View Full Version : Death of the lance

06-26-2010, 02:47 PM
Having checked out the new rules and revisited the lance formation am I right in my understanding that it has gone from a fearsome and much needed Bretonnian advantage to being bearly worth doing beyond having the ability to hide a Damsel.



06-27-2010, 01:45 AM
See I thought that the Lance formation makes Bretonnian Cavalry the only cavalry in the game that doesn't need support to break infantry. With the new steadfast rule, only the lance formation has enough ranks to stop infantry being stubborn.

The Lance still packs a load of attacks into a very small frontage. And Knights are still hard hitting with a good armour save. Also, as people start taking more ogre sized creatures and monsters to take advantage of the stomp rule, cavalry will be a nasty surprise to them.

Just make sure your lances are at least 12 strong and I'm sure they'll do fine.

07-11-2010, 04:12 PM
Having experienced the full weight of the Lance attack on my Vampire Counts just last night, I can honestly say, they still pack a serious wallup! :)

07-11-2010, 05:45 PM
The lance is still pretty good.

Lets look at 9 Bret's against 10 Emperial Knights.
The brets will get a +2 rank bonus, make 8 attacks from the knights and 8 from the horses; the Empire will get +1 rank, 10 attacks from the Knights and 5 horses.
The extra 2 attacks will probably only cause an extra wound, which will balance against your rank (but your extra 3 horse attacks will likely also cause a wound and put you ahead again).

The other thing to remember is frontage size. The large Empire unit will be in contact with 6-7 guys, multiplied by ranks can be a lot; the bret unit will only be in contact with 4-5 guys, meaning a lot fewer attacks.

Now lets take a look at elite units.
Grail Knight unit of 12, against Chaos Knights or Saurus Coldone riders units of 15 (5x3).
The Chaos or Saurus unit will get 15 attacks plus 5 from horse/coldones; with +2 ranks. The Grail Knights will get 19 attacks and 9 horse attacks; they have almost half the frontage and a full +3 rank bonus.

Bret Knights have the advatage of getting ranks, breaking ranks on the flank and having less attacks thrown back at them; and are likely going to be the only army that can have knights as solitary (or minimal support) unit breakers.