View Full Version : My Stormraven Infernity (WIP)

06-27-2010, 01:42 PM
Hi , started in the beginning of the month with my version of a stormraven. It is still a work in progress but here are some pics.


I used 1 Land Raider Crusader and 2 Valkyrie Kits

Please let me know what you think of it for know.


06-27-2010, 02:09 PM
My wallet cries...that's almost $200!!! Interesting idea with the land raider front, never seen that before!

06-28-2010, 11:23 AM
My wallet cries...that's almost $200!!! Interesting idea with the land raider front, never seen that before!

That's almost right. But i got some extra money, so i wanted to make my stormraven a little bit special.
its an expensive conversion that's true. butt i envisioned itt like this with a purpose. do you see a dreadnought entering a planets atmosphere without protection. I dont think so. The back large hangar is for the dreadnought while in the front is meant for the 12 marines.

But thank you for you're honest opinion.:D

The Imperator
06-28-2010, 01:27 PM
sweet conversion! cant wait to see it painted

Commissar Lewis
06-28-2010, 06:51 PM
Really nice. I love the whole flying Landraider vibe it has going on.

06-28-2010, 07:25 PM
I would narrow the front of the hull--- right now it looks more like you slapped a landraider on the front.
It'll take some work, but you could angle the side panels toward the front, making a semi-'V' shape. At the same time, I would plasticard the back of the land raider at an angle to have it flow into the belly of the valkyries. (triangle shape)

The assault cannon looks a little just slapped onto the top. The spot on the front where the Assault Cannon normally goes--- you could shift it centered above the Land Raider Doors, and have the Assault Cannon/Lascannon/Plasma Cannon sit there. That would probably look great.

Get rid of the light fixtures on the land raider---- or at least move them to another position-- maybe below the hull? Right now the underside of the vehicle could use some sprucing up, and adding light fixtures there might work well.

Something to think about: Functionality? Could it work? Let your imagination run with that idea, you'll start seeing where things could be modified.

How are you going to do the grapples---- oppps you answered that with back hanger---- I had the same question while making my conversion--- my answer was folding wings that wrap around the dreadnought during reentry. I like your approach.

Overall, I think it is a great start, but I potentially see a masterpiece coming outta this!

06-29-2010, 01:55 PM
just know that this is still a conversion in progress. its gonna get 2 xtra engines below.