View Full Version : New 40K Player looking for feedback!

07-05-2010, 01:32 AM
Hi people,
Im new to the game and looking for input. Im putting together my first army. Gonna be a Space Marine Army but cant decide on a chapter. I love the flavor of Dark Angels pre-heresy (Balck color scheme) but understand the codex is about 4 yrs old and not exactly updated. I'm not really into BA or SW since they seem to be what every other new player wants. I will mostly be playing with buddies of mine and not really doin tournament play but im open to any suggestions or army builds you might have. Your input is appreciated!

07-05-2010, 02:00 AM
Personally if you love the feel and models for an army I always think thats a good enough reason to collect them. In the case of the Dark Angels yes it's an old book comparitively but it still has some nice tricks up it's sleave, especially with Death Wing, Raven Wing or Double Wing list's, it's the standard marines which miss out somewhat.

That said there will be a new codex eventually so you always look forward to that - or alternatively, and given you mentioned using the pre-heresy scheme especially - you could always just use the Codex Marines list for the time being. Nothing wrong with that, just make sure your opponent knows exactly what's what at the start of a game.

07-05-2010, 06:23 AM
If you like the look of it I'd say play them =). Just use someone elses codex. Codex space marines probably works best

Chris Copeland
07-05-2010, 07:49 AM
I always go with what appeals to me visually first and worry about the codex later. If you like Dark Angels (and I can totally see why... they look SWEET) then go with Dark Angels. It's definitely easier to paint up stuff that excites you.

Just a note: only buy and paint about 400 points at a time... it's easier that way.

Second note: buy the Black Reach set and start painting them up as Dark Angels... it's a very economical deal if you are goinf to be playing any kind of Space Marines...

07-05-2010, 08:41 AM
As a 'pre heresy' Dark Angel player myself (my first army in Rogue Trader were Dark Angels) when I field them I use Codex: Space Marines unless I want to use Deathwing or Ravenwing.
If your buddies are cool with it the Dark Angel FAQ does say it's ok to use the later Marine codex's equipment stats for the older ones and the newer equipment they don't get. That way you can use Deathwing but have good Cyclones and Storm Shields, as well as take Land Raider Redeemers for them should you wish.

07-05-2010, 08:52 AM
This is just a joke to get it out of the way. "If you are not using the DA codex and using the SM codex, then you are Fallen and not Dark Angles." :p

Ok, joking aside. I am a DA player, but I suck at gaming. I am 0-4 with them in my first games. But we didn't play 40K BRB rules, but sceanarios, and it's hard to play agaisnt great 40K players using sceanrios the first time. I don't care it was fun anyways.

If you like DA and they appeal to you the most, then start them. Since it looks like you are playing for fun, then is shouldn't matter that the DA codex is 4 years old. Chaos, Elder, are 4 years old as well so using an excuse dosn't cut it.

Maybe what you mean is that the SM codex is more updated and cheaper than the DA codex. What will cost you 2000 points in a DA codex could cost you say 1850 in a SM codex with some better rules.

Are you playing to win? DA codex could be hard for you, but winning isn't everything is it? I would say use the DA codex, since at least for me, using another codex dosn't seem like DA to me because I know there is a DA codex.

But do not let anyone tell you that you can't use the SM codex or SW codex to be your DA. Since you says everyone plays SW and BA I guess that idea is no good for you. If you find using the DA codex no fun for you, then go ahead and use the SM codex then.

Do not let anyone tell you that you can't. You can do what ever you want. Maybe you group will let you use the DA codex but use the updated rules and gear in the SM codex. Some people play that way. Most people frown on using 2 seperate codecii, but if you group of friends or gamers agree then there is nothing wrong with it.

Go to this site. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showforum=6 you can get great info and help from fellow DA player if you decide to go that way.

Do what ever you like. From what I read, go with DA. It might be 2 or 3 years before DA gets a new codex but get started now. Lots of people still have lots of fun with the DA codex. Lots of people have fun using the SM for thier DA. There is a few people who use the SW codex because it better represents the fluff of DA using that codex, ironically. I havn't herd of anyone using BA for DA though.

I love the DA fluff and minis. Start with them slowly and play a few games. Use someone elses minis if you can before you buy them just in case you do not like them.

But what ever you do, the Blackreach box set is a good place to start with, if you hanv't done so already. This way use these minis for your DA.

Good luck and welcome to the 40K universe and BoLS.

07-05-2010, 10:18 AM
Just use Codex: Space Marines and use the black color scheme you want. That way you have the color scheme you like and you have a codex which is no hideously outdated.

07-05-2010, 05:22 PM
Welcome to the addiction!

Don't feel bad about wanting to play the original DA color scheme. A buddy of mine has stopped collecting marines just because he hates the way they've reoriented DA from the Rogue Trader days. ;)

I'll echo what everyone else said here and go with the regular (IE "vanilla") marine dex and just call them Dark Angels (or pre-heresy, or whatever) unless you really decide you want to play the established DA special characters.

Either way, have fun, and don't let people try to pigeonhole you into a pre-cast mold.



Sister Rosette Soulknyt
07-06-2010, 11:14 PM
Ok i just posted a similar response to this one on another post, but again good to see a new DA player abroad.
That said if you like the colour and history paint them pre-heresy they look great trust me ive painted many in that colour over the years.
Secondly the older DA codex lacks certain new rules and upgrades but that doesn t mean you cant win with them, i had for many years until i sold them.
Visually and fluff wise they are the first Legion and look great with there monastic robes, still better than some basic marine armies now. And if you like that sort of thing go for it ok.

Rules well you can do as others have said and play with the new SM codex, and be competitive along everyone else or you can go by the older codex and have tricks that others dont, hey if your friends wont mind they would let you use the upgraded rules and wargear too.
But for now as a new player go with the new codex, but get ahold of the older one and play both if you can, try one and then the other.
Good luck