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View Full Version : Warriors of Chaos, batch painting, multiple themes

Brass Scorpion
06-29-2010, 07:13 PM
These photos now appear in my Dakkadakka Gallery (http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-13937-4970_Chaos%20Warriors.html). I've compiled them here with a bit of modeling info:

This 24-man block of Khorne themed warriors has two hand weapons. I wanted to work in traditional Khorne themed colors like, red, black and brass, but I wanted to add a bit of uniqueness to my unit as well. The main armour colour is Charadon Granite, while Red Gore, Chaos Black, and Shining Gold have been used on things like belts, gloves, cloaks, boots, weapon hilts, and helmets to add the traditional Khorne theme. I also used only upturned horns on the helmets of the models to provide an additional strong visual theme.

These 24 models only have down-turned horns (except for two command models) and I have not used any gold metallic paint on them at all, preferring to give them a strong silver theme using Chainmail for all the metallic areas. Liche Purple and Ultramarine Blue have been used with a fading into and out of each other effect on the shields and horns.

I'm now working on a block of 24 Nurgle themed armed with halberds. These models have no horns at all, but instead have tusks converted from the helmet horns. The halberds come from the older plastic Warriors Of Chaos boxed set. Models and shields will be painted separately, then glued together.
http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/6/29/116690_md-Chaos%2C%20Conversion%2C%20Nurgle%2C%20Warriors.jp g

06-30-2010, 01:29 AM
They look good. The metal is a bit bright for my taste.

Kieranator K82
06-30-2010, 02:41 AM
I agree with Aldramelech. If you dull down the metals, these guys'll go from good to great.

Brass Scorpion
07-04-2010, 09:10 AM
While I appreciate the idea behind the comments, it does come down to opinion and I already had the feedback I wanted before these pictures went up. Reactions have been extremely positive everywhere else and they have the look I wanted given the relatively brief amount of time per model it took me to complete those two units. I wanted my Tzeentch unit bright and the Khorne unit to look as if they cared for their weapons and armor. Those models are done.

Here's a picture of the Nurgle Warriors fully painted now. I saved drab and run-down for these guys. These 24 Nurgle Halberdiers were built using the current plastic Chaos Warriors and the halberds from the older plastic Chaos Warriors set as is the musician's horn. The banner was converted to fit on a left hand and the design on the banner is free-hand artwork.


07-04-2010, 02:31 PM
Nice models. So how long does it take you? Details give us details....

Brass Scorpion
07-04-2010, 05:23 PM
Nice models. So how long does it take you? Details give us details....
Thanks. It took me about a week to do both of the first two batches of 24 each and another week to do the 24 Nurgle Warriors, so about two weeks to crank out the 72 models shown here. I almost finished 10 Chaos Hounds I started today in one day bringing my two-week total to 82. The Nurgle Halberdiers took the most time due to the converting and free-hand artwork. Of course the real issue is to try to minimize the actual time per model, which I think I did very well on for the Tzeentch and Khorne units which each took less than 1 hour per model, the Nurgle unit probably a little more than an hour per model.

Here are some tips for getting units done with alacrity for those trying to fast track their army to the game table, but with a certain level of quality:
- Spray base coats where possible. When not possible, use the primer that will be quickest for the colors you plan to use.
- Change colors as infrequently as possible. If you're going to paint all the boots, gloves and belts brown for the whole unit, do them all at once before changing colors and doing the same for the next feature you'll be painting.
- Use washes and drybrushing where appropriate.
- Selective shade and highlight. In other words, pay a little extra attention to the details that will make the model "pop" and seem like you did more to it than you actually did. Paint the details that draw the most attention to higher quality than those that get less notice. Spend less time on the less noticeable details to save time.
- Put some of the time you save back into a few fun details that make the whole unit look better, like banners, champions, etc.

Brass Scorpion
08-03-2010, 11:12 AM
This block of forty Chaos Marauders (http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-13937-4970_Chaos%20Warriors.html) is my one horde sized unit. Armed with flails they can deliver quite a punch on the charge. My Chaos armies for Warhammer have always been based around the marauding renegade concept for the two decades I've been collecting, converting and painting Chaos models of all types. In keeping with that theme I have widely varied the flesh tones in this unit by using several different Citadel and Foundation paint flesh base colors and varying the washes used on them for even more variety. The idea here is that the power of Chaos lures wicked, power-hungry men from all over the Warhammer World to join Chaos armies in hopes of rising to power quickly, often at the cost of their humanity of course. Hence, there are a few mutations showing in this unit as well. I also added a decorative glyph stone made from green stuff to the base of each command model in the unit. The red, black and brass colors used throughout the unit were meant to not only look cool, but to clearly imply an allegiance to the Blood God, Khorne.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/8/3/125822_md-Chaos%2C%20Converting%2C%20Marauders%2C%20Painting %2C%20Warriors.jpg

Brass Scorpion
08-16-2010, 11:00 AM
I finally have a themed unit of Chaos Warriors for all four major powers of Chaos. This block of 24 Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh (http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/129877-Slaanesh%20Chaos%20Warriors.html?m=2) uses parts from the Mutation Sprue and the Daemonettes plastic sprue. Assymmetry is a common theme in Games Workshop's Realm of Chaos Slaanesh imagery, so I converted these models such that each warrior has only one horn on his helmet and those that have horns growing from their heads have only one each.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/8/16/129877_md-Chaos.%20Warriors%20Of%20Chaos%2C%20Conversion%2C% 20Painting%2C%20Slaanesh%2C%20Warhammer%20Fantasy. jpg