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03-29-2017, 08:41 PM
Turn Sequence

Bottle Test
3. HAND TO HAND [everyone in combat fights, both sides]
4. RECOVERY [try to regain Nerve, recover minor injuries]

[Bottle Test] at the start of a turn where 25% (10 total round up to 3 down models) or more Fighters are Down or Out of Action, roll 2D6 under the Highest Leadership value, of any model that is not Down or Out of Action. If failed, the team Bottles Out and the game ends immediately. When taking a bottle test, palyer can voluntarily fail the test, and get out of a bad situation.

1.[Charges] Movements to charge into Hand to Hand before all other Fighters move. Declare: that a Charge is being made, and which Fighter you are attacking. Charges are possible against anyone Fighter can see, or models they can’t see (but are not Hidden) and within a range twice the Fighters Initiative value. Charges move double speed,and end move touching their enemy’s base.

2.[Compulsory Moves] occasional obligatory moves, like when Nerve breaks and must run to take cover. Compulsory moves before other remaining Movements

3.[Normal Movement] Completed after and Charge or Compulsory Moves.

Running moves double speed but loses chance to shoot. Place a Running Counter next to the model. They are also harder to shoot.

Hiding in spots that could reasonably conceal your model is permitted. Before, after or during Move. Can’t hide after Charge or Run. When hidden, a Fighter cannot be seen or shot at, If the hiding Fighter shoots, they are no longer hidden. If they move so they can be seen, the Fighter is no longer hidden. Enemy Fighters detect hidden opponents when they are within Initiative range.

[Terrain] Move through open ground, through doors and hatches without slowing

Difficult Ground is passed over at half normal movement.1” counts as 2”.
Very Difficult Ground is passed over at quarter normal movement.1” counts as 4”.
Impassable Ground cannot be passed over

Barricades do not impede movement if they are less than 1” high and 1” wide
Walls 2” high, but 1” deep can passed over, but movement is halfed
Bulwark over 2” is too tall to climb and if Impassable

[Jumping down] initiative test to jump down 3” or less. Failed: suffer hit as if fell. Test is passed, can continue moving. 1” falling only costs 1/2” of the fighters movement. Falling 2” only uses 1” of movement. If fighter does not have sufficient remaining movement or more that 3” resolve as a fall(pinned).

[Jumping across] move a fighter up to a gap, roll D6, if number rolled is greater or equal number of inches required to clear the gap, it is successful. They can continue their movement. Each 1” jump, costs 1” of movement. If fails to cover the gap, resolved as a fall.

1. [Roll to hit]
2. [Roll to Wound] by comparing Strength of weapon to Toughness of target
3. [Saving Throws] if the Fighter is wearing armour.
4. [Resolve Injuries] when Saving Throw is failed.

1. [Roll to hit] based on BS
BS-2 needs 6, then another 6
BS-1 needs 6 then 5 or higher
BS0 needs 6, then 4 or higher
BS1 needs 6
BS2 needs 5 (or higher)
BS3 needs 4 (or higher)
BS4 needs 3 (or higher)
BS5 needs 2 (or higher)
BS6-BS10 needs 2 or higher, roll of 1 always fails to hit.
BS10 can suffer up to a -5 modifier before its to hit roll is effected.

[Hit Modifiers] subtracted from score that BS require you to roll over. If BS requires you to roll 3 or higher, but target gets -1 modifier, you now need 4 or higher.
-1 if up to half target is obscured (Partial Cover)
-2 More than half is obscured (In Cover)
-1 shooting at a target while on Overwatch
-1 Target ran in movement phase
-1 Fighter is less than ½” tall (Small Target)
+1 Fighter is over 2” tall (Large Target)

If after modifiers you are required to roll a [7+ To Hit] (BS1 require a 6, but has -1 modifier) you can still score a hit. Rolling a 6 means Fates have aligned. A 6 grants you an additional roll. Second roll needs:
4+ if needed a 7
5+ if needed an 8
6+ if needed a 9

[Ammo Roll] When rolling to hit, a 6 means potential malfunction. Roll 2D6, if you roll under the Ammo Roll value the weapon is out of ammo and cannot be used for the rest of the game. Guns with lower Ammo Roll values are more reliable.

[Pinned] If a fighter is hit, the model is [pinned], proceed to see if the model is wounded. If it doesn’t go Down or Own of action, can only move 2” during movement phase while pinned. A fighter who is pinned at the start of their turn will automatically recover from pinning at the end of that turn. If one other friendly model (other than recruit) is within 2”, a fighter can attempt to recover at the start of their turn by taking Initiative test, roll equal or bellow initiative, 6 always fails. If passed they may engage in their turn as if nothing happened. Considered stationary after recovering.

[Falling] getting pinned within 1” of an edge, take an initiative test (6 auto fail), if fail suffer close combat hit with the strength of the distance in inches model fell, also use close combat strength modifier against armour. If forced to move in a random direction, and would move beyond an edge, take initiative test, if passed, stop at edge. Falling more than 10” immediately takes a model Out of Action. Model that falls without going Down or Out of Action is Pinned.If you fall onto another fighter, they are hit on 4+ on a D6. Just like suffering a hand to hand attack. IF not Down or Out of Acion this fighter is Pinned. If both survive, position 1” apart so it is clear they are not in hand to hand combat.

[Stray Shots] If a shot passes within 1/2” of friendly models and a 1 is roll to hit, roll anoter D6, a 1 resolves the shot against your friendly model instead. If multiple friendlies randomise which target is hit.

[unreliable] if when taking an Ammo roll, the result is 2, it is useless for the rest of the game AND explodes! Subtract 1 from the strength of the weapon and resolve a hit against the firer. If weapon uses a template, the blast is still only resolved against firer.

2. [Roll to Wound] by comparing Strength of weapon to Toughness of target. Damage profile is number of wounds inflicted by a successful hit.

3. [Saving Throws] if the Fighter is wearing armour. Unmodified 1 always fails. Weapons deduct Armour Save Modifier from targets armour value. Invulnerable saves ignore Armour Save Modifiers. Player only gets one Armour, they can choose which to use

4. [Resolve Injuries] when Saving Throw is failed. D6 rolled for each wound that wasn’t saved. If suffered Flesh Wound and Down, then fighter is down and suffers WS and BS penalties
<1> Subtract 1 from WS and BS for rest of game (Flesh Wound) No longer down, but still pinned. If fighter has WS or BS 1 and suffers a further Flesh Wound, they are taken Out of Action
<2-5> Model placed face down [down] Can crawl 2” during movement phase. During Recovery Phase make Injury Roll.
<6> Model is removed from play. No longer part of the game (Out of Action)

Friendly models within 2” of a Fighter who goes Down, or Out of Action, must each take an immediate Break Test. (Roll under Leadership?) If Broken, out of normal turn sequence, Fighter immediately resolves a Runs move of 2D6” away from enemy, towards cover. They stop running as soon as they reach cover or can no longer see enemies. Fighters continue movie 2D6” away from enemy until they reach cover or can no longer see enemies. If they can get out of sight by staying where they are and hiding, then they will do so instead. Can recover Broken status during Recovery Phase


[High Impact]Weapons with strength higher than 7 cause a fighter to go Out of Action on a roll of 5 or 6 on Injury table. This is only for the initial roll for injury. Subsequent rolls in the recovery phase are made as normal.

[shooting into hand to hand combat] You can ignore the closest target if it is in hand to hand combat. You can also shoot into combat, but after hit is scored, randomize who in the combat is hit. As much chance of hitting the target as there is of hitting each fighter they are fighting.

[shooting a fighter who is down]You can ignore the closest target if it is Down. You can also shoot Down fighters, if they take further wounds, make an injury roll and apply the result. If they go Down a second time, their status does not change. If the go Out Of Action... you’re a dick.

[Overwatch] must give up whole turn to go on Overwatch. Cannot move (except pivot), Cannot shoot, or hide. Can remain hidden. During enemy’s movement phase, the fighter can shoot any target as it presents itself within 90 degree arc in front of fighter on overwatch. Could shoot before model moves, after finished move, or while model is in the midst of moving. Once finished shooting, or at the start of their next turn, fighter is no longer on overwatch. If a fighter is hit while on overwatch, they lose this status immediately, also lost if fighter is force to move (Fighter’s Nerve Breaks). If shooting with fighter on ovewatch, declare it, determine position of the enemy at the moment of fire. You may want to resolve the shot when the enemy is at its closest, to benefit from range bonuses of your weapon. Firing overwatch comes with a -1 modifier to hit. The target can claim running bonus, only if run move is made that turn (rather than the previous turn). If potential overwatch target both starts and would end movement out of line of sight of shooter, then Overwatching fighter must take an initiative test to proceed as normal. If test is failed, fighter remains on Overwatch.

[Sustained shooting] when shooting a weapon with this bonus, declare if firing a single shot or sustained fire. Sustained shots roll one D3 for each value of Sustained fire a weapon has. Add up the value on the D3’s and this is how many shots a weapon makes. Shots must target the original target or another fighter within 4”. First shot always targets the original target. Roll these shots one at a time, because on a 6 to hit, it triggers an ammo roll, if the roll is failed, subsequent shots are lost. If there are no longer any potential targets for subsequent shot that were rolled with sustained fire, you must still roll to hit to see if ammo rolls will be triggered.

[blast weapons] nominate target, make To Hit like normal. If hit, center template over targeted model, any models wholly under the template are hit as well. Partitally within template are hit on a further roll of 4+ on D6., make to Wound and Injury rolls for each fighter hit, as usual. If fighter misses original target determine where shot has landed. Roll scatter dice and artillery dice. Roll as close to original target as possible. Use the arrow on the Hit! Side of scatter dice (it still scatters, fool!) If a Misfire is rolled on artillery, then the shot has no effect. If Hit! On scatter and Misfire on artillery dice, shot has no effect and treated as a failed ammo roll. May never scatter closer to the firer than half the distance the original target was. (was 10”, can’t scatter back more than 5”) it can scatter out of line of sight, and beyond maximum range.

[grenades] fighter can throw grenade x3 their strength value. If uses blast template, and fighter misses, roll for scatter, but half the value of the artillery dice. After halving the artillery dice, a grenade is permitted to scatter the full distance back towards the thrower. If target is in cover, only -1 penalty to hit, if in partial cover no penalty to hit.

[flamer template] centre template on main target, with narrow end touching the base of the shooter. No to hit rolled. Auto-hits models wholly covered by template and 4+ on D6 fighters that are partially covered. No modifiers for range or cover against flamer.

Models in base to base are in hand to hand combat. Can only move into base to base by making charge move in movement phase. All fighters engaged in hand to hand combat will fight. Models fighting in hand to hand cannot do anything else.

1. [Roll Attack Dice] (number of D6) equal to Fighter’s Attack Characteristic, looking for one dice with highest roll. Gets one extra attack die, if the fighter has a weapon in each hand (knife x2, pistol x2, 1 knife & 1 pistol) but pistol must have ammo.
2. [Determine Winner] add single highest dice to Fighter’s WS. Add any modifiers. Total is Combat Score. Fighter who’s Combat Score is higher wins. If Tie, highest Initiative wins. If tied Initiative, then it’s a stand-off

Combat Score Modifiers
+1 each time opponent rolled a 1 (Fumbles)
+1 each 6 rolled (Critical Hit)
+1 Charging
+1 Higher Ground

-1 Fighter carrying Heavy Weapon (Encumbered)
-1 Opponent is sheltering behind cover, only applies during turn you Charge

3. [Number of Hits] the Fighter lands on opponent is calculated from the difference between both fighters Combat Scores. Tie is one hit.

4. [Roll to Wound] just like shooting: for each hit scored. Strength is determined by weapon used. Once a weapon is chosen, must use that weapon until combat is finished. If using two weapons (sword, then pistol, first resolve sword, then pistol, if still another wound, choose either weapon)
5. [Saving Throw] Similar to shooting BUT strength has an Armour Save Modifier (unless weapon has a better one one profile)

Armour Modifiers against target’s Save based on Attacker’s Strenght
Strength 4 is -1 from Armour Save
Strength 5 is -2 from Armour Save
Strength 6 is -3 from Armour Save
Strength 7 is -4 from Armour Save
Strength 8 is -5 from Armour Save
Strength 9 or more is -6 from Armour Save

[Parry] fighters with swords can force re-roll one of the highest scoring attack dice, before working out combat score, but can only parry if opponents highest scoring attack dice is greater than their own highest scoring attack dice. If both fighters have swords, then the ability to parry can not be used.

[Critical Hits] each extra Attack Dice roll of 6 adds +1 to combat score.

6.[Resolve Injuries] when Saving Throw is failed. D6 rolled.
<1> Subtract 1 from WS and BS for rest of game (Flesh Wound).
In one on one combat a rolls of <2-6> removes a model from the game (Out of Action)

[Multiple Combat] Outnumbering attacker may choose which of its fighters will fight. If outnumbered fighter survives, must continue to fighter second opponent
2nd opponent +1 attack dice +1 combat score
3rd Opponent +2 attack dice +2 combat score
4th opponent+3 attack dice +3 combat score

[follow-up]If hand to hand opponents go out of action, may make a follow-up movement. 2”, can move to engage another fighter in hand to hand, can cross obstacles without penalty. Follow-up does not affect fighter’s ability to more in the following movement phase. IF engaging in a subsequent hand to hand combat, the fighter does not make attacks this turn, fight continues in the next hand to hand combat phase. If follows-up into combat yet to be resolved, still cannot make attacks this turn. Follow-up movement does not give a charging bonus, nor can fighter swap weapons.

When making a [Multiple Combat] it is more difficult to take a model (Out of Action)
[Resolve Injuries]
<1> Subtract 1 from WS and BS for rest of game (Flesh Wound)
<2-5> Model placed face down (Down) during Recovery Phase make Injury Roll
<6> Model is removed from play. No longer part of the game (Out of Action)

cannot be pinned in hand to hand combat, by shooting or while engaged in hand to hand. If pinned when charged, they are no longer pinned as soon as in base to base contact

cannot move away from hand to hand combat. Exceptions: one fighter breaks nad runs, or in multiple combatsDown model crawls away.

If a fighter charges an enemy who is down, if it is the only opponent in the combat, the fighter is taken Out of Action, and attacker can make follow-up movement. If a follow-up movement brings a fighter into contact with a Down enmy, the enemy is immediately taken Out of Action.

Friendly models within 2” of a Fighter who goes Down, or Out of Action, must each take an immediate Break Test. (Roll under Leadership)

If [Broken], out of normal turn sequence, Fighter immediately resolves a Runs movement of 2D6” away from enemy, towards cover. They stop running as soon as they reach cover or can no longer see enemies. Fighters continues to move 2D6” away from enemy until they reach cover or can no longer see enemies. Can do nothing but run for cover or attemp to recover from Breaking while broken. If charged, WS counts as 1, if they survive, even if they winthey break from combat and run for cover. If breaking from Hand to Hand combat, opponent gets one auto hit as the fighter flees, resolved the moment the model Breaks, before they move.

If a Fighter Breaks, during their own side’s turn, they cannot recover in the Recovery phase of that turn. Broken Fighters can Recover their Nerve if In Cover and can no longer be seen by enemies. Take a Leadership Test for the Fighter. If they pass, they can fight normally from then on.
Injury Roll made during the Recovery Phase for models that are Down.
<1> Model suffers Flesh Wound, AND Pinned for one turn
<2-5> situation un-changed
<6> Out of Action

[attacking terrain features] often easy to hit because “Large Target”. Bombs can be planted within 1” of fighter during shooting phase, but no roll is required to hit. Can strike terrain in base to base contact, but can’t shoot or fight an enemy in the same turn. Automatically strikes 1 hit for each attack on their profile.

[fear] if charged by fighter causing Fear, must take a Ld test, if failed the fighter is broken. If declare charge against fighter causing fear, must pass Ld. test. If failed, fighter does not move, nor able to do anything else for the rest of the turn. Does not take Ld test if another model causes fear.

[terror] Same as fear + Ld test for each fighter within 8” of the creature at the start of the creatures turn. If failed fighter is broken. Does not take Ld test if another model causes terror.

[Hatred] if a model can see a hated adversary, then all break fear and terror tests are taken if the fighter had Ld. 10. In hand to hand can re-roll any attack dice in the first turn. After first turn, fights as normal. Roll made before any parries are declared. No dice can be re-rolled more than once. Must use 2” follow-up to move toward Hated enemy, and cannot use follow-up to take cover if hated enemy is in sight.

[Frenzy] always charge closest enemy if able to do so. Doubles attack characteristics. Cannot parry. Must use 2” follow-up to engage an enemy if possible, otherwise must use follow-up to move closer to enemy. Never affected by fear or terror, nor hatred. If Loses Nerve and becomes Broken, they lose Frenzy. Can take a Ld test at the start of turn to regain control of Frenzied fighter, it loses all the Frenzy rules. This control lasts until the start of the following turn.

[Hellfire] D3 wound, but weapon is unreliable
[hotshot power pack] +1 strength, ammo roll is 6+
[red-dot sight] for pistol, basic or special, +1 to hit, target get 6+ invulnerable if firer is 90 degree of front
[telescopic sight] basic or special, can be in conjuction with red-dot, increase long range inches equal to short
[camo gear] subtract 4” from max range of shooting attacks directed at them
[clip harness] model doesn’t move, gets pinned within 1” of edge, doesn’t have to test for fall
[photo visor] stationary reduce shooting penalty when shooting model in cover by -1
[weapon reload] re-roll first failed ammo roll, if used in game, replaced before next game

Team must have a Leader, always counts as within 2” or friendly, avoid pinning easily. Within 6” of leader, can use their leadership score for break tests, and to see if recovered never. Cannot confer if Leader is down or broken.

Orc and Marines can have 2 specialists, Guard 3

Post game
2)claim promethium
4)promotion; one point for each new recruit not taken out of action

5)resupply; if leader was slain, pick new one, if only recruits, everything is lost, start again 100 points, plus cash in
[recruit] total cost no greater than 100 points
[rearm] total cost no greater than 100 points
[trade promethium] increase total points by 100
switch weapons between fighters, but recruits are stuck with what you bought them

2-3 hardy [toughness or wound]
4 fierce str attackers
5-9 new skill
10 quick + 1 move or initiative
11/12 deadly +1 BS or WS


[combat master] if in combat with multiple opponents, enemy fighters don’t get multiple combat bonuses to their attack and combat score

[disarm] may use this skill against one close combat opponent at the start of the hand to hand phase, your fighter must take an initiative test, if they pass, they knock the opponents weapons aside and the opponent is forced only knife in this phase

[feint] give up one of your attacks to add 2 to combat score, cannot use in same turn as Berserk

[block] choose one of your opponents attack dice and they re-roll it

[counter attack] in a round where this fighter is charged roll an extra attack dice for this fighters

[step aside] 4+ invulnerable against any attacks in Hand to Hand


[berserk charge] +2 modifier for charging

[impetuous] 4” follow-up moves instead of 2”

[iron will] re-roll failed leadership tests for bottle tests, if using this fighter for the test

[killer reputation] cause fear

[nerves of steel] still recover from pinning if no one is near, if already does this (scouts) can re roll initiative test if it is failed instead.

[true grit] when you make a recovery roll for this fighter, subtract 1 on the recovery table to a minimum of 1


[armourer] if this fighter is deployed, any fighter can re-roll first failed ammo roll, in each mission

[scavenger] if you don’t get taken out of action, you get an extra 50 points on recruit or rearm

[hunter] as long as fighter not curently injured, re-roll ‘the hunt’ in promethium sprawl before a mission

[medic] as long as the fighter didn’t go out of action you can re-roll serious injuries for one fighter after a mission

[destined for greatness] re-roll any Advance rolls for this fighter

[survivor] re-roll any result on the serious injury table for this fighters


[cat fall] if falls and passes initiative test then they don’t suffer damage, still pinned

[dodge] 6+ invulnerable from shooting, if saving throw is passed they are not pinned

[jump back] disengage 2” from combat by passing initiative test

[Great leap] jump 3+D3” over gap (instead of D6”) can use full distance, if insufficient movement remaining

[catch grenade] if targeted with grenade that does not use a template or is standing under template of a grenade, roll a D6 5+ safe

[sprint] triple movement rather than double for sprint or charge


[body check] if you charge into base to base, reduce WS of opponent by 1

[burly] this fighter can gain a bonus for fighting with 2 weapons in hand to hand combat even if armed with basic, special or heavy, in addition to their x@ hand to hand weapons

[crushing blow] when this fighter hits in hand to hand combat the armour modifier is improved by 1

[headbutt] if this fighter’s close combat is the same as their opponent do not compare initiative, this fighter wins

[hurl opponent] fighter may use this skill if they win combat in place of hitting their enemy. Fighter makes str check, passed opponent moves D6” in direction of your choice. If collides with another enemy, both are pinned.

[iron jaw] make a toughness test (adding 1 to roll) when this fighter is wounded in hand to hand, if test is passed ignore the wound

Shooting [leader]

[crack shot] when making an Injury roll for shooting attack from this fighter, re-roll a die. No effect in Recovery phase

[fast shot] any pistol or basic weapon used by this fighter, but not a template, has Sustained Fire: . Can’t use with crack shot.

[gunfighter] can use to pistols at once, granting extra shooting attack when they shoot, but needs 2 pistols, can’t use with crack/fast shot

[hip shooting] allowed to shoot even if they ran in the same turn, -1 to hit. Cannot with a heavy weapon, or with crack shot.

[marksmen] re-roll to hit rolls with making shooting attacks

[ammo hound] can re-roll any ammo rolls you make for this fighter


[ambush] this fighter can hide in a turn in which they go on overwatch as long as this is all they do in their turn

[dive] can run and hide in the same turn

[escape artist] can never be captured if a serious injury roll would result in this fighter being captured treat as “What Doesn’t Kill you”

[evade] any enemy shooting at short range -2 to hit penalty, long range -1, only applies if fighter is in the open not benefiting from cover

[infiltration] once both teams set up, before mission begins may make 2 free run moves with this fighter, but not within 8” of enemy

[sneak up] half the distance at which an enemy can spot an enemy when it is hiding (3” spotting become 1.5”)

<1> kill team fight
<3>hit and run
<4>the raid
<6>roll off to choose the mission


[Deployment] roll off, lowest chooses edge, deploys first, within 8” of edge. Opponent deploys opposite edge.

[Starting the game] roll off, highest takes first turn

[Ending the game] fails a bottle test, bottling out team loses. If winning team takes at least 3 enemy models out of action and at least 3 times as many Out of Action casualties, then it earns on additional promethium cache.


[Place loot counters] D6 counters. Roll off who places first, then alternate. Must be more than 8” from edge of battlefield, and 4” away from each other. Placed before players choose deployment edge.

[Deployment] roll off, lowest chooses edge, deploys first, within 8” of edge. Opponent deploys opposite edge.

[Starting the game] roll off, highest takes first turn

[Monster roll] D6 at start of opposing player’s turn. 6 results in an unknown monster attacking rivals. Model furthest from other models is attacked. If unsure, take model closest to table edge. What happens to fighter:
<1> fighter may not do anything this turn. Take ammo roll for main ranged weapon
<2-5>fighter may not do anything this turn.
<6> fighter is automatically taken out of action

[picking up loot] picked up by passing over. Carrying loot does not affect the model. Going Out of Action, drops the loot where they were. Can transfer loot in base to base contact during shooting phase, but neither model may shoot. Taking enemy out of action in Hand to Hand automatically picks up loot.

[Ending the game] fails a bottle test, bottling out team loses. Winning team can claim any loot loose on the battlefield.
If more than half loot is captured and fighters carrying it are within 8” of table edge, then they win.
At the end of the game, roll a D6 for each Loot container your team posses. A 6 gives you an additional promethium cache.


[Defender] players roll off, lowest is the Defender. Defender places first piece of terrain, then alternate. The terrain is the Defenders hideout. Once all terrain is set up defender places Loot Hoard they plan to take back to their base. Defender also places Promethium tank counter, which is their current hoard. Loot can be placed anywhere on the battlefield, and promethium tank anywhere on the top surface level of a building. Loot and Tank must be at least 8” apart

[Attacker] secretly rolls D6, and notes their mission
<1> try to destroy tank, has 6 toughness and damaged if it sustains 1 or more wounds
<2> take opposing leader out of Action. If Leader unavailable, roll again
<3> Randomly chosen defending model must be taken Out of Action.
<4> set up within 12” of edge of table and get one model off the opposite edge
<5> pick up loot. Roll a D6 at the end, if 6 score additional promethium
<6>attacker can choose one of the 5 missions

[Deployment] defender sets up first. D6 models of defenders choosing, anywhere, but 8” away from edges. (double D6 score if orks) defenders cannot us infiltrate. Randomly chose one defending model that is the potential target for #3. Attacker gets a random number of models:
<1-2> 4 fighters
<3-4>5 fighters
<5-6> 6 fighter
add 4 to this number if Orks.
Remaining fighters are left behind. Attacker places with 12” of enemy fighters.

[Starting the game] roll off, highest takes first turn

[Reinforcements] After the first turn, defender can bring reinforcements onto the battlefield.
<1-2> up to 1 fighter
<3-4> up to 2 fighters
<5-6> up to 3 fighters
Add 1 to the number if orks
All arrive from same battlefield edge. Assign edges a number then roll. Fight and move normally on turn they come in

[Ending the game] after mission objective is met, and surviving attackers have moved off the battlefield edge. Or if all attackers or defenders are down or taken out of action, or fails a bottle test. Attackers win if acheived mission or defenders bottled out. Attackers do not have to bottle test until have lost 50%. Defenders don’t have to take bottle tests at all. After losing 50% defender may voluntarily lose a bottling out test, if they do, defender loses 1 promethium cache and attacker gains 1 additional promethium cache.


Mission is complex, not for beginners. Players roll off, lowest is the Defender. After rolling off to alternate terrain set up, defender places Entrance counter anywhere on the ground level of the battlefield. Raiders must destroy the Entrance. Toughness 6 and 3 Wounds

[Deployment] defender sets up first. Chooses any D6 models as sentries, deploys anywhere, but 8” away from edges. (double D6 score if orks) remaining fighters are reinforcements. Attacker gets a random number of models:
<1-2> 4 fighters
<3-4>5 fighters
<5-6> 6 fighter
add 4 to this number if Orks.
Remaining fighters are left behind. Attacker places within 8” of random edge.

[Starting the game] Attacker gets first turn.

[Sentries] move [D6 minus 3] inches per turn. If the result is a negative distance, attacker moves sentries instead, but cannot move them into obviously harmful position.

[sounding the alarm] sentries move D6-3 per turn until alarm is sounded. WS is halved and they cant shoot or do anything else. After sounded, they move and attack as normal. Alarm sounded by:
<spotting>D6xinitiative” at start of each player turn, 90degree arc. In open: automatic. Part.cover 4+. Cover 6+. Must live to end of turn
<shooting>if raider shoots a weapon roll 2D6, 10+ the alarm is sounded. Silent weapons don’t roll. roll even if no sentries left.
<fighting> sentry survives until the end of a turn after being engaged in hand to hand
<entrance> is destroyed

[reinforcements] defender divides reinforcements into groups of any size. Start of turn after alarm was sounded, pick a group and roll a D6 equal or over the amount of units in the group. 6 always brings the group on, regardless of how big. Enter together on one of three remaining edges, raiders did not deploy from. D6: <1> left of Raider’s edge <2> Rightof raider’s edge <3-6> Across from raider’s deployment edge.

[ending the game] if entrance is destroyed, and surviving raiders leave the battlefield from edge they entered. Or if all raiders or defenders are down or taken out of action or if a team fails a bottle test. Raiders take bottle test at 50%. Defenders don’t have to take bottle tests at all. After losing 50% defender may voluntarily lose a bottling out test, if they do, defender loses 1 promethium cache and attacker gains 1 additional promethium cache. If entrance is destroyed and raider didn’t bottle out, then they win. If Defender bottles out, Raider wins. Otherwise defender wins.

[Special] If raider destroys Entrance, roll D6. If 1 or 2, Defender gains 1 fewer promethium cache then they would normally, to a minimum of 0.


Players roll off, lowest is the Defender. Starting with the Ambusher, alternate terrain placement.

[Deployment] Defender divides fighters into one or more groups, each with two or more models. Defender chooses a group and deploys its units within 6” of centre of battlefield.

Ambusher gets entire team to deploy. Must set up behind cover and in hiding. May not set up within 12” of defender. If Ambushers cannot all set up behind cover and in hiding, then they must be placed at least 18” away from defenders

Remaining groups of Defender’s fighters roll a D6 to deploy. On a <1-5> Fighters must be 4” from a previously set up friendly fighter. <6> group can deploy anywhere. Defenders cannot use infiltration to deploy.

Ambushers may not deploy within 12” (or 18”) of Defender, but defender can deploy within 1” of Ambusher.

[Starting the game] Defender rolls a D6 for each group that was able to deploy anywhere on the board. Adds results together. If the value is 1-5, Ambusher goes first. If value is over 6 Defender goes first.

[ending the game] fails a bottle test, bottling out team loses. If winning team takes at least 3 enemy models out of action and at least 3 times as many Out of Action casualties, then it earns on additional promethium cache.


Mission can only be chosen when team member has been captured by opponent. No roll needed. If player with captured fighter, plays the opponent after the fighter was captured, and decides not to play RESCUE, the fighter is lost. Opponent gets additional 100 points for Recruit and Rearm after the battle. If both players have captured fighters, can play two consequtive RESCUE missions, or trade captives

[Deployment] captors sets up first. Chooses any D6 models as sentries, deploys anywhere, but 8” away from edges. (double D6 score if orks) remaining fighters are reinforcements. Rescuers gets a random number of models:
<1-2> 4 fighters
<3-4>5 fighters
<5-6> 6 fighter
add 4 to this number if Orks.
Remaining fighters are left behind. Rescuers placed within 8” of random edge.

[The Captives] After Captors and Recuers set up, Captors place the Captives anywhere on the battlefield. Captives don’t move till freed. Once freed may be attacked or shot by captors. Captives are freed when Rescuer moves into base to base contact, then spends rest of turn cutting them free. Captives only have a knife as equipement for this game. .

[Starting the game] Rescuers get first turn.

[Sentries] move [D6 minus 3] inches per turn. If the result is a negative distance, attacker moves sentries instead, but cannot move them into obviously harmful position.

[sounding the alarm] sentries move D6-3 per turn until alarm is sounded. WS is halved and they cant shoot or do anything else. After sounded, they move and attack as normal. Alarm sounded by:
<spotting> Can see [D6 times initiative]inches (generated at start of each player turn) 90degree arc. In open: automatic. Part.cover 4+. Cover 6+. Must live to end of turn to sound the alarm
<shooting>if raider shoots a weapon roll 2D6, 10+ the alarm is sounded. Silent weapons don’t roll. roll even if no sentries left.
<fighting> sentry survives until the end of a turn after being engaged in hand to hand. Roll a D6 under # fighters that changed sentry to sound alarm. 3 fighters in hand to hand, roll 3 or under.
<entrance> is destroyed

[reinforcements] defender divides reinforcements into groups of any size. Start of turn after alarm was sounded, pick a group and roll a D6 equal or over the amount of units in the group. 6 always brings the group on, regardless of how big. Enter together on one of three remaining edges, raiders did not deploy from. D6: <1> left of Raider’s edge <2> Right of raider’s edge <3-6> Across from raider’s deployment edge.

[ending the game] The game ends if the Rescuers are all either down or out of action, or leave the battlefield from the edge they were deployed from or if a team fails a bottle test. Rescuers take bottle test at 50%. Defenders don’t have to take bottle tests at all. After losing 50% defender may voluntarily lose a bottling out test, if they do, Captor loses 1 promethium cache and Rescuer gains 1 additional promethium cache.

If one team bottles out and loses, the other team wins. If all surviving rescuers and captives have left the battlefield, the attacker wins, if all the captives are taken out of action, the Captor wins. Rescued Captives return with all the equipment that was on their roster. Captives that are not rescued are lost and Captor ca spend additional 100 points on their next Recruit and Rearm.

[Special] If it proves too difficult to organize an additional game against the opponent that captured your fighter, you can agree to buy them back by giving the Captor a Promethium cache.

06-08-2017, 09:42 AM
8th Edition
Models fight in Units made up of one or more models. A unit must be set up and finish any sort of move as a group, with every model within 2” horizontally and 6” vertically, of at least one other moel from their unit; this is called ocherency. IF anything causes a unit to become split up during a battle, it must re-establish its unit coherency the next time it moves.


Start movement phase by picking one unit, moving each model, until you’ve moved every one you want to move. Cannot be moved more than once in Movement phase. Can move in any direction, with no part of base further than Move characteristic on Data entry. Cannot move over other models or terrain. like a wall, as if it weren’t there. Can be move vertically in order to climb or traverse any scenery. Permitted if model has [FLY] key word.

minimum move
Models that have a minimum move, must have all parts of bast moved further, from original spot, than minimum move distance. If model cannot make minimum move, or its move has it leaving the battlefield, it is lost.

enemy model
Cannot move within 1” of an enemy model during movement phase.

Falling Back
If you start the movement phase within 1” of enemy, the only possible move is Falling Back. Falling Back, must result in the unit being farther than 1” from enemies. Falling Back means you cannot Advance, Charge or Shoot in the subsequent turn. If model has [FLY] key word, Falling Back and Shooting is permitted.

When picking a unit to move, you can declare it is making an Advance. Roll D6 add result to the movement value. Cannot Charge if performed an advance. Assault weapons are the only weapons that can Shoot following and Advance movement. They suffer -1 to hit.

Many units can arrive on the battlefield mid-turn, using special rules to represent arial insertion, teleportation, burrowing underground. This typical occurs at the end of the movement phase. Cannot move or advance following arrival from reserves, but can shoot or charge. The unit counts as having moved for weapons that suffer penalties for moving and shooting.


Manifest ability by making a Psychic Test, roll 2D6 equal or greater than the power’s warp charge value. A psyker cannot attempt to manifest the same power more than once per turn. IF double 1’s or double 6’s are rolled for the Psychic test psyker suffers D3 Mortal Wounds. If Psyker is slain by these wounds, the ability they were manifesting fails and each unit within 6” immediately suffers D3 mortal wounds

An enemy psyker within 24” can deny the power. Roll 2D6 if result is greater or equal than the result the opponent used to manifest to power, it is negated. Only one attempt allowed regardless of how many psykers are within 24”

If test is successful, psyker isn’t slain by perrils, and power isn’t denied; resolve the power.
In Matched Play, each psychic power (not including Smite) can be attempted once per turn rather than once per psyker per turn.


Choose unit to shoot with. Each model in the unit attacks with all ranged weapons it is armed with, unless otherwise stated. As long as unit wasn’t Falling Back or Advancing during Movement Phase

Must be in range to target an enemy unit, the enemy must be visible to the shooting model. Permitted to shoot through other models in own unit. Cannot target enemy within 1” of friendly models.
All shots can be fired at the same enemy unit, or each shot can be fired at different units. Declare who is shooting where before rolling to hit declare how you will split the shooting units shots before any dice are roll, and resolve all shots against an enemy unit, before moving on to the next.

A character can only be chosen as a target in the shooting phase if they are the closest visible enemy unit to the model shooting. This does not apply to Charcters with a wound characteristic or 10 or higher.

if weapon has more than one attack, it must make all attacks against the same target unit.

can fire even if it Advanced earlier in the turn, if it does subtract 1 from any hits made when firing that weapon this turn.

If a model with Heavy weapon moved in it preceding movement phase, you must subtract 1 from any rolls to hit made when firing that weapon this turn, this affects everything, including vehicles unless data entry states otherwise.Can now fire in shooting phase and the charge in the charge phase.

Rapid Fire
Doubles number of attacks it makes if its target is within half the weapons maximum range. Can now fire in shooting phase and the charge in the charge phase

each time a unit shoots, a single model in the unit equipped with grenades may throw one grenade instead of firing each of its weapons.

can fire a pistol, even if there are enemy units within 1” of its own unit, but it must target the closest enemy unit. The model can shoot pistol even if other friendly models are within 1” of the same enemy unit. Model equiped with both pistol and another type of weapon may only shoot the pistol or with all of its other weapons. Choose which it will fire before making rolls. Pistols no longer give +1attack for being paired with a close combat weapon

Hit Rolls
each time a model makes an attack, roll a dice, if the roll is greater or equal to atacking model’s Ballistic Skill, then it scores a hit with the weapon it is using. A roll of 1 always fails, regardless of any modifiers.

Wound Rolls
IF a Hit is scored, you need to roll to wound. Compare attacking weapon’s strength to the target models toughness.

If Strength is x2 (or more) than Toughness roll 2+
If Strength is greater than Toughness roll 3+
If Strength is equal Toughness roll 4+
If Toughness is greater than Strength roll 5+
If Toughness is x2 (or more) than Strength roll 6+

the player controlling the target unit allocates successful wounds. If a model in the target unit has already lost wounds the damage must be allocated to that model.

Saving throw
The player commanding the target unit then makes saving throw by rolling a dice and applying the Armour Penetration characteristic of the weapon that caused the damage. If a weapon has a Armour Penetration of -1, subtract 1 from the saving throw roll. If the roll is greater to or equal the the save characteristic of the model the wound was allocated to, than the damage is prevented. And the attack sequence ends. If the result is less than the model’s save characteristic, then the saving throw is failed and the model suffers damage. A roll of 1 always fails, irrespective of any modifiers that may apply.

Inflict Damage
Damage charcteristic of a weapon used in the attack causes the target model to lose one wound for each point of damage it suffers. If a model’s wounds are reduced to 0, it is slain or destroyed and removed from play. If a model suffers several wounds in an attack and is destroyed any excess damage inflicted by that attack is lost and has no effect.

Terrain and cover
unit entirely on or within terrain feature add 1 to models’ saving throws against shooting attacks. Invulnerable saves are unaffected. There is no benefit from cover in the fight phase.

Mortal Wounds
Some attacks inflict mortal wounds. Each mortal wound inflicts one point of damage on the target unit. Do not make to wound rolls or saving throws (including invulnerable saves). Allocate as you would any other wound. Unlike normal attacks, excess damage from attacks that inflict mortal wounds is not lost. Instead keep allocating damage to another model in the target unit until either all the damage has been allocated or the target unit is destroyed.


choose unit to charge with
anyone within 12” of the enemy in the charge phase can make a charge move. You may not charge with a unit that made an Advance or Fall Back move this turn or any unit that started the charge phase within 1” of an enemy.

Choose target
after choosing an elogible unit select one or more enemy units within 12” of them as the target of the charge. Each targeted unit can attemp to fire Overwatch

each time charge is declared against a unit, the target can immediately fire overwatch at the would be attackers. A target unit can potentially fire overwatch several times a turn, though it cannot fire if there are any enemy within 1” of it. Overwatch resolved like a regular shooting attack (during an opponents’ charge phase) and uses all the normal rules except that a 6 is always required for a successful hit roll. Irrespective of the firing models’ ballistic skill or any modifiers.

Make charge move
after overwatch, roll 2D6. Each model in the charging unit can move up to this number in inches, it is their charge distance this turn. The first model you move must finish within 1” of an enemy model from one of the target units. No model in the charging unit can move within 1” of a unit that was not selected as a target for the charge (an didnt get to overwatch). If this is impossible, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase. Once you’ve moved all the models from the unit, move onto other units you wish to have charge and repeat this process until all unit that you want to charge have charged. No unit can be selected to charge more than once in each Charge Phase. No +1attack for charging, unless stated in data entry.

Heroic Intervention
after enemy has completed all of their charges any of your CHARACTERS that are within 3” of an enemy unit may perform a heroic intervention. Any that do so may move up to 3” as long as they end the move closer to the nearest enemy model. Can you do this even if character Advanced?!


Choose unit to fight
a unit that successfully completed a charge, or is within 1” of an enemy unit can be chosen to fight. All units, both opponents get to fight with their models during the fight phase. All units that completed a charge this turn, fight first. The player whose turn it is decides the order in which the charging unit fight. After all charging units have fought, controlling player may pick one unit that is within 1” of enenmy, but didn’t charge to fight. Then the players alternate choosing eligible units to fight with, until all eligible units on both sides are out of fighters, no unit can be selected to fight more than once in each fight phase. If one player runs out of eligible units, the other player completes all of their remaining fights, one unit after another. A fight is resolved in the following ways

Pile in
each model in the unit may move up to 3” in any direction as long as the model ends the move closer to the nearest enemy model

Choose targets
pick target for unit to attack. To target enemy unit the attacking model must be within 1” of another model from its own unit that is itself within 3” of that enemy unit. Models that charged this turn can only attack units that they chose as targets during the charge phase. A model with multiple attacks can split them between eligible units if they are close enough. Declare how attacks will be split before rolling. Resolve attacks against one unit before moving onto the other.

Number of Attacks
determined by models’ attack characteristic. One dice for each. Attack characteristic of 2 mean 2 dice in close combat.

Choose a weapon
a close combat attack uses a melee weapon, listed on data entry. If no weapon is listed Strength is User, no AP, 1 Damage. IF model has more than one weapon, choose which it will use before rolling. If model has more than one weapon and multiple attacks, it can split between the weapons however you wish, declare how attacks are divided before rolling.

Resolve Clsoe Combat attacks
can be made one at a time, or some cases a number of attacks all together. Use Weapon Skill characteristic when rolling to hit. Then determine the strength of the attack versus enemy’s Toughness. Roll. Saving Throws are made if possible. Damage is applied.

you may move each model in the unit up to 3” - this move can be in any direction as long as the model end the move closer to the nearest enemy model.


starting with the player whose turn it is, players take Morale test for units from their army that have had models slain during the turn.

Roll a Dice
Add Number of Models in Unit slayed that turn
IF number exceeds highest Leadership value, for each point it was exceeded one model leaves the unit and flee the battle. Controlling player decides which model from their unit is removed from play.

When you set up a transport, units can be embarked within it instead of being set up separately. Declare what models are embarked inside the transport when you set it up.

models may enter a friendly transport if they move within 3” of it. Abilities that affect other units within a certain range have no effect when the unit with the ability is embarked. Embarked units cannot normal do anything or be affected while they are embarked. IF transport is destroyed with units embarked, they immediately disembark before the transport is removed. You must roll on dice for each model that was just set up on the battlefield. For each roll of 1 a model that disembarked is slain (controlling player chooses)

any unit that begins the movement phase embarked within a transport can disembark before the transport moves. When a unit disembarks, set it up onthe battlefield so that all of its models are within 3” of the transportand not within 1” of any enemy models. Any disembarking models that cannot be set up in this way is slain. Units that idsembark can then act normally, move shoot charge fight etc. During the remainder of their turn. Even if you don’t move any further in the movement phase after disembarking, the unit counts as having moved for any rules purposes such as shooting heavy weapons.

nominate one model as Warlord. If it is a character, if can use a Warlord Trait. Immediately before either player starts to deploy their army generate a trait.

1) IF Warlord Charges add 1+ to attack characteristics until end of remaining fight phase
2) Friendly units with 6” of Warlord can add 1 to their Leadership Characteristic
3) Each time Warlord loses a wound roll a D6, on a 6 does not lose that wound.


Strategic Dicipline
the same strategem cannot be used by the same player more than once during any phase

Tactical Reserves
when setting up army during deployment, at least half the total number of units in your army must be set up on the battlefield, even if every unit in the army has an ability that would allow them to be set up elsewhere. Any unit not arrived on battlefield by the end of the third battle round counts as having been destroyed

Army Faction
unless unit has Unaligned keyword, units must have at least one keyword in common, even though the are from different detachments.

Army Roster
will state the model that is selected to be the army’s Warlord

12-20-2017, 10:13 PM