View Full Version : Kill Team Rules and Campaign stuff

03-30-2017, 01:28 AM
0-1 FAST
At least 4 non-vehicle models
No models over 3 wounds
No 2+ Armour Saves
No vehicles over 3 hull points
Vehicles combine Armour Value, 33 or less
No flyers

All models selected as a squad, but treated as separate
Transports can carry models from different units, but ifselected as dedicated transport, only models from that unit can start embarked within
No Conjuration (summoning) powers
Models that Deep Strike instead deploy with the rest of the army
Reverses are not used unless as a result of Outflank special rule
Cannot enter Ongoing Reserve
All models score, unless stated otherwise
Brotherhood of Psykers has no effect
At the start of turn, if total number of models falls below 50% of starting number, each model must take Break Test before movement phase, starting with Leader. If Leader passed, units within 6” auto-pass. If Break Test is failed, the model is removed as a casualty. Vehicles/Fearless autopass. ‘And They Shall Know…’ re-roll failed test

Leader is non-vehicle with highest Ld and can’t be a Specialist

1. D3+2 non-vehicles get Outflank
2. Seize Initiative on 4+
3. Gain 1 addition Victory Point if your Leader kills the opponent’s Leader in a Challenge
4. +6” Command Range (12”)
5. Select a Special Rule from an un-used Specialist Category
6. Leader has Zealot

[Secondary Mission Objectives]
Slay your opponent’s leader. If Leader fled battle from failed Break Test, no points (Slay the Leader)

Have one model in opponent’s deployment zone, but if falling back, or Gone to Ground doesn’t count (Linebreaker)

Opponent’s model is removed as casualty first (First Blood)

End of game, more than half opponent models removed as casualties (Break the Enemy)

Some or all Secondary Mission Objectives may be used, each awards 1 Victory Point

3 models can pick one rule from a Specialist category. Only 1 rule from any single Specialization

[Combat Specialist]
D3 Attacks in combat with more than one enemy
Unsaved wound reduces to 0 wounds in Close Combat
Wounds on 2+ in Close Combat
+1 Weapon Skill

[Weapons Specialist]
Shooting attacks re-roll Armour Pen or Glances
Range of weapons increased by half (24”= 36”)
+1 Ballistic Skill
Close Combat attack on Armour Value roll 2-4 glace 5-6 pen
Pick a ranged weapon, it re-rolls a failed hit once per turn
Multi-shot weapons can resolve each on different targets
Can’t take cover saves against shots from this weapon
Hits from weapon cause Ld, if failed, Go To Ground

[Dirty Fighter Specialist]
Soul Blaze
Target hit in close combat pass Initiative test or WS BS 1
To wound of 6 is AP2. Armour Pen gain D3 on damage chart
Re-roll all To Wound rolls against multi-wound enemies
Hit in Close Combat reduces initiative to 1
Re-roll failed to wound in close combat
Wound on a 4+ (see Poisoned)

[Indomitable Specialist]
Adamantium Will
Feel No Pain
Eternal Warrior
If hit in Combat , takes difficult terrain test if moves

[Guerilla Specialist]
Night Vision
Hit & Run
Preferred Enemy
Move Through Cover
Assault Grenades, Ignores Cover in Shooting Phase

After setting up terrain, players roll off. Player take turn placing 3 Objectives, starting with the winner of the roll off.
[End of Game] turn 5, roll a D6 3+ game continues, turn 6 4+, auto ends after turn 7.
Break the Enemy, First Blood, Line Breaker, Slay the Leader, Mysterious Objectives, roll for Night Fight
12” Deep table edge deployment zones

Place 3 Objectives Night Fight rules for the whole game
Before deploying, roll for each model;
1,2 gains outflank
3-6 model in deployment zone, not within 3” of another model
Break the Enemy, First Blood, Line Breaker, Slay the Leader, Mysterious Objectives are in play
12” Deep table edge deployment zones

If the Enemy Leader is slain; 3 Victory Points. 1 Victory Point for each enemy specialist slain. No points are granted for models that fled from the battlefield.
Break the Enemy, First Blood, Line Breaker.
Players can opt to roll D6 for Night Fight in any game.
Opposite corners Deployment Zone.15” Deep, 9” away from centre

One player is attacker, other defender. Attacker deploys first. Defender can seize. Attacker gets 1 point for each model that leaves the board via defender’s table edge. Defender gets 1 point for ever 3 enemy models removed. No points are granted for models that fled from the battlefield. Defender cannot Outflank. Attacker cannon Turbo-boost vehicles.
Break the Enemy, First Blood, Line Breaker.
Players can opt to roll D6 for Night Fight in any game.
12” Deep table edge deployment zones

Place the tallest piece of terrain in the center of the battlefield to represent the high ground. At the end of the game, score 1 point for each model entirely within the boundaries of the piece of terrain.
Break the Enemy, First Blood Line Breaker, Slay the Leader
Players can opt to roll D6 for Night Fight in any game.
12” Deep table edge deployment zones

Place 6 Objective Markers, then roll a scatter dice for each. Each time a model ends moving within 1” of an Objective, roll a D6. 1-5, the Marker is removed. If a 6 is roll, that objective is worth 3 Victory Points and all other Markers are removed. Break the Enemy, First Blood, Line Breaker, Slay the Leader
Players can opt to roll D6 for Night Fight in any game.
12” Deep table edge deployment zones


Roll a D6 for each model removed as a casualty (models that fled the battle are fine)
<1> not coming back
<2-3> returns, minus 1 wound or sits out for a turn
<4-6> peachy

If tie or lose a game, gain a single Laurel, winner gains D3 Laurels. Once 10 Laurels, win an additional mission; you win the campaign. Playing someone with double the amount of Laurels you have; you receive a single additional Laurel at the end of the match.

One model that survived can roll to augments a trait by one point. No model may roll for a second trait until all other members have a first one.
<2>weapon skill
<3>ballistic skill
<5>Invulnerable 6+
<6>extra specialist from unused field, if all units are specialist, one may take an extra, unused specialist.

If your leader was removed as a casualty, you must select a new leader.

You can expend Laurels to purchase new units. A Laurel’s worth 25 points. Models purchased this way do not need to be purchased as a squad, but a single unit purchased this way must adhere to the Force Org chart. Can’t purchase a unit for a slot being used, used, all units in that slot are gone, can add more models into a squad already occupying as slot though.

Example: If you have an empty Elites slot, and recruit a Sternguard from Elites, you cannot later recruit a Vanguard Veteran, unless the Sternguard has been removed as a casualty. You could further purchase additional Sternguards as they are members of the first’s unit, and thus are contained in that single Elite slot