View Full Version : Return to 2nd Edition aspects....

03-23-2017, 07:36 AM
The Warhammer Community site has put out a release covering some things being currently play tested. (this isn't on front page yet probably due to time differences).

It includes a return to movement values, and also mentions save modifiers.

Apart from the fact that non-GW are playtesting (so, verifiable that they playtest, a long running grouch from the GW-slaters), some of the best and most missed parts of the game may be returning.

Combine that with Necromunda, and it genuinely appears we are in good times for 40K.

04-10-2017, 01:25 AM
Did you manage to get a copy of shadow war?

04-11-2017, 04:32 AM
Nope. My friendly local blackshirt would have put a copy aside for me - if he hadn't only received 3 and had a queue outside the door come opening...

And apparently a re-stock may not be on the cards, something to do with the terrain coming from china, but the books/boxes printed in UK. Whilst the terrain is clearly available - it is in the stand alone boxes - that can't (apparently) be used and they don't want to wait so long as to get further from China to make new boxed sets with.

So, you can pay the per component price - as well as the 'enhanced' rulebook - which means you get all faction rules included but pay more.

Not the best thing GW has done lately but they are sticking to their guns that they were surprised by demand.

Maybe they need to lengthen the pre-order process so that they are better able to judge demand?

04-13-2017, 01:13 AM
I had to queue to get one cause I missed the ten minutes it was available online.

Thing is i'm going to want the "complete" version of the book. I do wonder how well they've playtested the SoB and Inquisitors considering they've supposedly rushed out this book for the demand. *shrugs*

Captain Bubonicus
04-13-2017, 11:01 AM
What is this "playtested" you speak of?

04-17-2017, 05:09 AM
What is this "playtested" you speak of?

It is when rules are tested in real life games. This is a process that has been happening way back since Rogue Trader despite what other opinions people may have. Indeed, in some of the old codecii even had acknowledgements of thanks to the play testers.