View Full Version : Luck...best and worst of it

07-08-2010, 12:42 PM
Lets face it our hobby (the gaming side at least) is about luck. You could write the best army list and play against someone whos never touched a model before and lose if luck isn't on your side. No amount of skill will save you if you can't roll anything but ones...well maybe a really good player might but thats not the point

What is the best (or worst depending on what side you were on) dice luck you've ever seen?

I've had a 10 man assault squad flank march in apocolypse into my guardian squad on an objective. Cos it was area terrain a dangerous terrain test ensued. Dice rolled....9 1's and a 2. 9 dead assault marines. And then the last one gets hit by the ambush strategic asset.

To balence it out, i put Yriel into combat with 2 terminators. They managed to pass 19 5+ invulnerables without failing one. They ended up killing Yriel, but then charging a squad of guardians and both dying first round.

Whats your experience? Any times the luck of the dice has been exceptionally kind? Or just abandoned you?

07-08-2010, 12:48 PM
Best: Killing Abbadon in close combat with the last Guardsman of a platoon.

Worst: Rolling 1s for number of shots and missing every single shot for an entire turn for TWO of my three exorcists.

07-08-2010, 01:01 PM
Best luck for my opponent--rolling 28 straight saves for his Necron Wraith.

Best luck for me? I dunno, I tend to be more along the "middle of the road" when it comes to dice rolling. I don't tend to experience freakish extremes.

07-08-2010, 01:09 PM
Best- Killing an Avatar with the last member of a scout squad. I painted a laurel for him for that one.

Worst- Losing a full-strength TH/SS Terminator Assault Squad to a depleted imperial Guard Conscript Squad.

Yep... Dice, Love them and hate them.

07-08-2010, 01:46 PM
For me, one of the best was an objective based game. I had a single Sister of Battle on the objective, with two Tau rail gun suits, [can't remember the name right off hand] facing her. She wasn't faithful, so couldn't use Acts of Faith. The Tau player rolled four dice, missed with three and rolled a one to wound with the last. That Sister won me the game with two objectives to one.

One of the worst. In 3rd Ed. I fired a battle cannon at some Marines close by. It scattered back and blew up my own tank. Hilariously funny. At least they didn't have to suffer through the Marines tearing their tank apart in HtH.

Another was in a one off game called Kill the Wabbits. You fight your opponent while killing or capturing bunny rabbits. The rabbits go last, even after power fists and have the stat lines of weak grots. I had a Terminator Squad attacking a rabbit. It made its 6+ invulnerable save versus the only hit that wounded, then hit and wounded a Terminator. I promptly rolled a 1 for my armor save, and the Terminators lost the combat. My opponent and I burst out laughing at the same time, and I've been chuckling about it ever since.:)

07-08-2010, 02:03 PM
Best: Killing Abbadon with a single lasgun shot from 24" after he just ate the squad that beat him down to 1 wound.

Worst: Being held up in close combat for 4 turns with a SM dreadnaught due to my powerklaw ork being a whiney baby and not glancing or penning the damn thing.

07-08-2010, 02:13 PM
Best: 5 thunderhammer terminators holding of 120 hormagaunts for 5 turns (This was back in 4th Ed )
Honourable mention: My Autarch Killing a Greater Deamon of Slannesh in 1 on 1 combat.

Worst: Facing Killa Kans... i swear those things are indestructable! Ive never once been able to destroy a Killa Kan. Ive destroyed just about every other kind of armor out there (cept monoliths cuz im the only Cron player in my LGS). Those freakin Kans are the bane of my exsistance!

Rusty Nail
07-08-2010, 03:02 PM
Not 40k related, but it only happened on Sunday so is fresh in my mind.

WHFB 7th Edition Swansong Tournament - prize is a free copy of the 8th edition rulebook - first game on the Sunday morning

Skullcrusher charges into a unit of 8 skinks who have failed their fear test so will only be hitting on 6's and don't even have a rank or standard for Combat res.
4 attacks neediong 3's to hit - 2,2,1,3 -
thats okay as I get a reroll for hatred - 2,2,2,3 -
never mind two attacks hits only needing 2's yep double one.

Oh well they shouldn't do a wound so I'll only be rolling at minus one for demonic instability -
4 attacks back, 6,6,3,4 -
wounding on 5's - 5,5 -
ok well two 3 up armour saves and 2 5 up ward saves should stil see me right -
2,1 followed by 4,4
one dead Skulltaker followed by much hilarity and even some sympathy from my opponent.

07-08-2010, 03:39 PM
Okay...best luck:

2nd ed. 40k. My one eldar guardian vs a terminator. Eldar guardian ends up hitting 6 times, wounding 4 times, and my opponent failed2 of his 3+ (on 2d6 back then) saving throws.

07-08-2010, 04:19 PM
Best: Guessing the range on a Goblin Rock Lobba shot that ended up dead on the head of a Beast Shaman with a direct hit roll on the scatter die as the very first shot of turn one of a fantasy game.

Worst: The rest of that same game... I lost badly, but had the superior list.

Commissar Lewis
07-08-2010, 05:24 PM
Best: during last summer's apoc game with my group, my friend had fielded An'ggrath the Unbound. He took down the Hierophant on my team and several other squads and tanks. Well, full of bravado as I was, Straken's command squad was in range to assault An'ggrath who was down to 4 wounds.

So, shooting did nothing due to poor rolling, and then came the dramatic charge. An'ggrath went first, and took out the squad members, but not Straken. So, Straken attacked - all 5 attacks hit, all wounded, and my friend failed all of An'ggath's invul saves. An'ggrath fell dead.

Needless to say, everyone was stunned. Despite everyone telling me this was a stupid move and would not work, it did. Iron Hand Punched Out Cthulhu, so to speak. Using a trope here.

Worst was probably the various times I've rolled all 1's.

07-08-2010, 07:24 PM
Worst: Watching a biker Warboss pass fourteen 5++ saves (cuz he's got a metal noggin...) after being assaulted by two Trygons
Good: Watching one patch of difficult terrain kill more nob bikerz than I have in my gaming career up to this point.
Best: Having a single Hormagaunt tie up a dread for four turns.

07-08-2010, 07:32 PM
Best: Having my reserves do a complete denial of flank by coming in on the third/fourth turn.

Worst: Having all my reserves come in on second turn, then get blasted to hell by artillery.

07-08-2010, 10:22 PM
Best: In last edition my tooled up Khornate biker lord killing ~1500 points of stuff, completely on his own, and taking only a single wound doing so.

07-08-2010, 11:32 PM
Best: Having my ten Howling Banshees and Farseer charge Abbadon and ten Chaos Terminators. Not one miss, inflicted twenty two wounds, six on Abbadon, sixteen on the terminators. Opponent then proceeded to fail every single save on Abbadon, and all but two on the Terminators. It was also the something like the seventh time my Farseer has dispatched Abbadon in close combat.:rolleyes:

Worst. Above mentioned Farseer and Banshees locked in combat with SM scout squad for four turns.

Funniest. Watching my brothers two BA deep striking Land Raiders scatter 6' and 6' into impassable terrain and 'splode.

07-09-2010, 02:50 AM
best a single librarian (sword and pref enemy) blowing up a LR surviving 2 tactical squads and a captian and killing surviving it all, until that last krak dev squad :( or asurmen killing a pimped out 4rth ed fex :P

hving sang guard being beaten by kroot :(

having my furiso with blood talon exploded by a single Termagaunt :( (the guy playing it was new to nids and thought they were S4

07-09-2010, 04:02 AM
Best: Watching my friend deploy An'ggrath in an apoc game. It killed an eldar Titan, 5 TH termies and then took calgar down on it's last wound.

Worst: Loosing Mephiston to 12 fire warriors in the first turn of a game. So many ones :(

07-09-2010, 12:39 PM
Worst: Lobbing 5 Exorcist missiles, hitting with all 5 on a 5 man devastator squad, then rolling 5 1's to wound. Epic I tell you.

Best: Tough to say. I kept 20 deamonettes alive against an ironclad dreadnaught for 7 full rounds of assault. I swear I didn't lose a single one. The assault was later joined by a Furioso with Blood Talons. I then lost 16 in one round witrh the Talons and Fearless saves.

07-10-2010, 07:01 AM
Best; back in third edition I had a basic SM Chaplain and a Veteran Segeant with a powerfist and bolter (all that had survived of my army after turn 1) take out 400 points of Genestealers in close combat

Worst; having my Warlord titan destroyed in combat by an IG priest with an Eviscerator.

Funniest was the same as DrLove42. Assault Marines shouldn't die that easilly, especially when they only had a handful of Eldar Guardians to take off an objective.

07-13-2010, 08:58 AM
Best: Ogryns assault a fast-moving devilfish by 1/4" and beat it to death with all 11 fire warriors inside dying from the resulting explosion.

Worst: 9 twin-linked lascannon, 0 hits.

07-13-2010, 09:01 AM
Old school worst: Pre-Turn 1 virus bomb kills entire 2500 pt. Eldar army save Avatar and dreadnaught.

07-13-2010, 09:41 AM
Well, recently:

Worst: lost 6 Raptor squad to a couple scorchas. All those 1s and 2s...

Best: Vindicator survives the entire game. Anyone who's fielded a Vindicator knows that these things are fire magnets like no other.

07-14-2010, 04:52 AM
Best: Vindicator survives the entire game. Anyone who's fielded a Vindicator knows that these things are fire magnets like no other.

Fire magnets like no other, but worth their points for once they've survived past turn 2!

Speaking of which, I remember killing 1200 points of Chaos Space Marines (including vehicles, a lord and a few squads of elites) in a single shot from a vindicator. The guy was trying to hide them all behind a bridge, forgetting I could move and fire... that was a good way to win a 1500 point game :P

07-14-2010, 05:00 AM
Anytime I make my 6+ save from using my bosspole...it's not the rarest incident, but certainly FEELS that way haha...

Master Bryss
07-14-2010, 06:20 AM
I never have spectacularly good luck, as for bad...

I fired a Cyclone Launcher Frag Missile at relatively close range at some LoTD. The missile scattered so badly it ended up wounding two of my Terminators to the left of the guy firing. Then I rolled snake eyes for armour saves. Essentially, my missile did a U-turn. Hilarity ensued.

07-14-2010, 05:59 PM
I lost Abbadon by one hell of a lucky guardsmen shot. the guardsmen was my opponents last shot that turn it hit and wounded and I said oooowww wow all I need is a 2, I rolled a 1 and he died.

during fourth edition I had a vindicator that was assaulted by a single genestealer, if you remember how awesome rending was back then on vehicles you can assume what happened to the rear armor of my poor vindicator.

I once had a terminus ultra landraider going up against eldar (wraithlord and HQ unit) my opponent destroyed both sponsons on myleft side, then immodilised it then used some psychic power that turned my land raider around I was helpless as I couldn't move and my only usable weapons were on the opposite side of the attackers.

07-15-2010, 01:42 AM
Worst: early 2nd Edition 40k
My Eldar vs. Orks
Somehow the Orks got first turn.
A squad of ten Grots with autoguns moves into a narrow gap in terrain gaining LoS to my Farseer. With BS2 and S2 they manage to cause Four Wounds to my T5 Farseer.
I fail all Eight 4+ Invulnerable Saves (for a short time you could have multiple invul saves)

As the Farseer dies all squads near him have to make morale checks, failing they run off the board causing a cascade that removes half my army before my first turn.

I calculated the Farseer dieing was greater than 1 : 6,000,000.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
07-15-2010, 02:41 AM
Best: 2nd ed Abbadon faces my 5 Deathwing Termies, he shoots, kills 3 including the Cyclone missile launcher. Old rules you roll to see if when he dies you get a catastrophic launch failure. Well he dies and launches 4 missiles taking out a LR, immobilizing a rhino, and yes killing Abbodon, failing both his saves and dying.

Worst: First turn 3 Dominion squads in Immolators charge across terrain to slay Orks, and they find themselves either less than an inch short of Melta guns, or flamer templates to crisp a biker squad or the Skullhammer.
Then his turn he wipes every single Dominion sister (failed every save) for those 3 squads. And 2 Immolators explode kiling any survivors.