View Full Version : [1850] - Khorne Daemonkin - Rate my list - Khorne Daemonkin

03-20-2017, 12:20 PM
Pretty simple question to answer I want to know how competitive you'd find this list as is (no changes) if you had to face it with your best army list. Rate then comment

Comment on the following points
- Would you win on pure brute strength? rulebook mission objectives? both?
- Would you need to list tailor to win or can your standard list take it down?
- What would you find most challenging to deal with in this list, what are you most concerned about?
- How would you rate yourself as a 40k player on a scale of 1-10 (1 being a Novice brand new to the game, 10 international/global tournament winner (top 8))

Combined Arms Detachment 1


Bloodthrister of Insensate Rage

Chaos Lord w/Chaos Bike, Lightning Claw, Power Fist, SoC, Skull helm of Khorne


8x Cultists

8x Cultists

Heavy Support


Maulerfiend - Lasher Tendrils

Maulerfiend - Lasher Tendrils

Combined Arms Detachment 2


Bloodthrister of Insensate Rage


8x Cultists

8x Cultists

Heavy Support

Soul Grinder

Soul Grinder

Soul Grinder