View Full Version : New GW paint pots on the way?

06-30-2010, 05:10 AM
Popped into my local GW yesterday for a new pot of Space Wolves Gray and saw that alone of all the paints their SW gray was in a new pot. The new pot is basically the same as those used for the Washes and Foundation paints except for a clear plastic lid. When I asked the guy in the store he said that all the paints would be moving to those pots pretty soon.

So if you prefer the existing pots to the foundation pots it might be a good time to restock on any colours that are running low.

06-30-2010, 03:28 PM
I'm actually starting to prefer reaper master series more and more lol.

06-30-2010, 10:11 PM
I'm also a huge fan of the Reaper paint containers, except that the nipples clog too easily.

I'm glad GW has changed over to the foundation paint pots. They are much easier to use, imo.

06-30-2010, 11:59 PM
Cheaper pot, less paint. Price drop? Not this side of hell freezing over.

F%&£%£&n Rip off merchants!

Mike X
07-01-2010, 01:01 AM
I'm also a huge fan of the Reaper paint containers, except that the nipples clog too easily.

Mmmm... nipples...

OCdt Mephiston
07-01-2010, 06:23 PM
@ Aldra,

Not only are the pots smaller, but they waste paint like crazy with the drip problem down the back of them!

07-01-2010, 11:46 PM
@ Aldra,

Not only are the pots smaller, but they waste paint like crazy with the drip problem down the back of them!

Yep, stupid idea all round.

07-02-2010, 08:57 AM
Gotta say I've started to use the P3 paints more and more, and am enjoying the consistency they have...Saw the new pots, and they scream stupid in my opinion. What's next!?

07-02-2010, 03:12 PM
Cheaper pot, less paint. Price drop? Not this side of hell freezing over.

F%&£%£&n Rip off merchants!

@ Aldra,

Not only are the pots smaller, but they waste paint like crazy with the drip problem down the back of them!

Both designs have exactly the same quantity of paint in, 12ml in both cases. I suggest you go check your pots to confirm this.

I'd imagine they are cheaper to manufacture by a bit, though I suspect the bigger saving is in these ones (and the paints within) being made in China instead of France. Indeed I wouldn't be surprised if they are unable to continue to use what is another company's pot design for the paints they're now having made by another country on the other side of the planet. It'll be interesting to see if the paint within is any different.

As for the leaky lids, I just checked all mine (18 or so) to confirm I was right about the quantities, and a mere one of them has a drip down the back. Notably it was amongst the first I'd used after six months off painting. This implies the leakage is only a problem if you let it happen. Shame it tends to happen when you use the "Lid lock up feature", but as I paint from a palette (wet or otherwise) I don't like leaving my pots gaping open and drying out.

07-03-2010, 06:07 AM
The clear plastic lid is not the only difference, the also took away the "Lid lock up feature" exactly because of the dripping paint. So all in all a bette product.

boy i sound like a salesman XD

07-03-2010, 06:10 AM
I'm quite pleased, I like the new pots. Though I must say I've never had any problems with GW paints, I still have a couple of pots from the mid 90s which are still perfectly fine. Obviously not colours I use a lot.:rolleyes: Actually those old lids were pretty awful... I'd appreciate a little coloured direction tab on the top of the spray can nozzles, I'm sick of priming myself by accident.

07-03-2010, 11:24 AM
I'm quite pleased, I like the new pots. Though I must say I've never had any problems with GW paints, I still have a couple of pots from the mid 90s which are still perfectly fine. Obviously not colours I use a lot.:rolleyes: Actually those old lids were pretty awful... I'd appreciate a little coloured direction tab on the top of the spray can nozzles, I'm sick of priming myself by accident.

How do you prime yourself by accident, other than a possible over spray? Generally speaking, doesn't one look before spraying? Also, something that you might find useful, there is a "pistol" you can get that goes on top of spray cans, so when you're doing a lot of painting you don't get hand cramps and the like. Unless you have someone that messes with your stuff, you can put one of these on, and it has a tab that goes down over the front, so you know what way the paint sprays, as well as if it's twisted somehow, it gets the inside of it, and not you.

07-04-2010, 03:57 AM
I thought the nozzle was pointing towards the miniatures, but it was pointing at me, so when I pressed the nozzle I got a chest full of paint. Sometimes I'm clumsy.:rolleyes:

07-04-2010, 05:22 AM
Ive done my left arm/hand a few times....