View Full Version : Sukigod's Crimson Fists

07-10-2010, 08:09 AM
Seeing as I have almost 1750 worth of beakies laying around, I figured I'd get to doing something with'em.

"But wait!" you sya, "If you're working on these, you're not working on the ork Apocalypse superheavies!!!"

True, but I'm working on these boys in small doses when I've got 5-15 minutes here and there. I won't be dedicating significant time till the Apoc units are done. I'm planning on using this as a "just playin' around army" for learning and trying other painting techniques. Besides, how am I going to learn how to paint anything other than reds and greens? (and I'm not going bloo or yella)

The guys were already primed so I ran Necron Abyss over them with the airbrush (I love that thing) for the base color and and did a quick zenithal highlighting from above with Enchanted Blue. I originally did a 50/50 test using half the troops with Enchanted Blue and the other half with Mordia Blue. Knowing the brightness will be knocked back quite a bit with the finishing Asurman Blue wash, I decided to go with the brighter Enchanted Blue.

Here they are in their bluey splendor.


OCdt Mephiston
07-10-2010, 12:33 PM


But in all seriousness I'm really looking forward to seeing your mad skillz thrown at a different target! :D

07-10-2010, 12:55 PM
Look good from the distance. Was curious, are you going to use the decals, or freehand symbols? I know there's the FW shoulder pads, but the marines look already assembled, so I assumed that was a no go. Also, if you're interested, there's an awesome set of blue/white dice you can get that has the "fist" on it, that are from Mechwarrior. I found them and that was my inspiration to actually do up a combat patrol sized Crimson Fists army.

Here's a link to a site that has them so you can see what I am talking about :)

07-10-2010, 01:08 PM
I shall watch with interest.

07-10-2010, 02:58 PM
Nice call to the House of Steiner there RedScorpion Girl. I might need to order a few of these to use for the fists. I've fairly familiar with the Battletech univers (at least pre 2002) and was surprised I never equated the two symbols.

As far as the shoulder pads I'll be going with decals for now. Freehand wise I know I could do it, I just don't feel like investing the time. Down the road for more special chacters I'll probably look towards the FW upgrades.

07-12-2010, 07:45 AM
YEah, yeah, I know. I feel bad enough. Guilt over with.

Did the highlights yesterday while recovering from a nice night out so some of highlights - heck, most of the highlights are a bit wobbly. What, they're only beakies - right?

Here's a comparison before (the models on the left) and after highlighting with the Enchanted Blue.


And here's the bunch after the Ice Blue highlights.


Learned a bunch of things about painting Beakies and opened up a few more cans of questions about markings. Need to do some more research about what is and isn't red on the shoulderpads. Are the terminator cruxis red as well? do you paint the entire trim and the arrows on the right shoulder (from AoBR so they're molded on) red too or paint the arrow white and the trim red? highlight the trim in Ice Blue and arrow red? GaaaaH!

Oh well, I'll work it out. Here's the closer shots of the tacticals and termies.


I do like painting these terminators, the regular Beakies are going to get boring reeeaaaaallllly fast. Thanksfully I'll never paint anywhere near as many of these as I have boyz. Whew!


btw - the last photo is VERY washed out, the previous shot of the terminators are much closer to reality as far as colors and vibrancy goes.