View Full Version : New Plastic Eldar Stuff?

06-30-2010, 10:49 PM
I am about to commit an atrocity and buy 10 wraithguard. Just after I pony up the $150, I am really sure GW will announce a new plastic box of wraithguard 5 for $50. The new Fire Prism/Night Spinner model has me a bit paranoid. What do you guys think the likelihood of GW coming out with a big pile of plastic Eldar stuff in the near future is?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-01-2010, 12:20 AM
I'm thinking the Fire Prism/Night Spinner and Support Weapon were an exception, and we shouldn't expect anything before the codex is finally revisited.

Still, before dropping so much cash on what are pretty so-so models, consider converting them from other Eldar kits. You could do a decent job with the Dire Avengers box - lengthen the arms and legs slightly, shave off the plume, fill in the face area with greenstuff and rearrange the weapons to be recognizably not Shuriken Catapults (the current sculpt of the Wraithguard's weapon is pretty meh, really. Too similar to the Eldar melta and missile launcher).

07-01-2010, 02:21 AM
Still, before dropping so much cash on what are pretty so-so models, consider converting them from other Eldar kits. You could do a decent job with the Dire Avengers box - lengthen the arms and legs slightly, shave off the plume, fill in the face area with greenstuff and rearrange the weapons to be recognizably not Shuriken Catapults.

Man, I think I'd rather pay the $150. I'm all for converting, but the Wraithguard sculpts aren't so bad that I'd consider going through that process for 10 of them.

07-01-2010, 04:13 AM
I doubt we will see anohter wave of Eldar plastics soon, with the possible exception of the rumoured superheavy.

07-01-2010, 05:56 AM
50 bucks for 5 of em whatever you do dont move to australia they 25 bucks each here those new tanks are 83. good thing i have the internet and ebay :P TBH i like the old Prism tank more and have 6 of em
I may visit a bitz store soon though and grab the plastic prism bits to take the weight of my old tanks.
While im for new plastic eldar let them be some new units not just new versions of old news

07-01-2010, 07:05 AM
Doubt you'll see plastic wraithguard any time soon. Kind of a shame, that. They're a lovely unit.

And I don't see much wrong with the models as they are. They're a little lanky and off, but they're meant to be. I think a 3d scan, clean up and minor re-modeling would make for a great kit.

Also, I really feel they need to give them a kind of mini wraithsword option. Perhaps with the same rule - re-roll misses. In melee, with enhance, they'd have a small number of attacks but it'd hurt - and isn't that what Eldar are all about?

07-01-2010, 08:59 AM
They're a little lanky and off, but they're meant to be. I think a 3d scan, clean up and minor re-modeling would make for a great kit.
I agree with you. I actually really like the wraithguard models; it's just a shame that they're so expensive. If they do go to plastic, at some point in the distant future, I doubt they'll change too much since they changed the wraithlord to look more like them when they updated that kit.

Also, I really feel they need to give them a kind of mini wraithsword option. Perhaps with the same rule - re-roll misses. In melee, with enhance, they'd have a small number of attacks but it'd hurt - and isn't that what Eldar are all about?

That would be an interesting option actually. They already make a pretty good, if expensive, tarpit unit if you give them a warlock with enhance and avoid power weapons and power fists! I think that they'd be distinctive enough from the current Eldar close combat options as well to avoid making the option pointless.

07-01-2010, 10:36 PM
We'll see our plastic Wraithguard when Codex: Exodites is released.