View Full Version : Thoughts wanted on modeling Colonel Iron Hand Straken

Inquisitor Gray
06-27-2010, 03:09 PM
Hi everyone. I have a question about modeling Colonel Straken in a IG army. I am thinking of making a model that is equipped as he is, with a shotgun, and plasma pistol. But instead of a IG trouper body, I wanted to use a set of power armor, and use a power sword instead of a regular sword. Now if you look at the rules this IS how he really turns out, since he does have a 3 armor save, and his attacks are like a power weapon, but in his description he is said to have flak armor. So my question is, if I make him in power armor, would people be ok with that, and would I be able to use him in tournaments. Since by all rights, what he has on him will be representing his states, but would just be unusual. Or do you think people would say I could not use him like that?

Also, I know he may not be worth the points, but I am making a fluff army of Rogue traders, and I like the idea of him being the Rogue trader, in his fancy armor.

Oh and if anyone has any neat ideas about how to make a IG Rogue trader army more fluff like please tell me. I am doing well, but I am open to suggestions.

Thanks you all for your ideas on this!

06-27-2010, 03:35 PM
WYSIWYG. What you see is what you get. If the model has the right weapons and a way to justify its 3+ save. then great. I'd play against it.

06-27-2010, 05:40 PM
Hi everyone. I have a question about modeling Colonel Straken in a IG army. I am thinking of making a model that is equipped as he is, with a shotgun, and plasma pistol. But instead of a IG trouper body, I wanted to use a set of power armor, and use a power sword instead of a regular sword. Now if you look at the rules this IS how he really turns out, since he does have a 3 armor save, and his attacks are like a power weapon, but in his description he is said to have flak armor. So my question is, if I make him in power armor, would people be ok with that, and would I be able to use him in tournaments. Since by all rights, what he has on him will be representing his states, but would just be unusual. Or do you think people would say I could not use him like that?

Also, I know he may not be worth the points, but I am making a fluff army of Rogue traders, and I like the idea of him being the Rogue trader, in his fancy armor.

Oh and if anyone has any neat ideas about how to make a IG Rogue trader army more fluff like please tell me. I am doing well, but I am open to suggestions.

Thanks you all for your ideas on this!

I have my straken modeled as Marcus Fenix from Gears of War. Heh.

06-28-2010, 07:22 AM
Hell, my Straken model is made out of an IG officer upper body with mechanical spider legs and nobody has given me any problems. I feel like Straken is so off in left field for an IG army that you can go out on a limb with a counts as model. It's one of the reasons I'm rather fond of him. Plus, you're concept is well within the bounds of fluff.