View Full Version : Is there a mech centric blood angels chapter?

07-11-2010, 10:01 PM
I'm a fan of mech heavy lists and I've abided by such for SM/SW/IG etc. As stated in the title...is there a chapter that has this preponderance as well/?


07-12-2010, 01:52 AM
Yes, they are called Blood Angels.


Read the fluff.
-- The BA have more Land Raiders than any other chapter.
-- They have Dreadnaughts that are Librarians, Close Combat fiends, and some that have suffered psychotic breaks.
-- All of their tanks are painted red, so even the ORKS know they go FAST!

Seriously though, the BA are right for the job stock from the codex (would they then be Strawberry Marines since a Stock Space Marine chapter is called "Vanilla"?)

As far as I am aware, there is no named chapter that is mech centric that is a successor for the BA more so than the BA themselves. The BA are perfect for it, or make one up and have fun with it.

John M>

07-12-2010, 04:51 AM
lobsters right : twilight marines are mech thers also a datassheet about fast LRs :P

07-12-2010, 05:49 AM
lobsters right : twilight marines are mech thers also a datassheet about fast LRs :P

Look here fuzzy, the only time my vampires sparkle is as they start to combust from having taken a lascannon to the face...

The best Apoc datasheet that matters for the BA requires 3 thunderhawks and landraiders. Talk about mech.

John M>stab-back-in-kind.

07-12-2010, 08:00 AM
Look here fuzzy, the only time my vampires sparkle is as they start to combust from having taken a lascannon to the face...

The best Apoc datasheet that matters for the BA requires 3 thunderhawks and landraiders. Talk about mech.

John M>stab-back-in-kind.


ive maged to get my marines to stop sparkaling by giving them bald heads and puting them next to the eldar :P