View Full Version : 1850 Cult/Skitarii Casul not a War Convocation

02-24-2017, 11:19 AM
Cult Mech/Skitari List (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition v2023) (1850pts)

Holy Requisitioner Formation
1. Belisarius Cawl
2. Kataphron Breacher Squad- Arc Claw (Torsion or Heavy Arc rifle depending on opponent)
3. Kataphron Breacher Squad- Arc Claw (Torsion or Heavy Arc rifle depending on opponent)

Cohort Cybernetica Formation

1. Tech Dominus - Conversion field, Infoslave Skull, Macrostubber, Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land, Volkite blaster
2. Kastelan Robot Maniple
a. 2 x Kastelan Robot - Incendine Combustor, Twin Linked Heavy phosphor blaster
b. Cybernetica Datasmith - Conversion field, Dataspike, Feel No Pain, Gamma Pistol, Power Fist
3. Kastelan Robot Maniple
a. 2 x Kastelan Robot - Incendine Combustor, Twin Linked Heavy phosphor blaster
b. Cybernetica Datasmith - Conversion field, Dataspike, Feel No Pain, Gamma Pistol, Power Fist, Memento-Mortispex

Skitarii Maniple

1. Vanguard Squad - Omnispex
a. 10 x Vanguard – 2 Plasma Calivers, 1 Arc Rifle
b. 1 x Alpha – Refractor Field, Arc Pistol, Taser
2. Vanguard Squad - Omnispex
a. 10 x Vanguard – 2 Plasma Calivers, 1 Arc Rifle
b. 1 x Alpha – Refractor Field, Arc Pistol, Taser
3. Onager - Cognis heavy stubber , Icarus Array

So I'm really new to 40k, so keep that in mind. I will do war convocation later, I just want to do something a bit different.
So the idea is that the Vanguard contest objectives.
The Cohort should be tough as hell to kill as they all have IWD and Cawl's Swiss Army Knife Relic. The would start working on dropping OBJ Sec units or fast units that can threaten my troops
Turn 2 Cawl should come in Deep Strike(rerollable reserve check, no scatter shenanigans) with Breachers take care of any big vehicles or MC. Cawl being one hell of a big Mechanical "Distraction Carnifex" that close to enemy lines.

02-25-2017, 03:22 PM
Just a few points of note:

1. The Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land is not absolutely necessary on the kastellans - the dominus can repair the wounds on a 2+, and as you have Cawl, you could also use the Archmagos canticles to gain IWND, saving you a few points, even as standard they are very hard to wound, if you also rotate the unwounded ones to the back of the squad for the dominus to fix the squad can last much longer as all wounds are taken from the closest to the fireing model also possibly it may be worth it to put one of the datasmiths out to die first as otherwise your toughness will drop to a puny T4 once you loose a couple of robots. I would probably only take a maximum of 2 flamers - as the two datasmiths could give those two robots split fire so as to target different units from the blasters.

2. Conversion fields on the Dominus etc. not a good idea. yes it seems great as you get a 4++ for only 5 points but it also Blinds yourself as well, but as the robots are I2, even with the reroll trying to get 2 or less for every robot after you saved a wound with the Dominus is a pain! also the Infoslave skull is pointless - the robots are fearless - no need for that additional point of leadership, take digital weapons instead for rerolling to wound.

3. the main reason you would need to take the Memento mortispex is to gain skyfire, as you also have an onager it is almost redundant - I would only have one or other. prob the MM and drop the onager - you could then include a few Sydonian dragoons, which I have found very useful - S8 on the charge can glance many tanks to death (rear armour 10) and are instant killing most infantry etc. they are also very fast so are good cheep units that can cap objectives.

4. the vanguard - I would probably drop the Arc rifles - they probably will not be in range turn one and your requisitoner formation will be able to drop in turn two onwards to deal with any tanks, also I much prefer the Phosphor blast pistols on the Alphas as this can then reduce cover even further to allow a -2 (with omnispex) penalty - which the plasmas will then be able to kill.

5. if you still have any points left over I would look into getting an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor with Rad Grenades (from Imperial Agents) (40 pts, 25 for the Inq, and 15 for the grenades) to attach to the vanguard squads, reducing enemys toughness by a further point in the first round of combat. this could then be combined with the Pater Radium/Saint Curias Autopurger relics (possibly both) for nasty times.

02-25-2017, 05:41 PM
Thank you for the advice

02-25-2017, 07:41 PM
no problem, just beware of instant death weapons (e.g. D & Force) as you will start loosing models fast - target them first. after that target any poisoned weapons - again they negate your toughness so your expensive units die quickly to them.

Regarding Canticles - with the addition of Cawls canticles it may be that you could use two per turn - depending on the wording, it is a bit iffy.

note as everything has relentless/ is a MC you should probably keep moving every turn (if you do not you may struggle to reach objectives later in the game) - no need to stand still to fire.

you may also wish to surround the kastelans with the vanguard - especially if you are facing a hoard army (e.g. Genestealer Cult) as the robots do not have masses of attacks so might be tied up for the rest of the game. (this is where the Inq, Vanguard & Saint Curia relic come in handy...

03-16-2017, 01:30 PM
So made some changes after a few games and I am prepping for my first ITC tournament.

Cult Mech/Skitari List (Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition) (1850pts)

Holy Requisitioner Formation
1. Belisarius Cawl
2. Kataphron Breacher Squad- Arc Claw, Torsion Cannon
3. Kataphron Breacher Squad- Arc Claw, Torsion Cannon

Cohort Cybernetica Formation

1. Tech Dominus - Refractor field, Macrostubber, The Scryerskull Perspicatus, Volkite blaster
2. Kastelan Robot Maniple
a. 2 x Kastelan Robot - Incendine Combustor, Twin Linked Heavy phosphor blaster
b. Cybernetica Datasmith - Refractor field, Dataspike, Feel No Pain, Gamma Pistol, Power Fist
3. Kastelan Robot Maniple
a. 1 x Kastelan Robot - Incendine Combustor, Twin Linked Heavy phosphor blaster
b. 1 x Kastelan Robot - Heavy Phosphor blaster, 2x power fists
b. Cybernetica Datasmith - Refractor field, Dataspike, Feel No Pain, Gamma Pistol, Power Fist

Skitarii Maniple

1. Vanguard Squad
a. 9 x Vanguard – Rad Carbines
b. 1 x Alpha – Rad Carbines
2. Vanguard Squad
a. 9 x Vanguard – Rad Carbines
b. 1 x Alpha – Rad Carbines
3. Onager - Cognis heavy stubber , Icarus Array
4. 3 x Sydonian Dragoons - taser lance

Assassin Detachment
1. Culexus Assassin

So far this has worked out much better. Dragoons wreck stuff (like knights) regularly. The Cawl is crazy showing up in the back field to sieve critical objects or pesky long rang unit. Torsion is crazy good against MC and that is what i see most of the time. Kept vanguard bare for objective grabbing and anti troops shots. Kastelans are crazy tough, they are bullet magnets though people get scared of them. switched out 1 robot to have Pfist for S10 hits. Culexus follows them around taking care of Phsycic shenanigans. Onagers sits back field and takes out air units/flyers and such. Any thoughts?

03-18-2017, 06:56 PM
Looks good, though see my points above for notes about conversion fields & infoslave skulls.

03-21-2017, 06:00 AM
Ah sorry that was a typo, I had changed it to refractor fields and removed the infoslave skull