View Full Version : Starting daemons (tale of x gamers)

faeg nad teli
06-27-2010, 03:59 AM
Hi all,

At our LGS we are starting a tale of x gamers campaign in July and I'm toying with the idea to start playing with daemons. For me this project will at the first place be focused at converting/painting and in second place I'd like to have a playable list for local pickup games. (therefor I do not need a complete min/maxed list). I have played 40k mainly with my SoB and wanted to have a list with more close combat orientation.

There are already several ideas growing in my mind so in random order some thoughts I'm working with:
- I really like the Blood slaughterers from forgeworld 1 (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Images/Product/DefaultFW/xlarge/bslaughterer.jpg),2 (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Images/Product/DefaultFW/xlarge/bsimpaler.jpg), but I realize this model has two issues if I want to use it as a soulgrinder: Size and deepstrike footprint. I think I can overcome both if I put the little beast on a scenic base (for instance tearing a leman russ apart). On the other hand, I could also play it as a daemon prince.

- Since there's quite a bit of metal in the available kits (which just doesn't work that well with converting) and I don't care much for the bloodletters. I was considering to sort of make a possessed army. (I do admit to adapting the idea after seeing some beautifully converted orc zombies)
I consider the following, but still remain highly open to additional suggestions:
* Nurgle: Orc/kroot (plague bearers)
* Tzeench: Grots and night goblin hybrids with the metal kits or imperial/traitor guard psykers (horrors/flamers)
* Khorne: something to fit with the blood slaughterers and add some punch to the list as crushers/letters
* Slaanesh: will for now probably be put on the side line and might be added when I expand the list.

- I could theme it as a single army being possessed or choose a different one for each god, both have there advantages, currently I'm leaning to the first option.

- I haven't figured out the big beasties yet, although I could just stick with heralds. I would like to throw in a blood thirster or some daemon prince to really catch the eye. Model wise this might be the hard one to fit in the possessed army theme due to the size, but I could also go for the more regular kits.

- The final list at the end of the campaign should be somewhere around 1000 pts but in the future I might expanded it to the 1500-1700 pts range. We'll also have a 750 pts battle at 2/3 of the campaign, so I should first work to that. I thought to start with some plague bearers, would you already add icons to the unit in 750/1000 pts? And would you already add both blood slaughterers in 750/1000pts.

- In the sense of an army list I haven't looked at any point values yet, but I was thinking of some plaguebearers to stake out objectives, some flamers to quickly kill critical units and then die horribly, the blood slaughterers to tear open tanks and finally letters/crushers/big beasties to punch holes in everything.

So that's it for now, any thoughts and advice on modeling or army list/tactics are always appreciated.

faeg nad teli
01-10-2011, 03:43 PM
So here was my attempt at sort of keeping this topic up to date ^_~
and looking back at the original thoughts I posted I must say I (off course) diverted from those view points.

I made a quick photo of the army. It currently looks like this:
That's a bloodthirster, 2x 3 flamers, 10 bloodletters and 5 plague bearers. Although the pink flamers may in the future become horrors. I'll make some proper photos soon (I hope).

The plague bearers need some details added and the bloodthirster's half painted and his base could use more work. The conversion is a forgeworld khorne daemon prince with balrog wings added to the back together with some procreate putty.
This makes for a more realistic sized beasty I'd say.

To build it out further I'll be adding another unit of bloodletters, these all with goblin head(part)s. In contrast to the orc heads I used for the current squad (excepting the one who will go to the future squad)

I also want to add a daemon prince of tzeentch with Soul Devourer and Bolt of Tzeentch. However I'm unsure of what model to use for him. I'd like to maintain the link with the orc components but I'd take any suggestions...the list I'm currently building up to is the following:
- Bloodthirster
- 2 khorne heralds on juggernaughts
- 4 blood crushers
- 2x3 flamers
- 2x10 bloodletters
- 5 plague bearers
- 2nd unit of plague bearers or a unit of horrors
- 2 daemon princes of tzeentch with bolt

01-10-2011, 10:44 PM
Well for the Bloodletters and really anthing Khronate there is the Beastmen army. Paint those suckers red and you're halfway there. Not to mention the bigger guys could work really well for Demon Princes or Bloodcrusher stand-ins.

For Nurgle there are zombies (duh) but it would be pretty easy to convert some of the Orge units to nurgle. I saw a great Nurgle Grinder on DakkaDakka that used the Giant instead of the stock demon and it looked pretty dang good. I would move away from using orcs for nurgle - they look to strong / healthy to be nurgle demons. I could see skaven fitting pretty well.

Tzeentch has Tomb Kings from WFB. Again those nasty bird monsters are great for Nurgle Prince wings, but the egyptian theme fits pretty well with people's ideas of what Tzeentch is

Slaanesh is Dark Elves for sure. Anything can basically be twisted into a demonette.

Outside of that there are always Ultraforge minatures - kind expensive but with nice detail - and forgeworld as you've already seen. The wood elves have some fancy lookn junk that you can use for horrors if you do that super bright ink look. Outside of that there is always Lord of the Wings, which has at least one monster that looks like a demon prince (not the Balrog) and the specialist games have stuff.