View Full Version : Eldar Warlock Q...

07-10-2010, 10:02 AM
Eldar Warlocks. Each Farseer allows you to purchase a Squad. The book states they count as a single HQ slot. My question is, do they have to be a squad together or can the farseer bogoff and do his own thing. Also, if not, how does the independent character farseer join another squad if he has his warlocks in tow?


07-10-2010, 10:14 AM
Though I can see no reason in the rules a farseer must stay, I would have to say no in the spirit of things that if a farseer takes a unit of warlocks as one then the unit is treated as a single entity. his IC status comming into effect once the warlocks are destroyed. but thats just me

07-10-2010, 11:22 AM
Warlock squads are like space marine command squads - they're a separate unit, not a retinue. The farseer can absolutely bogoff. He remains an independent character at all times.

07-10-2010, 11:44 PM
right. the warlocks are a seperate unit. the farseer stays an IC and can join them or any other unit.

07-11-2010, 08:41 AM
Agreed with what the others said--Warlocks are considered a separate unit (even though they're 1 HQ slot).

So you could have a jetseer, with a foot warlock squad.

07-12-2010, 10:14 AM

Warlocks function exactly as a SM Command Squad or BA Honor Guard. There is no rule requiring the Farseer to be joined to them, only the requirement that each Farseer allows you to select a unit of Warlocks. That being said, Warlocks that are not fortuned, are far less effective and fortune only has a range of 6" when cast, so they generally should never stray too far from the Farseer!!!