stellans will be mostly AirCav with some limited special rules for deployment (i.e. Infiltrate) if they choose to be foot mobile. I cut out all the other transport ideas and indeed many of the peripheral units I had originally intended to include. This is because emergent gameplay becomes exponentially more difficult to predict and control the more units are involved even if those units are just copy-pasted from an existing entry. So no chimeras or rhinos in this iteration though the future could see this codex expanded.

You can expect there to be just 9 - 12 entries in this document primarily so that all the entries can be thoroughly tested but also because internal balancing breaks down after that number. You may notice this issue in GW's codecies, namely that no more than a dozen or so entries from each codex ever see action in a competitive environment. Also because the Stellans are a standalone force the player should expect the army to be largely homogeneous. Therefore FOC slots will only have a couple of choices with each entry capable of being outfitted for a variety or roles. It will be up to the player to decide how heavily to invest in each squad but you could find yourself with a squad can outshoot Dire Avengers but also overwhelm Berzerkers in assault with the attendant cost in points.

Thus the army is a player's choice force where you can build a squad like putting legos together. A lot of equipment, training and weapon options so you can feel like the codex was made to suit you.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
07-13-2010, 08:49 PM
Looks great and well inspired too. Maybe you could show a certain company that we all love or hate a thing or two about making codex's.