View Full Version : My 40k- Model Gallery

06-27-2010, 02:15 PM
My friend (a Tyranid player) have been working on our own model gallery and fluff based off of a wiki.
Link: http://krandor116th.intodit.com/page/home

PS: Yes, two of the meltaguns for my IG are wood. I need to order some metal bitz....anyways.

06-27-2010, 05:05 PM
I like what you've done with the website- never thought to use a wiki for this sort of stuff.

On the painting side, whoever plays IG should consider using painter's tape and masking off engine areas that have the yellow/black chevrons- it'll come out a lot cleaner.

Also, Dipping is your friend when it comes to the Tyranids.

06-28-2010, 04:40 PM
Thanks for the masking tip, it wouldn't be hard at all to redo the chevrons. By the way, those aren't my nids, but could you clarify what you mean by 'dipping'? One further message: Anyone, please post pictures of your army on the wiki!

06-30-2010, 02:03 PM
Dipping is a technique where you paint on just the basic colors (if you really wanted to, you could highlight it also) of the model. Then, you literally 'dip' the model in floor stain (I used Minwax Polyshades Antique Walnut Stain 340 for my orks- turned out nicely). The dip does all the shading. All you have to do then is let it dry and spray them with some Testors Dullcote and you're done! Makes for a really easy method of painting large quantities of models, like tyranids.

The company Army Painter does a similar product- though their products are specifically marketed to wargamers. Shouldn't be too hard to do a search for it.

07-01-2010, 01:53 PM
I'll tell my buddy about it. Meanwhile, finding the purple stain that he would use will be difficult...

07-04-2010, 10:41 AM
You dont use colored stains persay. Stains typically come in shades of brown. So you would paint the primary colors on the model then dip them. You can actually get colored stains, but they are expensive and more difficult to comeby, where as standard stains can be attained easily at walmart 24/7