View Full Version : I need boneswords help

The Imperator
06-28-2010, 01:21 PM
ok so i need about 12 boneswords for my tyranid warriors and i am terrible with plasticard and green stuff and i absolutly hate the chapterhouse boneswords.

what should i do? the person with the winning suggestion will earn my eternal love and respect:D

06-28-2010, 01:22 PM
look up paulson games theres are there best out the moment imho

Herald of Nurgle
06-28-2010, 02:14 PM
Reverse your scything talons, and attach them to either the original (now) stumps OR to Spinefists.
Lash whips, if you're interested, could simply be GS.

06-28-2010, 02:16 PM
even if it looks strange in my eyes many people like to simply use scyting talons pointing upwards and painted like a power weapon as boneswords.

I'd at least clip the scyte off the arm/hand and arrange it so that it looks anatomically correct. you could also use a crafting knife to make the scyting talon sharp on both sides so it looks more like a sword.

or go to your local store/gaming area and ask one of the sculpting & conversion people there to make you a few pairs. producing boneswords isnt that hard if you have any skill/experience with plastic card & gs. if you have a nice personality this might be even cheaper than ordering specialised bits online (that is if you have the raw materials like warrior hands and stuff).

06-28-2010, 03:12 PM
Do we not all, in some way, need boneswords help?

06-28-2010, 04:25 PM
A++++ for the paulson games.


Best Bonesword on the market.

06-28-2010, 06:10 PM
I'm not a huge fan of the whole bonesword image - tyranids don't look right with "hands" in my opinion (hence why my entire army is teeth, claws and scythes)

but if i was going to go for a bonesword army, i'd get on those paulson ones, they look stunning.

The Imperator
06-28-2010, 07:11 PM
look up paulson games theres are there best out the moment imho

Congradulations harrybuttwhisker you have earned my etearnal love and respect

and thanks everyone else for there ideas