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View Full Version : Misty Mountains

08-12-2009, 10:49 AM
I am finding it difficult to have the two things I love in WotR. Goblins and lots of them, and a good solid army. Is there anyway I can have both? Has anyone else loved the Goblins of Moria but been unable to field them in such numbers that would do their fluff justice and also be a good solid list? Is there anyone who would be as gracious enough to help me make one such as that?

04-11-2010, 06:04 AM
The following might help ( I do realise this is 6 months after: I've only just registered)
Druzhag the Beastcaller
Gundabad Blackshields (6 companies), Captain
Moria Goblin Warband (6 companies), Captain
Moria Goblin Warband (6 companies), Captain
Moria Goblin Warband (2 companies), shortbows
Moria Goblin Warband (2 companies), shortbows
Moria Goblin Warband (2 companies), shortbows
Cave Troll
Cave Troll
Cave Troll

This is 965 points, and don't forget Druzhag can summon beasts as well (very useful for sandwiching enemy formations)
If I get goblins then I would have this list

04-14-2010, 02:01 AM
Both the Goblin King and the Druzhag are fantastic characters, especially for their relatively low costs. Way better than almost any similar evil character.

In other words, I agree with onewhois that you should field both.

Personally, I don't like big piles of goblins, but if that's your goal, then I think onewhois's list is probably a good start. Cave trolls are pretty good, too.