View Full Version : Dark Angels

07-06-2010, 02:52 PM
Ok quick question are Dark Angels there codex still relevant or do I use the Space Marine codex? Thanks

07-06-2010, 02:54 PM
It's still the current Dark Angels codex, so it's still "legal." Plenty of people would argue that it isn't "relevant," in the sense that the current SM codex does everything it does but cheaper and/or better.

07-06-2010, 04:24 PM
DA codex is legal and still good to use. Just because SM can do it cheaper and better dosn't mean you can't use the DA codex.

If you can take a joke, if you play Dark Angels and use the SM codex, you are Fallen then :p. Joking aside, you what ever codex you want, but stick to one codex.

After months and months of arguing screaming crying and acting like a fool, I have finally calmed down.

In essence, here is what you can do. There could be other things, but I may have forgotten them or not even know about it.

Play DA and use the DA codex. Simple there really.

Play DA and use the SM codex. Some people who do this, says the DA flavour is missing and dosn't feel like DA to them. Others play DA using the SM codex and it feels DA to them. So you have to try it if you really need the less costed rules and or better rules.

Play DA and use the SW codex. A few people saw ironically that using the SW codex is more fluffier for the DA than the DA codex.

In other words, use what you want to use. It's for fun. But stick to one codex. But to rebutt that, some people use the DA codex and some people let that person use the DA codex with the SM updated SM war gear and point cost. But if you do this, then your psychic hoods are not board wide and you have to use SM smoke launcher rules and not DA. You can't pick and choose what rules you fallow and what you don't then.

Let us know what you would like to do.

07-06-2010, 05:43 PM
I will be honest I am leaning tword using the DA codex and just that, yes I know it is behind the times, but I love the lore in it.

07-06-2010, 06:03 PM
Not shure if you know about this site.


Come here if you want to find more lore and specific questions about the DA. The B&C is for SM only, so don't expect any Xeno help there, but you will find SM help alot. The link I gave you is for DA only, but as you see, there are other SM sections too if you like to check them out as well.

07-06-2010, 07:58 PM
Thanks looks to be an intresting sight

07-06-2010, 10:26 PM
I stick with the DA codex out of pure spite. I'm going to stick it out until they re-do it.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
07-06-2010, 10:58 PM
As mentioned yes SM codex get it cheaper, better rules and bonueses, but id Play DA codex for the history, there unique rules and until you get a new codex.
I used to play DA's long time ago before i sold them, and there Ravenwing and Deathwing make up for it everytime, i only lost 4 times in over about 8 years with my trusty DA's.
Stick with them, dont become a green marine army ok.

07-06-2010, 11:25 PM
I would completely abandon the DA codex for right now simply because it isn't good at doing anything anymore. Greenwing use SM, real simple. If you want a biker army, use the SM codex - Chapter Tactics are perhaps the greatest advantage a biker type army can have, and it doesn't lock you into using a 205pt character who is basically worthless and overcosted if you don't throw him in the landspeeder. Their basic Land Speeder, Bikers, and Attack Biker squads are definitely cheaper, so you can fit more of them in one army than you could with the DA codex. The only drawback is slight, and that is that you don't have teleport homers on your bikers, and you don't have the scout special rule. Too bad it doesn't really matter because you can still get them in there with Scout Bikers and also take Land Speeder Storms. Not to mention Scout really doesn't do all that much for a unit that can move accross the board in a single turn. Oh and losing outflanking? Well you can move across the board in one turn, better to put it all up front or just use regular reserves than to reserve yourself to the trickle of outflanking reserve bikers that will get picked off piecemeal.

If you want to do a Deathwing Army use Space Wolves and Loganwing. Logan is the type of epic that a Master of the Deathwing should be. The greatest boon to Belial is his low price, but literally every piece of equipment in the Space Wolves army is better so I would use them. It's an all terminator force, with the right missile launcher, storm shield, and wolf claws. Oh did I mention you can take the kind of epic characters that Deathwing should have, sagas and all, and they rock as the elite terminator force?

Death-Raven is quite literally the only thing that you can't do exactly like you can with the Dark Angels book, but you can get close enough with either the Space Wolves book or the Space Marine book that it really doesn't matter. Oh and wtf? why can Vanilla Space Marines take the Mortis Pattern Dreadnought when we the Dark Angels, who freaking invented it, have no access to it? Arguably you can make fluffier lists with the other books than you can with the DA book.

07-07-2010, 03:18 AM
Khiran, if you want real advice on Dark Angels speak to DarkAngleDentist on Warseer and Bolter & Chainsword, the codex may be old but it's still incredably potent when it comes to anything except Greenwing - regardless of the naysayers.

07-07-2010, 07:46 PM
Khiran, if you want real advice on Dark Angels speak to DarkAngleDentist on Warseer and Bolter & Chainsword, the codex may be old but it's still incredably potent when it comes to anything except Greenwing - regardless of the naysayers.

Here is the link for B&C DA forum.


Lots of great advice for a DA player, even if you do not want to use a DA codex, they will tell you how to get the DA feel for it.

Good luck.

07-07-2010, 09:45 PM
I stick with the DA codex out of pure spite. I'm going to stick it out until they re-do it.

Good man! Thats what I like to hear. I don't play DA but it sucks for them being the test codex. I see a fair amount of death wing out there but I always love to see someone with the balls to run "Green Wing" and say "to hell with C:SM! I don't care if I'm playing at a disadvantage! You're gonna be glad I did when I'm done rocking yer face!" RAWR!

...okay enough of that....

07-07-2010, 10:21 PM
Someone at my FLGS runs his Dark Angels as 'VERY Dark'. As in, they HAVE fallen to Chaos. And uses the Chaos Space Marines rules.

Green Marines are very flexable. They can be Green Marines, Dark Angels, or Chaos!

07-08-2010, 02:35 AM
Good man! Thats what I like to hear. I don't play DA but it sucks for them being the test codex. I see a fair amount of death wing out there but I always love to see someone with the balls to run "Green Wing" and say "to hell with C:SM! I don't care if I'm playing at a disadvantage! You're gonna be glad I did when I'm done rocking yer face!" RAWR!

...okay enough of that....

Hehehe thanks! My screen name actually denotes my intentions (waiting for a new codex). To tell you the truth, I thought the 3rd edition Dark Angels Codex was better than the current one. Back then they had some exclusive access to plasma cannons and what not versus the C:SM of that time period. So, it kind of made them stand out, not that plasma cannons are the end all be all, but it was still kind of cool.

I have a fully painted Death Wing and Raven Wing but I can't post the pictures until I get back home or the internet starts working at the USO. However, you can see them here: www.awakeningynnead.blogspot.com
I commission out my painting to my best friend as stated in a previous thread I started about pro-painted armies. I have been very pleased with his work (shameful plug done).

I have about 11,000 poiints of Dark Angels and growing. I play anything from a standard list from all of the various unit types, to Death Wing, to Raven Wing. I haven't done much Death/Raven wing mix, though I hear it's the bees knees.

After this deployment I plan on buying a Thunderhawk Gunship from Forge World and having my best friend paint it in Dark Angel liveries.

07-08-2010, 09:23 AM
Good man! Thats what I like to hear. I don't play DA but it sucks for them being the test codex. I see a fair amount of death wing out there but I always love to see someone with the balls to run "Green Wing" and say "to hell with C:SM! I don't care if I'm playing at a disadvantage! You're gonna be glad I did when I'm done rocking yer face!" RAWR!

...okay enough of that....

I almost did that. I played with Green wing and terminators when I played my tourney. Mind you it was my first 40K game it wasn't standard rules but scenarios. I went 0-4 but had a blast anyways.

I was told I would do better with SM codex with what I was using, I said nah, it's ok, I will stick with DA. They said I neede more mech but I wanted my GW.

I am too stuborn I guess. But who cares if another codex is stonger or weaker. To me, DA have a codex, and using something else wouldn't feel like DA to me.

If I knew the DA fluff reallywell, then maybe I would use another codex, but since I don't I will just use the DA codex and that's it.

07-08-2010, 09:31 AM
@DAH, nice RW, Very well done.

07-08-2010, 10:59 AM
@DAH, nice RW, Very well done.

Thank very much. I'll pass on the compliment to my friend who painted them. =)

07-08-2010, 09:01 PM
I almost did that. I played with Green wing and terminators when I played my tourney. Mind you it was my first 40K game it wasn't standard rules but scenarios. I went 0-4 but had a blast anyways.

I was told I would do better with SM codex with what I was using, I said nah, it's ok, I will stick with DA. They said I neede more mech but I wanted my GW.

I am too stuborn I guess. But who cares if another codex is stonger or weaker. To me, DA have a codex, and using something else wouldn't feel like DA to me.

If I knew the DA fluff reallywell, then maybe I would use another codex, but since I don't I will just use the DA codex and that's it.

Heck why not? People act like if you play with the DA book its an instant loss for you, and an instant win for them. Truth be told, the relative strength of a codex only has soo much to do with the game, army builds, player experience, and DICE all have their say by the end of the day. I mean people do still play competitively with Demon Hunters, Witch Hunters, Tau, Necrons, Dark Eldar. . . all of which should equal an instant loss as far as List Fu is concerned.

To be completely honest, playing with the DA book isn't that big of a disadvantage. Sure you could save 10pts here or there on a unit or two but by the time your done adding up your list thats only like 57pt more of stuff you could get. It makes a difference, but when the book came out it was still considered balanced vs half the codexes that are out there right now. Idk, I used to be "If you're Dark Angels, play Dark Angels dangit!" But now after hearing oh I'm CSM using Space Wolves for better Demon Princes, or oh I'm World Eaters using Blood Angels, jumping ship just doesn't bother me as much anymore.

07-10-2010, 05:10 PM
But now after hearing oh I'm CSM using Space Wolves for better Demon Princes, or oh I'm World Eaters using Blood Angels, jumping ship just doesn't bother me as much anymore.

Personally, I'm the exact opposite. It doesn't bother me that people do that, it bothers me that GW produces rule-sets that encourage, if not require, people to do this. You know if people are using Space Marine lists to get their Chaos boys to hit harder, then there's got to be a problem with the Chaos book. Same with people using the SW book to represent DA, that's blasphemy!!

Bottom line is GW needs to do a better job of balancing out their lists instead of one-upping themselves every time. Sure, it makes for better sales, but it discourages and alienates the existing clientele. I thought they wanted to get away from Hero-hammer, but with the SW and BA books, it seems like they've taken a large step towards exactly that.

Kudos to everyone still using the DA book. Death-Raven FTW!!:D

07-10-2010, 05:29 PM
Heck why not? People act like if you play with the DA book its an instant loss for you, and an instant win for them.

This is true, and very odd, the BoLS article for example that stated DA were 'substantially weaker' than C:SM, when of course in reality the majority of it is just the same. It is less varied, fewer units, no cool wargear, but not really weaker. If you play in a friendly setting then I would think you could probably use the wargear points and rules from the C:SM book, as GW suggests. Likewise if it is an easygoing group like mine is, ignore restrictions for ravenwing and deathwing having to use the special characters, I had a ravenwing army that used a bike mounted librarian instead, cheaper and more interesting.

07-12-2010, 10:40 AM
I actually added up the point difference between DA and C:SM. I honestly didnt see that much of a difference as far as terms are concerned. For one DA get assault weapons for free and can mix and match. Want a unit with an assault cannon and lighting claws? Done! I find this as an advantage because I dont have to break up my squads.

07-12-2010, 08:17 PM
Right, the DA codex is essentially on the level of the SM codex, except DA stuff is slightly more expensive, there are some options missing, but there are a few unique options (that don't quite make up the difference).

Is the DA codex as good as C:SM? No.

Is the DA codex as bad as C: DH or Necrons? No.

07-12-2010, 10:43 PM
I don't think that codex DA is complete garbage. The main differences in my opinion are the updated wargear (i.e. storm shield, etc). As far as Deathwing being able to mix and match terminator types and have free assault weapons, that's true and it's an advantage, however, that's always been a Deathwing thing. I would like to see the DA codex have sternguard veterans. Although I've never used them, I think they have amazing potential.