View Full Version : GW supposedly getting a new IP

07-03-2010, 12:48 AM
Extreme skepticism warranted here, but 'steppingonyou said that GW has acquired the rights to a new IP. A lot of people scoffed, I think the well known rumourmongers remained silent, from memory.

i also have VERY quiet news about a new deal GW is working on for a new product based on a differnt IP. but i WILL NOT talk about it because of legal issues. i can say its big. its not EXACTLY fantasy based. so this isnt even the right place for it

I'm really skeptical about this, they still have the LOTR IP they have to support, and its not particularly profitable from what I understand. I doubt they would bother picking up another one, I really hope they haven't. Unless its a Dragon Age: Origins ruleset in which case it is the best thing in the history of ever. Which it wouldn't be, cos he says its not a fantasy IP.

Edit: A note to admin, this is so dubious and speculative, please don't put it up on the BolS mainpage.:P

Mike X
07-03-2010, 12:58 AM
It's probably for The Hobbit. ;)

07-03-2010, 01:07 AM
Ma'am Eldargal you are getting to be quite the source of gen recently, have you been employed as some sort of geeky honey trap?;)

07-03-2010, 01:47 AM
No, not a bad idea though.:p I just read the rumour sections of a few other forums quite a bit. Makes you appreciate how civil BolS is.

Ma'am Eldargal you are getting to be quite the source of gen recently, have you been employed as some sort of geeky honey trap?;)

07-03-2010, 07:36 AM
Extreme skepticism warranted here, but 'steppingonyou said that GW has acquired the rights to a new IP. A lot of people scoffed, I think the well known rumourmongers remained silent, from memory.

I'm really skeptical about this, they still have the LOTR IP they have to support, and its not particularly profitable from what I understand. I doubt they would bother picking up another one, I really hope they haven't. Unless its a Dragon Age: Origins ruleset in which case it is the best thing in the history of ever. Which it wouldn't be, cos he says its not a fantasy IP.

Edit: A note to admin, this is so dubious and speculative, please don't put it up on the BolS mainpage.:P

Can you post links to where you got the information from so we can read through the replies there as well please?

Without them its pretty useless.

07-03-2010, 07:41 AM
The quote is pretty much all there is, unless you want to read a bunch of people saying "bollocks'. Anyway, its in here somehwere:

07-03-2010, 07:56 AM
LOL ah fair enough. :) Thanks.

07-03-2010, 09:16 AM
Kind of like fantasy but not exactly like fantasy?

pure speculation here- warmachine/hordes?

or maybe the fluff behind flames of war? although the IP holders for Flames of War seem determined to hold onto it.

07-03-2010, 09:46 AM
pure speculation here- warmachine/hordes?

There is absolutely no way. Even if Privateer Press were to go out of business (unlikely), I seriously doubt Doug Seacat and co. will let their IP go anywhere else.

07-03-2010, 09:49 AM
I just want them to support the IP's they already have...

07-03-2010, 10:15 AM
I thought I read that LotR line was making GW lots of money. It was one of there big money makers. But that was about 3 or so years ago. Things could have changed then.

Star Wars by chance? I guess that is too Sci Fi.

What else is big but not like Fantasy? Interesting. Thanks for brining it to our attention Eldergal.

07-03-2010, 10:33 AM
Game of Thrones.

There is no miniature game yet, it is not really fantasy - more alternate history AND it is going to be THE BIG **** when the series launches in 2011.

I would buy it.

Or this is just a rumour - there a few reasons to keep such developements a secret.

Kelbor hal
07-03-2010, 10:40 AM
Oh goody, another game system for them to scrape money of us to continue buying their overpriced toy soldiers.

/sarcasm (except about the overpriced bit, obviously :mad:)

07-03-2010, 11:21 AM
A big IP that's sort of related to WHFB, but not exactly. Hmm.

My first thoughts were The Hobbit, Harry Potter and Twilight. It could also be something like Avatar miniatures (which I'd love to see).

07-03-2010, 11:27 AM

*descends into unfathomable rage-filled babblings and murder plots*

07-03-2010, 11:42 AM
Game of Thrones.

There is no miniature game yet, it is not really fantasy - more alternate history AND it is going to be THE BIG **** when the series launches in 2011.

I would buy it.

Or this is just a rumour - there a few reasons to keep such developements a secret.

Wasn't Game of Thrones a project Andy Chambers was working on after he left GW. IIRC it was for a big company without presence in the gaming industry.

07-03-2010, 11:49 AM
I thought I read that LotR line was making GW lots of money. It was one of there big money makers. But that was about 3 or so years ago. Things could have changed then.When LoTR came out, GW made a TON of money on the IP yes...not so much anymore. They do have the rights to the Hobbit, and they have the rights to the books through the Tolkien family...in case the contract with New Line ever runs out...

When I worked for GW, the brass always made it a point to say that they wouldn't ever do another IP. The claim was that the main reason they did LoTR was because it is the foundation for all of Fantasy as we know it, and they wanted to do it justice...

Who knows though? IP's can make lots of money...I'm ok if they do another one...

Kelbor hal
07-03-2010, 12:13 PM
Twilight*descends into unfathomable rage-filled babblings and murder plots*

*Joins in*

07-03-2010, 12:16 PM
I just want them to support the IP's they already have...


I would at least suck it up more if they just gave us a bunch of lip service like normal businesses do.

Instead when it comes to support is cricket noises, its obvious they do not really care, nor do the care to let someone that does care take the helm.

And yeah i know the tired argument that there is no money to be made from support which is fine...

They could offer official support to volunteer player committees, pretend that this is not 1985 and the internet exists etc...


07-03-2010, 01:17 PM
*descends into unfathomable rage-filled babblings and murder plots*

And I had you down as the founder of Robs fan club.........

07-03-2010, 02:10 PM
I doubt it would be HP, unless they went more along the lines of "Inquisitor."

I could see DA: Origins, but there's already a company putting out the DA: RPG, so I doubt that would be it.

Personally, I agree with one of the other posters--support the IP you already have, let's see full Army books/codices for each army for the current (and soon to be current) editions of the games first, please.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-03-2010, 03:41 PM
I'd love to see GW make a wargame based on the Quake1 universe, but unfortuantly thats too unrealistic.

I hope its not something like SW or Avatar though, I hate "light" space-fantasy.

07-03-2010, 04:33 PM
I'll tell you what: Game of Thrones sounds right on the money here. GW already partners with Fantasy Flight Games for what is becoming a ton of stuff, and FFG is working the Game of Thrones IP.

Wouldn't be too much of a stretch to me.

Though I won't lie. I'd love to see something with Harry Potter.

07-03-2010, 04:47 PM
I wouldn't.

Game of Thrones sounds interesting though.

Commissar Lewis
07-03-2010, 04:55 PM
Or maybe a tabletop Borderlands game?

That'd be kickass.

07-03-2010, 05:50 PM
Seriously, I call BS. Warhammer is barely profitable as it is in the US compared to Warhammer 40,000, and the LOTR is doomed to die due to it being based on previously-established background and story that GW can only tweak and create new characters for to an extent. The only new IP they would be acquiring that's not their own would be the Hobbit so they can capitalize on the movie coming out in a year or two and the huge hype it'll cause just like LOTR did.

07-03-2010, 05:57 PM
They already have the rights to the Hobbit. (At least they HAD the rights, the movie doesn't even have a director anymore...so who knows what is going on with that.)

07-03-2010, 07:29 PM
Game of Thrones would be awesome. I worked with Sean Bean and spoke at length with him about the series earlier this year :)

07-03-2010, 11:03 PM
Kind of like fantasy but not exactly like fantasy?

pure speculation here- warmachine/hordes?

or maybe the fluff behind flames of war? although the IP holders for Flames of War seem determined to hold onto it.

That is IMPOSSIBLE to hold on to the IP of Flames of War as it is History and cannot be Copyrighted. That is one of the problems with there business model anyone can make a Sherman Tank and they cannot Ip a Sherman or t34

07-03-2010, 11:06 PM
I thought I read that LotR line was making GW lots of money. It was one of there big money makers. But that was about 3 or so years ago. Things could have changed then.

Star Wars by chance? I guess that is too Sci Fi.

What else is big but not like Fantasy? Interesting. Thanks for brining it to our attention Eldergal.

LOTR was a Money Make when the movies were out and as soon as all the lil kids bought the starter set and then gave up the sales dropped like a rock.

Kieranator K82
07-04-2010, 03:20 AM
LOTR was a Money Make when the movies were out and as soon as all the lil kids bought the starter set and then gave up the sales dropped like a rock.

Not my fault. Pocket money was cancelled.

I hope this isn't true. One more IP means one more thing I have to start playing. That's the way it is with me and GW. A love / hate / no money relationship.

07-04-2010, 05:44 AM
That is IMPOSSIBLE to hold on to the IP of Flames of War as it is History and cannot be Copyrighted. That is one of the problems with there business model anyone can make a Sherman Tank and they cannot Ip a Sherman or t34

I may not have been 100% serious about this. Altough another thing no-one owns the IP to that could make shed loadsb of cash is the bible...

Maybe the works of some other fantasy authors- terry prachett, david gemell, or maybe even Robert Rankin. I'd give my right Arm for a Simon R. Green based board game series.

Kim Newman wrote for them before, an Anno Dracula based board game would be interesting.

a star wars one sounds cool.
I'm pretty sure they have the rights for the hobbit already, they definitely have mini's for many of the characters- Gandalf, Bilbo etc.

07-04-2010, 07:07 AM
For GW to accquire a new IP it would have to have some special main feats to it so they can go "full scale" on it.

Only a few of the more recent IPs could support a strategy/collection game like warhammer/40k/LotR.

Twilight for starters is impossible. you could do a RPG-like boardgame but the story isnt deep enough to support a strategy game. A modern-day or slightly sci-fi setting with vampires and werewolves, maybe fighting for dominance against humankind would be possible and prolly even fun but would have no tie-in with the romantic and semi-childish appeal of the twilight films.

harry potter has the same problem. the story is centered around a few charackters and not armies that march to meet each other. GW would make no money if your "army" consist of only a handfull of modells.

Avatar is a bit more appealing but unless there is far more to the background or GW would get the full rights and immensely expand the background it wouldnt support much variety. the film and the scenario on pandorra could be the seller for a more modern approach to sci-fi. at same time GW could save tons of money on the IP if they just did the background themselfes and went with the early expansion of humankind as in warhammer 40.000 history (haveing the leman russ as the agricultural civilian vehicle that it was in the beginning would be a humourous anecdote).

what I think would be more in-line with GW's other main systems are either series or some strong computer game.

Dragon Age: Origins would allow for a fantasy setting and could have armies fighting the blight (and further down the road also each other with different races and kingdoms).

Starwars would have a hughe background and GW could both do a space-game or a ground based game. keeping more to scenarious and putting emphasis on heroes they could do something like with LotR and WFB to distinctive the system from warhammer 40k. actually I could see the LotR rules work with that setting (if shooting is adapted/rewritten) very well.

Even the Stargate series would be thinkable as it has accumulated a big amounth of different forces (rather for ground as space would see only a handfull of ship types). You'd have earth people/sg teams, java, pirates, asgard, replicants, ori, wraith, and with the idea of supergates and ships like the destiny an endless ability to add more factions that somehow find access to the gate-network. the game could either be more skirmish oriented or same "size" as a normal 40k game.

07-04-2010, 09:13 AM
I can't see it being a Vampires or Werewolves thing, we already have that with White Wolf. I can't see GW even trying to go up against them.

How can you sell minis on a massive scale for that?

07-04-2010, 09:18 AM
I'll tell you what: Game of Thrones sounds right on the money here. GW already partners with Fantasy Flight Games for what is becoming a ton of stuff, and FFG is working the Game of Thrones IP.

Wouldn't be too much of a stretch to me.

Though I won't lie. I'd love to see something with Harry Potter.

From what I understand, Dark Sword Miniatures already holds the IP to Game of Thrones. Or, rather, they are currently making models for the Song of Ice and Fire already. (http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/mainwebsite_html/grrm.htm)

Also, I would absolutely cry if GW started making models for Game of Thrones. I don't know if you have noticed, but GW can't make a female model to save their life, and Westeros is full of them.

Take a look at some of the models. The painting is phenomenal.

07-04-2010, 12:56 PM
I have news for you guys...it's DISNEY. Get ready for "Mickey Mouse Wars"!

07-04-2010, 05:18 PM
Id hate to see them start up something new when they can barely keep the current stuff updated. 5 years between every update I can accept but comming close to 10 years on some codicies is just ludicrous.

07-04-2010, 10:28 PM
Well, they can make decent female models sometimes, but they just don't seem to try and get them consistently good. A lot of the SoB models are quite decent, most of the Escher models are good, the Bretonnian damsel with staff on foot I think is excellent though I haven't seen it in person I must admit. Some of the Wood Elf women are quite nice too. Then you get abominations like the dialogus and the generally average quality of wyches, witch elves and whatnot.

Well done on spelling phenomenal correctly, too.

Also, I would absolutely cry if GW started making models for Game of Thrones. I don't know if you have noticed, but GW can't make a female model to save their life, and Westeros is full of them.

Take a look at some of the models. The painting is phenomenal.

07-05-2010, 01:04 AM
That is IMPOSSIBLE to hold on to the IP of Flames of War as it is History and cannot be Copyrighted. That is one of the problems with there business model anyone can make a Sherman Tank and they cannot Ip a Sherman or t34

Although they seem to be having a bloody good go! lol

07-05-2010, 02:53 AM
personally i would pay GW to get the rights to a wheel of time tabletop/boardgame. fantasy, yet not fantasy, being made into films(i feel sorry for the tard who gets to direct that), hugely successful in itself(i think all the books since the third have been bestsellers), and fantastically rich and detailed(book 12 so far, each roughly the size of LoTR minus appendices),and fantastically descriptive in regards to environment and characters. honestly, id sell my soul, and probably those of everyone who lives in my village for that.

07-05-2010, 05:38 AM
No, Twilight no, for goodness sake!!

Letīs see in which terms it all ends, but I donīt think it will be Twilight... The Emo community doesnīt play miniatures and also they see us as rare *****es, so I can see how it can blurr together...

07-05-2010, 05:41 AM
"Not exactly fantasy" sounds like something steam punk. I'd love to see a Shadow Run mini's game.

07-05-2010, 05:47 AM
No, Twilight no, for goodness sake!!

Letīs see in which terms it all ends, but I donīt think it will be Twilight... The Emo community doesnīt play miniatures and also they see us as rare *****es, so I can see how it can blurr together...

is twilight the new harry potter? do i have yet another series upon which to vent my spleen? emos dont watch movies, they write about how the trailer didnt meet their expectations in their journals and how it makes them want to die. kinda how i feel after seeing the words harry potter on a serious forum discussion lol. :)

07-05-2010, 06:49 AM
Well, they can make decent female models sometimes, but they just don't seem to try and get them consistently good. A lot of the SoB models are quite decent, most of the Escher models are good, the Bretonnian damsel with staff on foot I think is excellent

And what links those models? they are all really old, early to mid nineties models, barely anything done late nineties onwards have been any good.

book 12 so far, each roughly the size of LoTR minus appendices),and fantastically descriptive in regards to environment and characters. honestly, id sell my soul, and probably those of everyone who lives in my village for that.

Yeah but most of each book is rubbish. I really loved them up until around book six or seven, then they just got worse and worse, ten was absolutely dreadful. Pure padding for the sake of wringing out some more cash from an over done series. They needed to be far tighter written, too late now of course.

07-05-2010, 07:55 AM
is twilight the new harry potter? do i have yet another series upon which to vent my spleen? emos dont watch movies, they write about how the trailer didnt meet their expectations in their journals and how it makes them want to die. kinda how i feel after seeing the words harry potter on a serious forum discussion lol. :)

Did you check out the new Lego Harry Potter by any chance? They say it's a really good game. I keed, I keed.

Do you think GW picked up a new IP property so nobody else would would put it out? Like buying out your competion?

I would really like them to get a hold of the Battletech liscence. Not for rules wise, I believe they have great rules, but for minitures wise. I am not to happy with alot of the minis they put out right now, and would love for them to be in plastic than metal.

But I don't see GW keeping the same rules but putting out the minis so I guess this will not be happening.

07-05-2010, 03:07 PM
So, we're sure this is fantasy? I only go for scifi, really.

07-05-2010, 03:14 PM
is twilight the new harry potter? do i have yet another series upon which to vent my spleen? emos dont watch movies, they write about how the trailer didnt meet their expectations in their journals and how it makes them want to die. kinda how i feel after seeing the words harry potter on a serious forum discussion lol. :)

I don't think it's really fair to compare Harry Potter to Twilight. For one, JK Rowling can write. Stephanie Meyer is not a good writer.

Two... the characters in Harry Potter are actually likable and well rounded. The characters in Twilight are boring and really flat.

And when it comes to "serious forum discussion:" let me remind you that this is a forum for (mostly) adults that play with and paint miniature army men.....

MC Tic Tac
07-05-2010, 05:10 PM
Compleate stab in the dark..............

Dr Who anyone?

They've done Dr Who minis before (they are in the Warhammer World Miniture Gallery still!), play a bit like Inquisitor Dr+Assistant/locals vs Aliens/Monsters.

Just a thought.

07-07-2010, 01:00 AM
george r martin already has a miniatures distributor for the song of fire and ice mimiatures


although the tv series would be a different IP, it would still require george's permission as creator. dark sword certainly haven't mentioned loosing the miniature rights.

the hobbit is still mired in developement hell and until MGM are sold/bailed/bankrupted the hobbit is unlikely to go ahead. So as they haven't filmed one frame or even got a director that could realisticly mean 2 - 3 years before it could be released.

niether is it dr who, a friend of mine blagge the board game rights and is "in" with the bbc on games development and it ain't that

just like picking holland for the world cup, i'll give an outside nod at warhammer quest being reaquired and re-released.

07-07-2010, 12:17 PM
Game of thrones would on one hand be a awsome IP and on the other hand make me hate my current counts as Space Wolves.

Seriously I have Lions of Lannister everywhere, my TWC ride on lions, my Rhinos and tanks have lion heads on the guns and doors.

G RR M is a figure fanatic btw. Check out his blog he has a special section dedicated to historical wargaming figures

Night System
07-08-2010, 06:32 AM
I would sacrifice the blood of my first born child to get a Tabletop Wargame based on the Mass Effect franchise.

07-08-2010, 07:59 AM

Just to throw it out here, GW have learnt from Lord of The Rings.
Jumping onto an IP whose interest will only last from cinema screening until a DVD release is not an attractive idea for them to repeat.

The more logical idea is to represent a great IP that is fleshed out, but has room for maneouvre.

LOTR is written as gospel, so there is no chance of adding new things or evolving an idea.

Without dissing, 40k is an example of how to paint an IP into a corner. We can't go past M41.999, so theres a finite (albeit large) area you can fill in. I love 40k, but this is pretty true.

The new IP? Something already represented, yet not in tabletop gaming? Something with a great backstory, but potential for much more?
I'm surprised you've not thought of it yet.


07-08-2010, 12:19 PM
/apologizes for thinking a Halo wargame would be awesome.

Anyways, 40k has such an enormous timeframe that it's practically impossible to run out of maneuver room.

07-08-2010, 12:25 PM
I've got a theory.

Cast your minds back a bit, to when there was a competition for someone to go look around the design studio. GW posted pics of it in the blog, and then a few hours later, took it down, then reposted it a few hours later with one of the pictures edited (they blacked out a lot of things on a pin board behind the kid in the picture. I remember BoLS posting the unredacted version. One of the pictures was a logo for...something. I know technically if its been in the works that long (can't remember how long it was) then its not real a "new" IP...but maybe?

07-08-2010, 04:22 PM
I'll continue to pray for Doctor Who... Sontarans, Daleks, and UNIT, oh my!

Commissar Lewis
07-08-2010, 05:41 PM
I would sacrifice the blood of my first born child to get a Tabletop Wargame based on the Mass Effect franchise.

YES. A ME tabletop wargame would be awesome.

07-08-2010, 09:30 PM
WoW minis
Would kick ***
armies and one completely custom hero

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-09-2010, 01:09 AM
IMO a Doctor Who based game would only be good if they did it creatively, but only if they DIDNT base it on the godawful revived series with its tacky kiddie CGI styles and dumb "timey wimey" idiocy, it would be like Matt Ward and CS Goto's dream. God knows I dont want to see plastic Slitheen and hump-back power ranger daleks.

IMO The best way to do a dr who game would be to take influence from the Virgin new adventures and the other alternate sources and use those parts of the mythology instead, theres plenty of great war material there. "The book of the war" would be an especially excellent resource.

* The Enemy
Not so much an army as a hostile new kind of history. So ambitious it can re-write worlds, so complex that even calling it by its name seems to underestimate it.

* Great vampires
The Great Vampires were colossal humanoids with grey skin and wings. Like lesser vampires, Great Vampires required blood to survive, but due to their large size they needed considerably more. Great Vampires were extremely powerful and one individual could drain a whole planet dry. They had the ability to absorb energy, such as from weapons, and were able to survive numerous minor wounds. The only way to kill one was to stab them through the heart, usually with a iron stake. More powerful Great Vampires needed to have their heart fully destroyed in order to kill them.

* Morbius and his renegades
Morbius' ambition led him to become the head of the High Council, where his warlike nature led him to urge the Time Lords toward a policy of conquest (DW: The Brain of Morbius), demanding the Laws of Time and structure of the universe be redrawn to better suit Gallifrey's needs (FP: The Book of the War).While still based on Gallifrey he formed a personal army composed of both dedicated followers and mercenaries from other species. He promised these followers the secrets of time travel and immortality (DW: The Brain of Morbius) although withheld from them true admission into his House (FP: The Book of the War).

* Krynoids
Krynoids were bulky, mobile plants covered in tentacles. They had a very undefined anatomy, with no front or back. Though they had a high tolerance to the cold, high temperatures can damage them. They showed an ability to grow incredibly quickly, easily outgrowing a house in a few hours. Krynoids required animal proteins while young, but can survive on normal photosynthesis later in life. They gathered nitrogen directly from the air, without the need of roots.

* Ysaggaroth
The Yssgaroths and their universe were discovered by the Time Lords in one of Rassilon's early attempts to create a black hole. Instead of creating a black hole, they accidentally punched a hole through space into Yssgaroth's Universe. The Yssgaroth escaped and caused mass destruction. The Time Lords, led by Kopyion Liall a Mahajetsu, tried to stop them, leading to the thousand year Eternal War Also known as the First Great Time War). Though they were able to push the Yssgaroths back to their own universe, billions of people were killed and whole star systems were destroyed. Even then, the Yssgaroth survived and tried to get back into the normal universe.

* Faction Paradox
Renegades, ritualists, saboteurs and subterfugers, the criminal-cult to end all criminal-cults, happy to be caught in the crossfire and ready to take whatever's needed from the wreckage... assuming the other powers leave behind a universe that's habitable.

* Daleks (take from the Dark dimensions concept art)

* Cybermen (dark dimensions/real time style)

ect ect

07-09-2010, 06:18 AM
I don't think they'd make an old dr who game, they'd make it new Who to catch the younger market

And i don't think its particularly likely...or would work really well. But it'd give you good excuse to use this scenery...


07-09-2010, 10:08 AM
Well that police box was the fastest impulse buy I've ever made.

07-09-2010, 10:20 AM
Well that police box was the fastest impulse buy I've ever made.

Dare I show you the TARDIS fez I saw?

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-09-2010, 10:50 AM
I don't think they'd make an old dr who game, they'd make it new Who to catch the younger market

And i don't think its particularly likely...or would work really well. But it'd give you good excuse to use this scenery...


If it was focussed around the Doctor himself ? no, it wouldnt work.

But dr who is more than just the doctor, its a whole mythology. Dont forget there were alot of wars, and a few time wars as well. Wouldnt you like to see battles between sontarans and rutans ? or Ysaggaroth and time-lords ? or morbius and his traitors against the loyalist time-lords (that was almost like the equivilent of the horus heresy!). I guess its unlikely though, sadly.

A shame since they once owned the IP before, and it is a popular english franchise over here.

07-09-2010, 11:18 AM
A shame since they once owned the IP before, and it is a popular english franchise over here.

Thats another point that would maybe rule it out. Obviously I know how popular it is here in the UK, but I dunno how popular it is in the states, let alone the international brand that GW perpetuates with Fantasy and 40k

07-09-2010, 11:19 AM
A shame since they once owned the IP before, and it is a popular english franchise over here.

Thats another point that would maybe rule it out. Obviously I know how popular it is here in the UK, but I dunno how popular it is in the states, let alone the international brand that GW perpetuates with Fantasy and 40k

And everyone should have a Fez. Fez's are cool

07-09-2010, 11:32 AM
Thats another point that would maybe rule it out. Obviously I know how popular it is here in the UK, but I dunno how popular it is in the states, let alone the international brand that GW perpetuates with Fantasy and 40k

I'm discovering that the new wave of Doctor Who fans in the states don't match GW's normal demographic. Most of the "newer" fans discovering the show are younger women 12-24, most of which are coming over from Harry Potter (and we can thank David Tennant for that). So unless GW is looking to expand into that group (which is possible) I'm not seeing it.

And everyone should have a Fez. Fez's are cool

I want a guard platoon with fezzes as part of the uniform. That or Marines with fezzes.
Because fezzes are cool.

07-09-2010, 01:19 PM
How about Hello Kitty? Pokemon? Kidding aside, I can't see it being DR Who, since it's more Sci Fi than fantasy. Then again I havn't bothered with the new Dr Who so maybe it changed.

So what ever this new IP is, do you think it will be major like 40K, Fantasy or LotR where lots of minis are involved or specialast, like Inquisitor, low mini count and or RPG or Space Hulk a one off run never to be supported again.

07-09-2010, 01:26 PM
It's absolutely not going to happen, but there's a trilogy of books (so far) that are uniquely steam-punkish that would make an awesome mini's game transition.

"Shadows of the Apt" by Adrian Tchaikovsky.

Still--recommended good reading if you get the chance.

07-09-2010, 01:40 PM
How about Hello Kitty? Pokemon? Kidding aside, I can't see it being DR Who, since it's more Sci Fi than fantasy. Then again I havn't bothered with the new Dr Who so maybe it changed.

So what ever this new IP is, do you think it will be major like 40K, Fantasy or LotR where lots of minis are involved or specialast, like Inquisitor, low mini count and or RPG or Space Hulk a one off run never to be supported again.

I don't think a new IP would be a one-off game. It could be an Inquisitor scale Harry Potter game and would sell very well (even "minor" characters, if it had the right accessories for them all)

And the producers of Doctor Who have stated that it's not in any one genre. It's all and none (very zen of them, eh?) so they could try and do a set. But with the RPG license out there I kind of doubt GW would get a mini license (but then, they got LoTR-so who knows)

Also for Halo-I think the "new" Wizkids still has the rights to that. If not, it's a possibility but why have 2 games with power-armored troops in it?

07-09-2010, 06:18 PM
7, going on 8 pages of stuff from an "I know this super-secret vauge info, that's totally secret and I can't talk about, that GW has/might get IP that exists somewhere else... but don't tell no one cuz I'm not supposed to say anything."

And in all these pages I think I saw one person call BS on this "rumor" (emphases on thefinger quotes).

As for the starwars rumor: I don't know the in's and out's with LucusArts argeement; but they gave a lot of IP rights to Hasbro, which has released both an RPG system and miniture game system and models, through Wizards of the Coast.

07-09-2010, 11:53 PM
As for the starwars rumor: I don't know the in's and out's with LucusArts argeement; but they gave a lot of IP rights to Hasbro, which has released both an RPG system and miniture game system and models, through Wizards of the Coast.

This is probably not likely, but wizards of the coast just lost the star wars license in april. IMO GW-grade minis for that game would be great, I hate those rubbery-plastic bend-prone pieces of s**t...

07-10-2010, 01:19 AM
Did you read the first line of the thread where I said "Extreme skepticism warranted here?":p Its almost certainly nonsense, the chap who started the rumour doesn't have a particularly good record (though he has excuses, of course) and no one else has come forward to corroborate it.
If it is real, I'm almost certain it would not be Doctor Who. I can't see that IP translating at all well to a tabletop setting. People who see the Doctor Who brand will want the Doctor, not a Sontaran vs Cyberman battle.

7, going on 8 pages of stuff from an "I know this super-secret vauge info, that's totally secret and I can't talk about, that GW has/might get IP that exists somewhere else... but don't tell no one cuz I'm not supposed to say anything."

And in all these pages I think I saw one person call BS on this "rumor" (emphases on thefinger quotes).

As for the starwars rumor: I don't know the in's and out's with LucusArts argeement; but they gave a lot of IP rights to Hasbro, which has released both an RPG system and miniture game system and models, through Wizards of the Coast.

07-10-2010, 05:16 AM
7, going on 8 pages of stuff from an "I know this super-secret vauge info, that's totally secret and I can't talk about, that GW has/might get IP that exists somewhere else... but don't tell no one cuz I'm not supposed to say anything."

And in all these pages I think I saw one person call BS on this "rumor" (emphases on thefinger quotes).

As for the starwars rumor: I don't know the in's and out's with LucusArts argeement; but they gave a lot of IP rights to Hasbro, which has released both an RPG system and miniture game system and models, through Wizards of the Coast.Calling BS on this rumor isn't really necessary...it would be like going to the mall during Christmas and telling every adult you see that Santa isn't real ;)

As long as we're wishlisting though, I still want Warhammer Quest for Christmas!

07-10-2010, 10:08 AM
Just imagine what GW can do with a Jar-Jar mini. I would hope it would be an awsome mini :p

07-10-2010, 11:04 AM
Just imagine what GW can do with a Jar-Jar mini. I would hope it would be an awsome mini :pYes! You could do a whole army of whatever race that is...

I would love to see them have close enough mechanics that you could do 40k/Star Wars crossovers...

07-10-2010, 12:37 PM
Yes! You could do a whole army of whatever race that is...

I would love to see them have close enough mechanics that you could do 40k/Star Wars crossovers...

As much as I would complain how expensive everything would cost, it might be worth it to finally have good quality minis of xwing fighters, star destroyers and the AT-AT from Empire Strikes Back.

Just imagine all the battles we can recreate from all the Star Wars movies. And lots of minis would have to be sold, espically if you are the empire. :eek:

*edit* But alas I believe I am dreaming. Didn't someone say that GW had the IP before and then it was gone and now they have it back?

Herr Wiggles
07-11-2010, 01:44 AM
Kind of like fantasy but not exactly like fantasy?

pure speculation here- warmachine/hordes?

or maybe the fluff behind flames of war? although the IP holders for Flames of War seem determined to hold onto it.

definitely not warmachine/ hordes/ FoW as there has been talk of a NA merger in hopes of giving stronn contention to beating out GW's up until recently monopoly on the market. It is most likely the Hobbit. As for LotR not being profitable, the is bull, it just isnt popular in the states, canada, and japan. In europe, it is very big.

07-11-2010, 02:17 AM
definitely not warmachine/ hordes/ FoW as there has been talk of a NA merger in hopes of giving stronn contention to beating out GW's up until recently monopoly on the market. It is most likely the Hobbit. As for LotR not being profitable, the is bull, it just isnt popular in the states, canada, and japan. In europe, it is very big.They have had the rights to the Hobbit for at least a year and a half already. GW had it when I worked there...

07-11-2010, 10:57 AM
definitely not warmachine/ hordes/ FoW as there has been talk of a NA merger in hopes of giving stronn contention to beating out GW's up until recently monopoly on the market. It is most likely the Hobbit. As for LotR not being profitable, the is bull, it just isnt popular in the states, canada, and japan. In europe, it is very big.

From what I have been reading, LotR was making more money than Fantasy, up to 2 years ago. Now that 8th edtion is out, it's a different story.

Like LotR or not, LotR was making more money for GW than Fantasy was for a while now. Sorry I can't remember where I read this, so I can't prove it. Just like everyone else here, we read it somewhere. So the saying goes, Don't beleive too much from what you read, but when I went to GW stores, and speaking to the people working there, and what they said, it made the stories I was reading true.

No wunder, Fantasy 8th editon resembles WotR abit. :)

07-11-2010, 04:52 PM
To the guy who mentioned Fallout earlier....That would be awesome. Plenty of room for development and plenty of room for small to very large scale post apocolyptic battles. Lots of potential for many different armies and mini's too! Brotherhood of Steel, Mutants, Ghouls, Mercenaries, various city states. They could do a knockout job with that ip.

Fat man FTW!!

07-12-2010, 10:06 AM
Just imagine what GW can do with a Jar-Jar mini. I would hope it would be an awsome mini :p

indeed. then imagine me buying all of them, and destroying each one in a different manner! fethin gungans, i got frogs in my pond that make more interesting characters in a star wars environ than them! the ewoks of the 21st century.

07-12-2010, 11:51 AM
indeed. then imagine me buying all of them, and destroying each one in a different manner! fethin gungans, i got frogs in my pond that make more interesting characters in a star wars environ than them! the ewoks of the 21st century.

Then Gungans become the highest grossing army to sell by GW ever!

Half the reason Elvis initially became so financially successful was that so many parents in the south bought his albums to destroy them.

07-12-2010, 02:57 PM
OK gang, 24-hour notice before this one get closed out as wishlisting...

Get in you last wishes... :)

07-12-2010, 03:26 PM
OK gang, 24-hour notice before this one get closed out as wishlisting...

Get in you last wishes... :)

Well I would wish for Star Trek minis as well. I believe GW would do an awsome job making bits and then we can make our own Federation, Klingon, Romulan ships.

Well I am getting my last minute wish now :p

07-12-2010, 06:33 PM
Well I would wish for Star Trek minis as well. I believe GW would do an awsome job making bits and then we can make our own Federation, Klingon, Romulan ships.

Well I am getting my last minute wish now :p


Sadly only the USS Reliant Cruiser image is scaned in.

07-12-2010, 08:45 PM

Sadly only the USS Reliant Cruiser image is scaned in.

Would have been nice to have seen the others. Thanks for the link.

07-12-2010, 10:54 PM
Would have been nice to have seen the others. Thanks for the link.

Found them.




And the ships:

07-12-2010, 11:46 PM
This appears to me to be more speculation than what is usual even for Warseer.. That being said, I would personally love to see GW do a table-top version of White Wolf's stuff (I know that's a very, very long shot). Vampire.. Oh how many nights I've spent plotting as a Ventrue..

I know someone mentioned it earlier in this thread, but I think I'd give my right lung to see them do a version of Shadowrun :)

07-13-2010, 12:21 AM
OK gang, 24-hour notice before this one get closed out as wishlisting...

Get in you last wishes... :)

Lottery win, Kylie sat on my......, Golden Demon winning painting skills, the death of Gorden Brown and that the "Go Compare" adverts are banned (or the "contour living twist pillow).:D

07-13-2010, 12:37 AM
Lottery win, Kylie sat on my......, Golden Demon winning painting skills, the death of Gorden Brown and that the "Go Compare" adverts are banned (or the "contour living twist pillow).:D

gordan brown is dead! havent heard from him since he lost.

07-13-2010, 12:38 AM
I wish 8.5% of my bodyweight wasn't in my 'chest'. Oh, and I also want Necromunda 2nd Edition.

07-13-2010, 02:57 AM
I hope it is not Battletech. I love the game too much to have the rules changed every 4-5 years, and entire armies dropped because they are not as profitable as they used to be.

Lucian Kain
07-13-2010, 11:32 PM
IF THERES ANY guts to this i like the theory on WoW seeing as its going to be MMOLRPG DarkMallenium's main competition and would draw in thier clientell....useing the already established infrastructure...:rolleyes

anyhow Fallout would be the bees knees :rolleyes:

07-14-2010, 07:21 AM
I wish 8.5% of my bodyweight wasn't in my 'chest'. Oh, and I also want Necromunda 2nd Edition.

I doubt that with how much you mention it. :p

I've heard nothing but good things about Necromunda I should really try and play a game of it sometime. :(

07-14-2010, 03:38 PM
And we're done...