View Full Version : Putting together a Tyranid Harridan

03-13-2017, 01:24 PM
i have a tyranid harridan from FW to put together and had some questions for anyone out there that may have experience putting one together.

1) is it realistic to magnetize the wings to the body? my concern is the weight of the wings may be too much.
2) is the base it comes with sufficient enough to hold the model upright? it looks a too small to balance the model.

any other tips are appreciated.

03-17-2017, 03:34 AM
Whilst I don't have the model you're referring to, I would suggest you do what I did with my Phantom Titan's weapons and use large pins as well as magnets.19539
In your case I would use at least two pins to stop the two halves wanting to pivot around the pin.

I can't speak for the Base as such, however you could try using a thick metal plate underneath your scenic base to give the model a lower centre of gravity.