View Full Version : Greetings, gamers...

07-04-2010, 04:50 AM
Greetings fellow wargamers!

My name is Milos and I am from Serbia.For five years now i run a wargaming guild in Nis, town where I live in.
When we started to gather a gaming group in Nis, mostly we played Mordheim and Lotr. Then, one day, our new friend
Miske came and told that he is a warhammer player and that he wants to play with us.Now, Miske is not a warhammer player,
he is a warhammer freak (he plays games in his head to keep him from boredom, and calculates wounds by statistics), and
my first game with him went down pretty fast, pretty bad! in my third turn I didn't have ANYTHING to play with.
So, we all set down and learned to play warhammer, and now we are all warhammer freaks :).
I love to make terrains for warhammer, lotr and Mordheim maybe even more than to play actual game.
so I came up with the idea to start making and selling terrain and painted minis on Ebay.
The wargaming hobby is one of the best things that happend to me and alltered the course of my life
completley, and threre is a few exciting views as a fully painted armies clashes on the beautifully modelled battlefield.
I will try to contribute to this forum as much as I can, in tutorials and battle reports mostly. And be sure to check my posts
in the trade section, because I will have a very unique offer: for every terrain piece you will recive gift in miniatures,
and for every miniatures bought, you will recive a terrain gift ;)

that's it for now, all the best.


07-04-2010, 05:47 AM
Greetings fellow wargamers!

My name is Milos and I am from Serbia.For five years now i run a wargaming guild in Nis, town where I live in.
When we started to gather a gaming group in Nis, mostly we played Mordheim and Lotr. Then, one day, our new friend
Miske came and told that he is a warhammer player and that he wants to play with us.Now, Miske is not a warhammer player,
he is a warhammer freak (he plays games in his head to keep him from boredom, and calculates wounds by statistics), and
my first game with him went down pretty fast, pretty bad! in my third turn I didn't have ANYTHING to play with.
So, we all set down and learned to play warhammer, and now we are all warhammer freaks :).
I love to make terrains for warhammer, lotr and Mordheim maybe even more than to play actual game.
so I came up with the idea to start making and selling terrain and painted minis on Ebay.
The wargaming hobby is one of the best things that happend to me and alltered the course of my life
completley, and threre is a few exciting views as a fully painted armies clashes on the beautifully modelled battlefield.
I will try to contribute to this forum as much as I can, in tutorials and battle reports mostly. And be sure to check my posts
in the trade section, because I will have a very unique offer: for every terrain piece you will recive gift in miniatures,
and for every miniatures bought, you will recive a terrain gift ;)

that's it for now, all the best.


Welcome Milos. Nice to have someone else posting in the Fantasy Painting Thread, it is the poor relation here at the moment.

07-04-2010, 06:03 AM
I have my fears that fantasy is dying slowly, and that sci fi is taking over :(

07-04-2010, 07:31 AM
Hello and welcome dreamspirit.