View Full Version : Me and my Spawn

Bedroom General
07-12-2010, 07:25 AM
Me and a mate organised for a 1750 game.
I said "I'm bringing a fun list, how about I play v your Tau"
Anyway I turn up and he's got a Space marine powa list with:
Korra'so the bike guy and bike squad, attack bike, Chap on bike
10 assault termies
2x 10 marines in rhinos
dready with tl lc
Landraider (normal one)
and I think thats it

I brought:
daemon prince wings mon warptime
5 Ch termies chfist, combimelta, combiflamer reaper,Ion
Ch Dready (The eye of terror) plas cannon, hvy fl XA
2x 7 Plagueys 2x melta pers icon rhino
2x 7 lesser daemons
3x Ch Spawn
2x Ch spawn
2x Ch spawn (that's 7 spawn..I believe in counting the seven!)

I'm thinkin' I'm screwed. Anyway I get first turn (the mission was capture and control, pitched battle) and charge across the board (Spawn and my dready had to, at least I didn't get fire frenzy for a change!) I followed up with both rhinos max distance and pop smoke. DP moves up flank, all who can run. no shootage.
I weather his turn losing a wound on a spawn and being stunned on dready.
Then the fun began.
I dropped an oblit within 6" of the LR but die as I scatter off the table and roll BAD.
Do the same again with the next oblit bang on target!
other oblit drops within 6" of the TL dread
lesser daemon squad drops in near my rhino
(my reserve rolls were uber)
ran my DP into the open to give him a choice between it and an oblit to kill.
Wasted the dread, scratched the LR paint job.
all daemons, spawn run
I'm now in his face turn 2
His flanking bikers come on and predictably waste my oblit near the LR
one rhino troop demounts and frags the other oblit
He frags a couple of spawn, doesn't appreciably damage much else.
turn 3
Ch termies enter play near rhino squad immobilise and weap dest a rhino!! tough sucka.
DP starts mincing a tac squad
Ch dread plasma cannons bikers misses
everyone else moves to support
last squad of lesser ds land and run for my own objective
He demounts the squad from the immobilised rhino and flamers the crap out of my forward group of lesser daemons and he bolters the rest.
bikes shoot the crap out of my dread to NO EFFECT!!!
termies demount and there's TEN of them!! I let this go as he'd never used his LR before and his version of army builder had let him. Serves me right for not checking his list.
they charge two squads of spawn with predictable squishy noises.
Turn four I move the two rhino's put the plagueys out and melta/rapid fire at the termies with both squads three or four die
then charge my termies into hth with the LR needing 4+ to hit but my chain fist guy is up to the task
destroying the lovely new tank!
the DP slaughters the remaining troops of tac sq 1 and moves to support the ch spawn who have charged the other tac squad, holding them in combat.
My dread hvy flamers and plasma cannons the bikes followed by charging into them, they have no fist so this is carnage, they are seriously whittled by this stage.
From then on its only cleaning up for me.

Despite the 10 termies in the LR my mate put up a great fight. I must say that this is the first time that my dready behaved appropriately. I love the speed and in your faceness that spawn give me, even though its steep to pay 280 pts for em. Great and enjoyable game.
Any one else love their spawn?

07-12-2010, 08:19 AM

:D its in a collab on NG but about 1/2 of the collab is total necron**** :P

i love spawn for there models as well as dreads (metallboxes) just cause they look cool :P

Bedroom General
07-13-2010, 05:27 AM
Thanks fer da lolz! Have to give my Plagueys breath mints!!