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View Full Version : 1k bike eldar

07-09-2010, 10:00 AM
autarch w/ jeybike, fuision gun-110
farseer w/ jetbike, guide, singing spear-108

6x fire Dragons-96
-wave serpent w/spirit stones, scatter laser-125

6x guardian jetbikes w/ warlock(embolden, singing spear), 2x cannons-210
6x guardian jetbikes w/ warlock(embolden, singing spear), 2x cannons-210

vyper w/ shruiken cannon, scatterlaser-70
vyper w/ shruiken cannon, scatterlaser-70

I have a scatter laser on the wave serpent that way if there are no high armour tanks for the dragons to kill, it can just sit back at max range and host them with fire. What cahnges would you make to this list? Havent played eldar much, so trying to figure out a good starting army themed on Saim-Hann.

07-09-2010, 11:44 AM
I would say that for 1000 points maybe an Aurtarch and farseer as you have it might be too much on the top.
I don't have the Codex in fromt of me, but another option would be to drop the Autarch, and pick up 2 warlocks on jetbikes, and singing spears (Ithink that is 96 points total), and then you'd have 15 points left still, and can replace the twin linked SCatapults on the waveserpent to a SCannon.
I'm not sure if you can have only 2 warlock bodyguards for your Farseer, I think you need a minimum of 3, in which case scratch my first paragragh, and I'd say it looks okay. Play test it, and see how it works. Make tweaks from there.

07-09-2010, 02:56 PM
do you need guide? your average bs is high or twin linked anyway. only vypers and shuriken cannon guardians need it.

runes of warding good to include in next 500 pt
and for that matter a night spinner as low numbers and short ranges will make hordes hard to deal with.Plus it slows them down and you need speed on your side

under slung cannons on vypers can be a pain with defensive weapon rules. I used to run them in forth but have not used them in 5th. can see where the could be useful but not as useful as they were in 4th

07-09-2010, 05:53 PM
The reason i have the shruicannons on the vypers is more for the option to fire at a longer range, even if moving less. I think if my vypers are in range for catapults to shoot, then they are probably gonna die. Warlocks are minimal 3, so i cant take them unless i drop the autarch, and both suricannons on the vypers. At that point i might drop spirit stones so i have the extra points to swich guide for fortune. Problem is i like the reserve bonuses

07-09-2010, 11:52 PM
my experience of vypers from 4th is 24 inches is not long ranged enough as massed bolter shots where enough to end a vyper.
you are only using your warlocks for leadership bounus. with the farseer rerolling psyker tests makes sense but you could get away with leaving both at craft world and using you hq's to lead these units.

dave l