View Full Version : Brand Loyalty

07-07-2010, 08:01 PM
How loyal are you to the GW brand in your modelling and painting? I know there's a fair few people out there who will substitute something or other for reaper minis, Rackham minis, or even re-painted D&D plastic miniatures from Wizards of the Coast. People will from time to time use bits and bobs from other systems or companies like Privateer Press' Warmachine/Hordes line to supplement their GW mini modelling, so how loyal are you all?

Me, I personally really love GW (despite complaining about things like cost... :P) and try to use their "official" brand parts and such for almost every aspect of my Warhammer Fantasy and 40K models. However, the one exception I've chosen to make very recently (today, in fact), is in using GF9 basing materials and tools (yeah, that's right, I usually go so far as to only use GW-exclusive tools >w<) and specialty bases from forgecraft games to represent the treadplate-patterned ship decks for my tyranids army (long story).

07-07-2010, 08:57 PM
I use what I like, and mostly its GW parts. To be fair, I don't know of any other companies which produce Eldar compatible figures. I do use other companies resin bases and whatnot, and wholeheartedly approve of places like Chapter House Studios. So long as it fits in I don't care where it came from.

07-07-2010, 09:22 PM
I use what I like, and mostly its GW parts. To be fair, I don't know of any other companies which produce Eldar compatible figures. I do use other companies resin bases and whatnot, and wholeheartedly approve of places like Chapter House Studios. So long as it fits in I don't care where it came from.

I'm pretty much the same. I almost exclusively use GW bits for the figures themselves but am a lot more flexible over basing materials, paints and resin bases.

Similarly if someone is producing compatible resin components I be keen to use them if I liked them but haven't had cause to yet (although I am thinking about those Chapterhouse jump packs).

When it comes to terrain I pretty much don't worry about the brand - I just buy items I like that are to a compatible scale. This still means I have a reasonable amount of GW stuff but also some nice items from other producers.

07-07-2010, 09:39 PM
Meh I like GW and like to see them do well and support them when I can but I see no problems with using other companies minis here and there too.

07-07-2010, 10:38 PM
I use GW models and bitzfor the most part, although I do have a few models and som bits from other companies. I use the GW washes (I really like them) but I use Vallejo paints because I like the eye dropper bottles better than the GW paint pots, that they are bit less expensive is a nice bonus. Resin bases are few and far between in my armies but they are somein there. I also am a big proponent of 'build your own' stuff, terrain, bases, weapons and armor, etc.

07-08-2010, 12:16 AM
I'll use whatever miniature or tool is the highest quality for the best price. GW tools are not very good - most hobby/craft tools are both cheaper and better quality. Like plasticaddict, I use Vallejo paint and GW washes. I'll use GW's minis when the sculpts are good. When the sculpts are bad, I either use a competitor's model, scratchbuild my own model, or convert it using GW bits.

The existence of competitors helps to keep GW honest and producing their highest quality minis, so I don't mind supporting other hobby businesses. If GW had a bit stiffer competition, it might help keep their prices down.

07-08-2010, 01:15 AM
Not really loyal to the company but like the consistency of GW models.

Figures: at present all of my figures are either GW parts or scratch built. This is due more to incompatibility with other lines than quality. IMHO there are several companies that make more detailed minis and more realistic proportioned, but few fit the 40k feel.

Vehicles: again mostly GW or scratch built due to incompatibility. I've started making some bits that I can cast and use in more detailed scratch builds. This is one area where GW/ Forgeworld has dropped the ball, the old encouragement to make a model has been replaced with "buy this".

Terrain & Basing: most of my bases are stock GW with flock or sand. Now that I've restarted my Eldar army, and found a range of bases I like for them, I will probably do the entire army with third party resin bases.
Terrain is a mix of anything that works. I have some GW buildings but only because they make decent looking terrain with little effort. My goal is to create enough custom bits that I can create terrain with GW quality/ detail without using any actual GW bits.

Third Party products: The last few years have seen a huge improvement in the quality, quantity and design of products compatible with GW models. Resin bases have been around for years but most models and conversion bits have either looked like poorly made copies of GW minis, direct knock offs from the movies or something an under achieving eight year old would make. Lately places like Chapterhouse have made bits that match in size and style without using any actual GW parts.

07-08-2010, 01:17 AM
I, personally, will always be a stickler for the "GW/Citadel" models (or the Privateer Press only depending on what I'm pulling out of my own to play), as I've invested in the hobby, and Forgeworld...Ah..sweet Forgeworld.. But, to the point, the rundown for my studio, and myself:

Miniatures: Respective to the project I am working on

Bits: For the most part, respective to the project, however, if I have something unique that fits, and makes the miniature playable in a tournament for that particular project, I'm all for it. Also depends on the customer's preferences. My own? As long as it's game legal for a tourney I'm cool with it.

Basing Materials: Gale Force 9, getting sand from the beach, etc.. Only one I am a stickler for here is the snow basing. Must be GW's as theirs works better the way I do snow bases.

Modeling Tools: P3, period. Better quality, better tools. I have gone through less of their type of products than I did with GW's, ever.

Primer: Army Painter. Coloured primers are a life saver. Also cut work time in half most of the time.

Brushes: P3, again. Work well, and last a long time.

Bases: Wherever I get them from, if I need a particular type of base I can't create myself. Dark Art Miniatures are great, as well as Wyrd Mins, FW Resin, and many others.

07-08-2010, 04:47 AM
Have to be honest, I do like having "brand items".

So my Confrontation army stays soley confrontation parts, same with Warmchine and of course GW. The only deviation (if it can be called that) is the use of Forge World parts or custom sculpts. For my non-gw figures I will use different combination of resin bases just to spice up the figures but thats about it really.

For everything else though like paints and tools I pick and mix with what I am comfortable with and base it on quality/cost.


07-08-2010, 05:11 AM
The core of just about everything I do is GW or scratch built, mostly because it means I'm able to use them at official events such as the Throne of Skulls, that may change now as it looks like I'll be less likely to attend such events in the future, the likely outcome in reality is that I'm getting further into sculpting my own things.

07-08-2010, 05:16 AM
Coming from historical gaming I have no brand loyalty. I buy the best looking model for the price.

07-08-2010, 05:37 AM
For GW games I have this weird habit of using GW models, with sculpting and converting thrown in. I don't think my own work counts as a brand, but it's certainly not GW's. :P I haven't found many competitor's products that mesh well to my eyes. For other games I tend to use the associated minis, too. I don't really have brand loyalty in general as far as which company I buy from, but I like a coherent look in an army so I tend to have brand loyalty within a game.

As for tools, I managed to get GW's tool set with the case really cheap so I don't regret buying it, but GW's tools are definitely close to bottom of the barrel, especially for the price you pay. You're better off shopping around for those at hardware stores, craft stores, jeweler supply places, etc. I don't really have brand loyalty with tools, but I'll never buy GW's again. I do have two of their clippers, but I really wanted their white and black foundation paints that you can only get in their hobby starter set. I might end up with three.

For brushes and paints, I have brand loyalty. I use Winsor & Newton's Galleria brushes (very specific, I know :P), and I've been replacing my regular GW paints as they run out, with W&N's newer Artist line of acrylics. I still really like GW's washes and foundation paints, but they're really expensive for what you get so I don't really have a big supply of them on hand all the time. I buy them when a project needs them. GW's brushes are like their tools in that they're bottom of the barrel quality, but still have their model's and paint's inflated price. They are only good for dry brushing and too expensive to waste on it.

Brithian Ranger
07-08-2010, 07:03 AM
I often look to other companies for conversion bits and such as I like my armies to look more historical, however I do try to use GW as much as possible as I do feel pretty loyal to them.

Chris Copeland
07-08-2010, 07:22 AM
I don't really have any brand loyalty. I LOVE minis by Reaper and any time I can use them in other games I do.

07-08-2010, 07:55 AM
I don't have much brand loyalty. I have plenty of GW models to be sure, but I like to buy competing products when I can. I think GW needs more competition and there are some great companies out there making nice-looking models that are competitively priced.

GW is a beast in the industry and like any company I think it needs good competition to keep it focused on maintaining its customer base. The industry is becoming more exciting every day with excellent products being produced and improved by a wider range of manufacturers. The more GW has to respond to this sort of competition, the happier I am and I use my wallet to encourage the process.

07-08-2010, 07:59 AM
I say if it fits, allow it.

I'm currently converting up a praetorian guard army using heads from Wargames Factory's British Zulu infantry, bodies from their Sci Fi Greatcoats (I'm partial to the pith/greatcoat look), and GW Cadian arms. I think it looks about in step with GW's imagery and my own imagination regarding

It does bother me when people use tonka trucks as battlewagons, though.

07-08-2010, 12:53 PM
Models: Mostly GW and my own conversions. Paint: Whatever I find at the local craft shop. Tools: Whatever I have laying around.

07-08-2010, 10:02 PM
adding to my list above:

Tools: I can honestly say I have no GW branded tools (other than brushes) but the box is.

I've been gaming and modeling longer than GW has made their own tools so I never had the need to buy their branded items. I did splurge for the metal ammo crate to use as my tool box, then I replaced the foam with two trays from one of the other figure case makers and filled it with non GW tools.

07-12-2010, 12:06 AM
Coming from historical gaming I have no brand loyalty. I buy the best looking model for the price.

This ^ (although MY 'historical' period was WW2/Modern in HO or 1/72 using kits/models from a variety of makers).

I'm a brand floozie, trooping from one to the next with a quick wipe.

I use a PP model for my "Creed" figure (converted gunmage - I prefer the coat on him to the "grumpy old man" cast of creed.) My Al'Rahem is a Corvus Belli Haqqislam [infinity] figure because - once again, I consider the GW one to be pants.

I've NEVER stuck to one brand of anything.