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View Full Version : Kill Team: ZOMBIES!

07-03-2010, 09:02 PM
Just a fun scenario I came up with as a challenge. Can you survive 15 turns against the Undead? I was playtesting it today in my LGS and it seemed to go pretty well, just keep it between 2 people, any more and the pace become too slow.

Your Kill Team was dispatched to the planet of Seculuth IV on a reconnaissance mission to observe and report the enemy’s movements in preparation for a forthcoming planetary invasion. Although you made planet fall and infiltrated the capitol city, Perseid, without incident, you begin to notice something odd about this planet. There seems to be a lack of military forces and people in general. There is a general feeling of unease among you and your team, as you cannot locate any of the capitol’s inhabitants. There are signs on firefights and hand-to-hand battles everywhere, but what are missing are the corpses. A feeling of wrongness permeates the city and quickly starts to wear on the nerves of your team.
On the third night after your infiltration of the capitol, you and your team hear a ghastly noise. It sounds like Hell itself is breathing upon you. The sound seems to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once. You instruct your team to find somewhere defensible and await the reveal of the ghouls who seem to be taunting you.

You find your fort at last, which is comforting to say the least, as the ghastly moan has only increased in volume. Your team gets to their positions and you finally lay eyes upon what has turned this bustling metropolis into a ghost town.

You see a humanoid shape coming towards you through the shadows, its steps causing it to stumble and shamble. Its arms are outstretched and its mouth open, releasing ghastly moans that disturbs your very core. It enters the light and you are shocked to see an Imperial citizen, their clothes soaked in blood, their skin a sick, necrotic colour. You shift your gaze beyond this abomination only to see another, and another, and another. The realization of what happened here finally dawns on you and you instruct your team to assemble their communications array. You only hope you have enough time to warn your superiors before they launch their assault on this world of the Dead.

Objectives: The Kill team player must survive (by having at least 1 model alive) for 15 turns in order to warn their superiors about the zombies, thus avoiding a military catastrophe. The Zombie player must kill all the Kill team before this.* (It can be fun to keep a "kill counter" for how many zombies the kill team kills, but this is not required and just for fun)
*Alternatively, you could just play survival to see how many rounds you can last against an endless horde of the undead.

Points Level: Kill Team (no vehicles allowed, specialists allowed)

Table Size: 4’ x 4’ or 3’ x 3’

Table Set-up: Place one large terrain piece (or several smaller pieces clumped together) to create a “fort”. This “fort” will be the Kill Team’s deployment zone. It should be approximately 12” x 12”. The remainder of the terrain should be clumped around the edge of the board, with a few smaller pieces in between the edge and the “fort”. Zombies take the first turn.

Deployment: The Kill Team sets up first in the "fort". All models in the Kill Team must be deployed here. There are no zombies set up during deployment. The zombies enter from any board edge as described below. Multiple zombies can be split up to enter from different table edges when they enter the game.

The Zombie (Animus Necrosis)

Type: Infantry
2 0 3 3 1 1 1 10 -


Grasping hands and slavering jaws (2 close combat weapons)

Special Rules:

Feel No Pain, Fearless

Shambling: Zombies cannot run in the shooting phase.

Join Us!: At the end of every assault phase during which Zombies have fought, before “Pile In” moves, roll a D6 for every casualty caused in the combat (both zombie and KT). On a roll of 6, they are resurrected as a zombie- place a zombie back into base-to-base (if this is not possible, then place it as close as possible- this Zombie is no longer in combat). If both combatants killed each other in the same initiative step (i.e. I 1), then place the zombie where the combat was.

Endless Horde of the Undead: At the beginning of their turn, the Zombie player rolls a D6. This number, plus the turn number (including 1st turn) are how many zombies may enter from any table edge this turn. For Example: It is turn 5 and the zombie player rolls a 4. 9 zombies may come into play from any board edge this turn. If the combined number is higher than the number of zombie models available, then place all available zombies into play.

So fellow Loungers, what do you think about it? C&C welcome.

07-03-2010, 09:10 PM
Why didn't you just use the profile from the Apocalypse data-sheet, if I may ask? The only problem I see with this is that at T: 1, they're not ever going to be taking their FNP, since even lasguns are double their toughness.

Other than that, looks awesome! I might have to give this a whirl. :)

07-03-2010, 09:52 PM
That's basically what they are, just T3 instead of T2. I felt that T2 was too weak as SPESS MUHREENZ would punch their heads off without too much trouble. This scenario was designed to be challenging, and the zombies are not a threat if they cannot even get in close-conbat with their foes because they don't have their FNP save. Also lacking from the datasheet is Slow & Purposeful. I took this out for game speed as rolling for S&P for 40 individual zombies takes waaay too long.

Well, if you do give this a spin (get it? >.<) be sure to let me know how it turned out. If you want to, you can copy/paste this and print it, so you have a copy tableside.

07-03-2010, 11:05 PM
Why didn't you just use the profile from the Apocalypse data-sheet, if I may ask? The only problem I see with this is that at T: 1, they're not ever going to be taking their FNP, since even lasguns are double their toughness.
Recheck the statline; they're T3. Looks like an awful lot of fun, I must say!

07-04-2010, 01:18 AM
Oh, sorry. I was reading it wrong. XD I was looking at the number directly beneath the T, which on my screen was 1. Yeah, this looks great! Definitely going to try it out. Probably tomorrow. :) I will, of course, be playing as the zombies. My custom plaguemarines should fit the bill.

07-04-2010, 12:38 PM
Recheck the statline; they're T3. Looks like an awful lot of fun, I must say!

When I copy/pasted, the spacing got messed up, sorry about that.

From the two games I got in with it yesterday, it's a blast. It's usually down to the wire, and face it, who doesn't like killing zombies? Just make sure you have A LOT (like 35+) of zombie models, yesterday I ended up borrowing my opponent's necron models to add to the horde. Thank you for the compliment Nab.

Kelbor hal
07-07-2010, 10:07 AM
*Revs up chainsword* Let's go purge the Imperium the good ole' fashioned way boys. :D

I'm going to use this dude, cheer's for sharing.

07-08-2010, 12:56 PM
Grenade launchers. Nuff' said.

07-12-2010, 12:20 AM
Grenade launchers. Nuff' said.

They're not as effective as you may think especially when there's another 10 zombies to replace that one that gets killed by krak or frag.

the one
07-27-2010, 04:49 PM
Well done! You put togther my two favorite things. Warhammer and zombies. I thank you.

Though is there a way of making them get harder to kill as waves progress (this is for survival beyond wave 15)?

07-30-2010, 05:16 PM
You don't need to make them harder to kill when you've got 20 new ones entering the board every turn.

I've thought about adding a 3-6 player version using only regular HQ's from the codices. Limit to 5 heroes.

Essentially, it's the heroes vs. zombies. Each hero must be codex legal, under 150 points, and not be a Special Character. The hero players control one each, while the person controlling the zombies tries to kill them all as quickly as possible. Multiplayer madness! Something else to try if more than one other person wants to play ZOMBIES at the same time.