View Full Version : Has GW Bitten Off More Than They Can Chew?

07-04-2010, 12:00 AM
With the constant release of new miniatures and codexes/army books for armies, as well as new editions for Warhammer Fantasy, am I the only one who thinks GW may be kinda scrambling to keep up with stuff? Every new army book for fantasy and codex for 40K has included new units and characters that models are not released for at the time of the new books, leaving GW the need to revisit the line in the future. However, with such a hard-pressed release schedule, it seems like they're scrambling to catch up. The new wave of Chaos Daemons due out in August, for Example, comes more than a year or two (I can't remember) after the codex was released. The initial release contained a whole 7 metal models (or sets of models, if you include flesh hounds)and 3 plastic kits that were all new, as well as repackaging or rereleasing other metal models that had already been in production. Now, with the new wave, we see three new plastic kits (daemon prince, seekers of slaanesh and horrors of tzeentch), 2 metal character models (of the 5 characters missing models), and a 3rd model of the bloodcrusher of khorne (though whether plastic or metal is unknown). This release, coming years after the initial release, fails to address the remaining 3 special characters, as well as plastic plaguebearers of nurgle and the dire need for updated greater daemons (seriously....plastic versions of the forgeworld sculpts or something would be nice).

Aside from eldar, imperial guard and Orks getting multiple new waves of plastic kit updates and character models, this is only the fourth of the codexes produced to get its "second wave" of miniatures. And fantasy armies haven't even begun to get new models. It just seems like GW is either going to have to take more time between edition updates, especially for 40K, in order to get the models out in time for new books, or they're gonna get swamped backlogging multiple armies they need to update.

07-04-2010, 12:22 AM
For three decades GW has been creating armies which have missing models.

This is not a new concept, and I highly doubt GW will ever release models for all their armies for all their game systems.

This is not a fault of GWs, but rather just how they do things.

Once you realize that part of the hobby is converting and creating your models, then you'll be happy.

This is not a cop out, and I am not making excuses for GW. I have been playing GW based games since 1988, and having 'missing' model is something I don't even notice anymore.

Instead of waiting years for a Manticore, I just made one myself out of IG vehicles last year. Instead waiting for a Vendetta conversion kit, i just took three lascannons, glued them onto my Valkyrie, and turned it into a Vendetta.

07-04-2010, 12:44 AM
Instead of waiting years for a Manticore, I just made one myself out of IG vehicles last year. Instead waiting for a Vendetta conversion kit, i just took three lascannons, glued them onto my Valkyrie, and turned it into a Vendetta.

I did the same thing back in 2nd Ed when there was no time forseen when GW would release the Vyper. So I chopped up a couple jetbikes for a scratch-built one. Goofy looking thing it was, too. ;)

07-04-2010, 03:14 AM
I believe GW do this to encourge such model making as they see it as an important part of the hobby.

07-04-2010, 04:10 AM
I agree with Buffo. (I find myself doing that a lot these days)

I love seeing modelers takes on the Tyrannofex, Tervigon and Storm Ravens.

Just yesterday, I built a frag cannon out of a missile launcher house and two hollowed-out hunter killer missiles. It's simple, looks great, and no one complains about it. I'm probably going to add some kind of ammo feed to it later.

After, I plan on converting a Librarian dreadnought. No idea how to do that, but figuring this **** out is the fun part.

07-04-2010, 04:47 AM
Back in the Beginning of WFB there were two HC-Books one with Rules and one with Armylists - only a smal percentage of minis were actualy ready to buy as a blister (someone remember Marauder-Minis).

Somewhere in between the 3rd and the 3th Ed. 40K ist seems there shall be no codex entry without a citadel-model - i did not now if it realy works.

With the SW and IG Dex or better with the CD-Dex there were blank spots in the miniature range, sometimes even without an artwork. The Special Chars in the demonrange the ugly wulfriders of the SW the LR/Variants or FW-only Vehicles of the IG.

Not without intention from GW, i think.

If I put out a codex/armybook and small range of new minis, i get the attention of the consumer. I can recall that attation with a new wave of new miniatures a year later. If there will be all available the attention in the future will probably shrink.

Chris Copeland
07-04-2010, 07:30 AM
Quite frankly, I appreciate it when GW gives me stat-lines without models... it gives me free reign to build what I want and play with those scratch built models even in tournament situations... for example:

in this image you'll see my scratch-built Drop Pods. I made them back in 4th edition before models were available. I like them more than the model GW eventually came out with. These days I call them Mark IV Drop Pods and I still play with them... I can no longer bring them to tourneys, though...

Here is a Mycetic Spore that I've scratch built... you can see another one in progress next to it. Again, I really like these models... I like that I built them and like how they look...

I will probably be a bit bummed when GW gets around to making their Mycetic Spores...

So, I'm sending out a big "thank you" to GW for leaving a few un-made models in each codex.


07-04-2010, 09:05 AM
Why can't you bring your drop pods to tourneys anymore?

I see scratch built stuff at various tourneys all the time.

Chris Copeland
07-04-2010, 09:10 AM
Most of the locals tourneys I've seen require that GW models be used if they are available (or at least be composed MOSTLY of GW components)... especially in GW supported tournaments...

I've played in two tournaments since the new Drop Pod models came out where I used my Mark IV Drop Pods... but in both cases I needed to get permission to use my scratch built models up front...

07-04-2010, 09:24 AM
Don't forget, no models for new units, makes people to buy models they would normally not buy. A good example is the Tevrigon, and Terrofex. GW knows, most 'Nid players have 3+ carnifex and have no interest in buying new ones. So what do they do? They make new Tyraind units with no models, so people will have to buy more Carnifix kits to make them.

I am shure it's quite coinsicidental that the Tevrigon and Tyrannofex look earily similiar to a Carnifex. Same for the Harpy. Quite coinsicitdental that it's a cross between a Carnifex and Tyrgron.

So you can see why there is no models made. Just look at Buffo. Do you think he would have bought more of those same models if a Manticore mini was out? No I don't think he or most would. So now we have to buy the same model again, (that is if you do not wish to convert your old minis that is) and then maybe some extra stuff if you can't find the bitz for it, and it is more sales of minis.

It bascially comes down to GW selling the same mini over and over and over again. That is why the SM tanks almost all look the same excpet for the turrents. You have to buy the same kit over and over again, if you want each different vehicle the SM have to offer.

07-04-2010, 11:36 AM
Most of the locals tourneys I've seen require that GW models be used if they are available (or at least be composed MOSTLY of GW components)... especially in GW supported tournaments...

I've played in two tournaments since the new Drop Pod models came out where I used my Mark IV Drop Pods... but in both cases I needed to get permission to use my scratch built models up front...

Ah, okay....

Then do what I have seen some people do.... Convert your drop pods with GW bits all over it, make it look more, um, GW-EE? Maybe if your pods are covered in GW bits they'll be more acceptable?

07-04-2010, 12:01 PM
You cant always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need..........

07-04-2010, 12:33 PM
GW has to release new product every month to stay in business. They allow for that in their codexes because they can have additional releases later. In fact, they will have the miniatures available for YEARS prior to release. (The original IG Sentinels were released five years after they were sculpted.) Sometimes you can catch this when a book is released show models that are released much later - Ork Stompa?!

Anyway, it's just business.

07-04-2010, 03:17 PM
I agree GW are doing what they need to, and so long as they release great looking models and have 'blank' options for us all to go conversion crazy that's fine by me. However I do feel/worry they are playing a continual game of catch up with the codex books - as soon as they've done one, a new one arrives and it seems inevitable that it's more rounded/ "better" - multiple books are still (as far as I'm aware) without updates to Transport costs etc (DA/WH/DH still pay 50pts for a Rhino for example).

As for new Warhammer models I feel many of the recent releases (over the past year say) have been updated with the fact they knew 8th Ed was on its way - the new Empire, DE/HE, Skaven & Chaos books/minis are great and I'm sure we'll see updates to WE, TK's, Ogres - even (I hope and pray) a Chaos Dwarf and Cathayan release?

07-04-2010, 09:13 PM
For three decades GW has been creating armies which have missing models.

This is not a new concept, and I highly doubt GW will ever release models for all their armies for all their game systems.

This is not a fault of GWs, but rather just how they do things.

Once you realize that part of the hobby is converting and creating your models, then you'll be happy.

This is not a cop out, and I am not making excuses for GW. I have been playing GW based games since 1988, and having 'missing' model is something I don't even notice anymore.

Instead of waiting years for a Manticore, I just made one myself out of IG vehicles last year. Instead waiting for a Vendetta conversion kit, i just took three lascannons, glued them onto my Valkyrie, and turned it into a Vendetta.

Exactly, in fact, I like that they don't release all the models. I love converting my own models to play with! So when I say "Oh, that theres my <<insert model here>>" people usually talk about how they don't see many of them and how they think its because they don't have a model. If nothing else, it feels like a unique addition to my army that no one else has.

07-04-2010, 09:36 PM
I believe GW do this to encourge such model making as they see it as an important part of the hobby.

I totally agree. It's not an accident, they're not swamped... It looks like they've deliberately added unit entries just so people can whip up models for them. They've done it in fantasy (the skaven abomination), and in 40K (space wolves thunder calvary, and all the tyranid big bugs). These units give people excuses to go conversion crazy.

If I was being really cynical I'd wonder if they plan to wait a year or two, then release "official" models... so that people will be tempted to buy the GW models so they can use them in tournaments (or because the GW model is simply cooler looking then their homemade one).

That being said, I'm _pissed_ that the new chaos codex has nothing like that in at all. Simply the blandest, most boring codex they've put out in a decade. Sigh. If any codex should have had a whole list of units without models, it should have been chaos.

07-04-2010, 10:35 PM
I would hate to see a model for every codex entry, truly. Though from memory the only thing Eldar are missing are HQs on jetbikes which I rarely use. Still converted 'em. I think a good policy for GW would be to leave one unit and one vehicle unsculpted in each codex at least, perhaps even with a converted model featured in the painting and modelling section to give people some inspiration.

07-04-2010, 11:18 PM
The original IG Sentinels were released five years after they were sculpted.


Thank you for playing, we have some lovely consolation prizes.

The original IG sentinel was released in 1988. Rogue Trader (1st ed rules) came out in 1987.

The rest of your post is pretty on target though.

Still, stating supposition as fact is not good form.

07-05-2010, 01:42 PM
That being said, I'm _pissed_ that the new chaos codex has nothing like that in at all. Simply the blandest, most boring codex they've put out in a decade. Sigh. If any codex should have had a whole list of units without models, it should have been chaos.

Dude, you're playing CHAOS, the most malleable of all armies. Go conversion crazy! Take that Khorne Bloodletter, rip off his legs and give his some furry Gor Herd legs. Green stuff a Devil tail on to it while your at it. Hell, cut of that lame sword and stick on an Axe!

Most of the locals tourneys I've seen require that GW models be used if they are available (or at least be composed MOSTLY of GW components)... especially in GW supported tournaments...

I've played in two tournaments since the new Drop Pod models came out where I used my Mark IV Drop Pods... but in both cases I needed to get permission to use my scratch built models up front...

The general rule is either totally scratch built (i.e. you made it with stuff from Home Depot, Wal*Mart, Michaels, etc.) or the model is majority GW (if you use other company's bitz). As for Drop Pods 90% of all tourneys will allow a scratch built Drop Pod if it fits the above criteria and isn't any larger than a 'real' drop pod. :)

07-06-2010, 11:01 AM
Hi all.
I agree that gaps in the minature range is a good thing, as it inspires creativity.

However , I belive it should be supported by a 'Bitz Service.'
If GW plc can not organise thier buisness to make it cost effictive, they should allow others to provide this service.IMO.

I can not understand why poeple moaning about gaps in the minature range,(that exist for good reasons,) when the 40k rule set is in such an awful state.(For no good reason what so ever.:mad:)

I guess Jervis was right '...the rules are just the icing on the cake...'


07-06-2010, 12:58 PM
Dude, you're playing CHAOS, the most malleable of all armies. Go conversion crazy! Take that Khorne Bloodletter, rip off his legs and give his some furry Gor Herd legs. Green stuff a Devil tail on to it while your at it. Hell, cut of that lame sword and stick on an Axe!

Uhm, I have no problem with that... about half the surface of every mini I build at this point is green stuff & scratch built stuff. I can count the completely stock unconverted figures in my army on one hand.

The point wasssssss.... it'd be nice to have some new codex entries like the tyranids & space wolves have, so that I have an excuse to go "conversion crazy". I want the rules, not the minis. I can make the minis.