View Full Version : IG sentinel loadout

06-28-2010, 07:59 AM
I've been running my scout sentinels (two of them) with autocannons and hunter killer missiles. I usually outflank with them and try to nail some side armor. Since I usually squadron them, I've been considering dropping the HK missiles (emphasis on the 'miss-') and just sticking with the autocannons. Note that they are never expected to survive beyond 1-2 rounds.

What are you all running and how's it working for you? Any advice on my sentinels?

06-28-2010, 08:33 AM
Generally with AC's and smoke. I will Leapfrog them until either a target presents itself or after a target is knocked out and before my opponent can get a round of shooting off on it. I flank them aswell. Smoke is a great thing most of the time. Though sometimes it doesn't do a darn bit of good.

06-28-2010, 08:54 AM
I use three and never in a squdron. All armoured 1 Autocannon, 1 Multi Laser and 1 Plasma Cannon. All with HK.

Lord Azaghul
06-28-2010, 09:34 AM
I have 3 load outs that I like. I almost always run them in squads of 2.
Multilaserx2, outflanking, Multx1HFx1 out flanking, and on occation AC. Screened with terrain for harassment sake.

I will on occation run the plasma cannon variant. But since it can’t outflank and I only have 1 I usually stick to scout variants; more bang for your buck.
If I find myself with few points to spare I will place a huntkiller or two in a squad.

06-28-2010, 10:24 AM
I prefer armored sentinels with plascans or heavy flamers. The former is a great anti-MEQ fire platform, and the latter is a surprisingly good way to tie up an enemy assault unit.

06-28-2010, 10:59 AM
My two scout sentinels are loaded up for bear with Lascannons, and HK's (sometimes).

The idea being that even if both are eventually slaughtered they will:
a) get far more than their points back in burning wrecks, or
b) completely ruin the other guys deployment by making his transports, and even some of his tanks, timid, channelling them where I want them to go.

No-one like a Lascannon trotting through cover and onto their vehicle's flank. The key to successful use of these is:
i) Use Cover, and
ii) remember the Lascannon's range. You can block routes of advance for the enemy from halfway across the board.

In play these sentinels become the equivalent of CSM Obliterators :D

06-28-2010, 01:12 PM
My two scout sentinels are loaded up for bear with Lascannons, and HK's (sometimes).

The idea being that even if both are eventually slaughtered they will:
a) get far more than their points back in burning wrecks, or
b) completely ruin the other guys deployment by making his transports, and even some of his tanks, timid, channelling them where I want them to go.

No-one like a Lascannon trotting through cover and onto their vehicle's flank. The key to successful use of these is:
i) Use Cover, and
ii) remember the Lascannon's range. You can block routes of advance for the enemy from halfway across the board.

In play these sentinels become the equivalent of CSM Obliterators :D

Exactly how I use them and, so far, its my most effective load-out. I take either a squadron of 3 or just 3 plain-old one man units and send them after tanks on turn one and two. The enemy loses alot of tanks and transports (usually aim for transports first). When the transports go, it makes their army foot-slog so my guard can pick them off with long-range firepower.

06-28-2010, 10:09 PM
I use three and never in a squdron. All armoured 1 Autocannon, 1 Multi Laser and 1 Plasma Cannon. All with HK.

How do they perform for you?

Which armies does this appear to be a good loadout and which does this not prove effective?

07-01-2010, 02:38 PM
I keep thinking that sentinels should be Elites...they're not exactly 'fast', are they? Anyway, they take FA slots away from my air support, so are a no-go.

Anyways, the lascannon isn't going to be doing all that much as it will be missing half of the time. I suppose it is inexpensive, but won't live long enough to do much damage. It can control deployment with a lascannon, but otherwise it's best used with a flamer to tarpit large scoring units like other IG combined squads.

07-01-2010, 03:14 PM
How do they perform for you?

Which armies does this appear to be a good loadout and which does this not prove effective?

I run a limited mech army. No transports at all. My main opponant runs Non Mech Orcs, just a few cans and copters.

I like to take out the cans and copters and then do as much damage at range as possible. Then I tar pit some of his big Boyz units.