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View Full Version : Horus Heresy board game - starting out

Angelic Despot
06-27-2010, 04:14 PM
Well, I've set the new game up, read the rules and played through my first game (against myself) to test the rules out to make sure that I understand them...

It's interesting, and I'm looking forward to playing a few games against real people, but I do wonder how long it will last.

It seems like the game can end very suddenly if one player makes a mistake, without their opponent having to actually do very much. It might get frustrating running out of certain action cards and feeling like you're just watching your opponent without being able to react.

It also seems like the same few strategies will be used every game. I can't see the game going on long enough for an Imperial victory by dint of holding on long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

Has anyone else got / played this game yet? How have you found it? Do you find it heavily tilted towards one side or the other?

As I say, I haven't yet played this against a real person, so I hope it will be as exciting as it looked! It does have quite an epic feel to it anyway...

07-29-2010, 07:35 PM
I'm surprised one one ever replied to this message...

A typical game can be played in a few hours depending on how long each opponent thinks about thier actions.

I have played games that ended in 30-45 min and other than have gone all the way until the end.

The game is amazing. It's kinda like Twilight Imperium in the 40k Universe.

While I think either side does gravatate towards certain strategies - it is fairly balanced (depending on the scenario you play) The base games tend to give the traitors the advanage early on and then balances out in the end IMO, but winning can definately be done with either force.

If you're in Austin, TX - I'll play you any time...

[QUOTE=Angelic Despot;84307]
...how long it will last.

Has anyone else got / played this game yet? How have you found it? Do you find it heavily tilted towards one side or the other?[QUOTE]

08-15-2010, 06:18 AM
I've only played it once, and because we were still learning the rules, we didn't make it to the finish before the other player had to leave.

It felt very epic to play, and had some great swings back and forth (first Horus'forces seemed unstoppable, then the loyalists scored a few strong victories in battle, but then Horus was on the rise again, capitalizing on the Imperial losses in previous battles and weaknesses in the battle line).

I can see how this could easily be played very fast if two people both know the rules.
Greatest problem would be that it only has 2 players. I don't get together with friends for board games as much as I used to, and when we do get a group together, we want to play multi-player games where everyone is involved.
Still, I do plan to play it again soon (if only so I don't forget the rules again and have to start from scratch).

11-17-2010, 08:34 AM
Well, I've set the new game up, read the rules and played through my first game (against myself) to test the rules out to make sure that I understand them...

It's interesting, and I'm looking forward to playing a few games against real people, but I do wonder how long it will last.

It seems like the game can end very suddenly if one player makes a mistake, without their opponent having to actually do very much. It might get frustrating running out of certain action cards and feeling like you're just watching your opponent without being able to react.

It also seems like the same few strategies will be used every game. I can't see the game going on long enough for an Imperial victory by dint of holding on long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

Has anyone else got / played this game yet? How have you found it? Do you find it heavily tilted towards one side or the other?

As I say, I haven't yet played this against a real person, so I hope it will be as exciting as it looked! It does have quite an epic feel to it anyway...
I tried to play the game with a mate of mine. We set the board up, and then between us tried to learn the rules. An hour and a half later we gave up, not knowing how to get past the first phase of turn one.

I found the rules for the re-released Horus Heresy board game very difficult to navigate. It kept referring you to a different section, that referred you to another section, and so on. There were some examples given here and there, but all together it reminded me of someone who was writing the booklet in spaghetti coding without enoughdocumentation and notes to let another programmer to come along and know how it works.

I love the detail of the miniatures, and the board itself, it is just the rule book needs a complete re-write, or a second booklet written to explain it. Perhaps they should have had a few other people play test the board game without anyone to explain the rules to them, so the designers knew it waswritten simplt enough for most to understand the game.

So if you guys know how it works, then I should get together with my mate and work out a few questions on how to get actually play the board game.