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View Full Version : Custom Eldar craftworld Eostara project

06-26-2010, 01:40 AM
Hi guys being fairly new here I thought I post up my current project Eldar.
Though I've been involved in the hobby since the rogue trader days I've only now just been able to commit more timeto the hobby and its bad enough I have a short attention span abandoning a project midway when a new codex or army comes out. But now being older and wiser I have decided to go back to where it began for me in this case eldar.
This time round I've decided to create my own craftworld rather than expand on my 3rd ed Beil tan or 2nd ed Ulthwe. the colours I have but I lack a name and "Icon" for them, in my research I found an Icon I liked which turned out to belong to Kaelor Craftworld However what info I did find on the craftworld did not suit my idea.

At this stage I'm toying with the name "Eostara" which is the spring equinox on the wicca calendar, the calendar is also the basis of the more famous craftworld names so I think ill start there but not sure

the basis at this stage is a more mechanised army. making it more mobile, but things could change and this project progresses. eventually I intend to take it to Apocalypse level.

for now here is my Autarch, a wave serpent, some pathfinders and swooping hawks.

06-26-2010, 02:29 AM
Nice. Purple aint easy to do well.

06-26-2010, 03:12 AM
Particularly like the rangers and the hawks. Think that scheme works better than the blue they have in the codex!

06-26-2010, 12:28 PM
Ncie job, I also would like to do Eldar, but I'm afraid as soon as I build the metal models they will come out with plastic. What do you guys think? Plastic Aspects anytime?

06-26-2010, 12:55 PM
Plastic wraithguard and rangers more likely first, think of aspects as vanguard and sternguard veterans

and to get back on topic......................ooooooohhhhhh!!!! purple, nice :D

06-26-2010, 08:51 PM
hmm plastics, or more of them would be nice but at the same time I feel would be a bit of a copout
the ranger models are well detailed and I feel will lose alot of that. while i have no real beef with plasic aspecs.
should it come to new codex time and all they do for "new" releases is another aspect warrior make over with no real new units, will kinda leave a sour taste in my mouth. Plastic wraithgaurd would be a godsend though.

Thanks for the comments so far I've put up my Dire Avengers and Striking Scorpions
they have a pretty standard scheme as im going with the idea of keeping shine colours with hints of the crafworld through it. next on the list is fire dragons, then a warlock and 5 wraithgaurd, followed by some tanks.


06-29-2010, 12:20 PM
Your painting over all is excellent.

The wave serpent in particular looks REALLY nice to me. You chose a very good color scheme and painted the details well with colors that complement your main color scheme. I'm really impressed and had I not already painted my Eldar army I might have "borrowed" your paint scheme.

07-10-2010, 09:59 AM
sorry i havent updated this recently due to birthdays including my own hehe. I've almost completed the fire dragons, and while oportunity knocks have worked on some scenery for planet strike.
I have allready come up with the plans for a landing pad, bastion, fortress and ageis lines. but done in an eldar touch.
for this I want to keep the designs unique to what other people have already done but have taken inspiration from eldar artwork and some dawn of war. for the bastion im intending of designing it in a way I can cheaply mass produce should I need 3 or 4 for a game

anyhow here is the WIP landing pad. sorry about the pics its from my phone and its late here at the time :)
feedback will be appreciated


07-28-2010, 04:03 AM
some more progress on my craftworld for now its buildings
a WIP fortress and a Bastion too

also this has side tracked me a tad :P


07-28-2010, 04:10 AM
Landing Pad, gorgeous. Never see enough Eldar scenery
Bastions are also wonderufl, brilliant ideas
Titan...well i've seen enough card titan to know that ones gooood

07-28-2010, 05:01 AM
Lovely Eldar scenery there - the landing pad in particular looks great. How are you making them? Plasticard or something more advanced? They look a little like laser cut acrylic, but that might be my eyes mistaking it.

07-28-2010, 05:59 AM
Great Landing pad design. Great use of foam board and plasticard.
Really well done.

07-28-2010, 08:40 AM
I second the request for an explanation of the materials. I am currently building a bunch of drop pods out of foam board, but it's not nearly as clean looking as whatever it is you are using. It looks great - very professional and Eldar!

07-30-2010, 06:44 AM
Thanks for the intrest thus far I'll give a brief rundown of how I have made these and what I have used.

Landing Pad, This one is my first prototype. the 4 main parts are laser cut from acrylic, but I'm looking for easier to get hold of material as I may be making more for the local game club and some friends.
I may end up using foamcard but just from what I learned when making the warhound, foamcard does some .. interesting things when cut with a laser. Onto this I attached detail using a signage plastic called 'Romark'.
However I can substitute it with thick card, this material is two colored ive use black and white in this case.
just so I can see things with contrast, I then engraved some eldar runes into it so when I paint it I can pick this detail out. since those pics were taken I have added more detail to the side pylons using different thickness paper and card.

The bastion and fortress are laser cut cardboard withthe side butresses again made from romark, but I also have some made from 3mm MDF.

I'm trying to make these as simple and easy to build especially the bastion so I can reproduce them as needed for bigger games. though im thinking of making the landing pad a little smaller. I didn't have anything to reference it to scale wise, I just grabed one of my falcons and made enough room for it and troops to mill around it. Turns out I can fit my Scorpion or Cobra on it also lol

I will continue to post progress pics and once they are done I can also make my templates available if enough intrest.

07-30-2010, 07:11 AM
Looks like I'm gonna have to get me a laser.

07-30-2010, 07:41 AM
yeah im in the process of getting one myself

Shotgun Justice
07-30-2010, 08:16 AM
1. love the landing pad - I think you've nailed the concept there. I wouldnt worry about it being too big, I'm a big fan of large terrain - it's part of the 40k universe in my eyes.

2. what kind of lasers are you guys talking about? I've alot of terrain building ahead of me next month and am in the planning stages now.

07-31-2010, 02:16 AM
The lasers we are talking about are ones used by signage and engraving companies.
which use a C02 laser to cut and engrave various substrates and materials,

I use one at work but i am in the process of buying one for my self, but they not cheap as they start $15,000 AUD and thats just the laser not the accessories and training to go with it :(

09-21-2010, 04:40 PM
Heya, well its been a while since I updated my project, Just been really busy and now i have finally been able to get most of the army complete.. well almost.
I have finished my fire dragaons, Two Prism tanks are at the final stages with finishing touches left to be done on the turrent as with the falcon. Im thinking I might replace the turrets with the new Prisim sooner or later also though I love the older design more, but it is metal and to heavy for the tank.

I now have roughly 2k in points done and will start playing some games, but most of those will be 1500 until the wraithgard and warlock are completed for the 3rd wave serpent. I am also converting a farseer on a jetbike so i an swap with the Aurtarch if need be.


09-22-2010, 12:54 PM
A lovely army. Really like the colour scheme! The fantastic terrain is a tasty cherry on top!

How'd you get the orange to look so good on those superb Fire Dragons?


Sister Rosette Soulknyt
09-23-2010, 12:19 AM
Inspiration is all i can say. Though im a SoB player, im painting a very large Eldar army for a friend.

09-23-2010, 07:08 AM
A lovely army. Really like the colour scheme! The fantastic terrain is a tasty cherry on top!

How'd you get the orange to look so good on those superb Fire Dragons?

The orange started off as blood red painted on a white basecoat, followed by firery orange as a first stage highlight, followed then with golden yellow on the edges. this will look pretty vivid once dry.
I then applied a wash of Baal Red to bring the brightness back down this also help to smooth out the blending. and thats it, however i took it a step further on the exarch with small amounts of devlan mud in the recesses of the armor for additional shading.

note to self: I have to finish my eldar buildings..

09-23-2010, 12:46 PM
The lasers we are talking about .... a C02 laser to cut and engrave various substrates and materials,

You might know the answer to this.

Can the lasers used for signs cut thin brass,say .25mm?

I did some searching and found a chart with power requirements for various materials and brass was one of them but can not find the site again.

09-23-2010, 04:54 PM
Hey, did you say you were gonna get one of these lasers yourself? That'd surely help your terrain! Which looks amazing.

09-24-2010, 03:55 AM
You might know the answer to this.

Can the lasers used for signs cut thin brass,say .25mm?

I did some searching and found a chart with power requirements for various materials and brass was one of them but can not find the site again.

Yes they can but not all types do. To be specific you need to find out what kind of lasers are in the chart.
but off the top of my head CO2 (which is what im using) can't, as the beam would be reflected off the brass and so some damage somwhere in the internals as the laser traveled back via the mirrors etc.
but I would be wrong as I have not factored in laser power, I use a 60W but i know it is the same for 150w

Another type is YAG, I cant give any useful info as I have had no experience with them.

The other is Plasma, this I know will cut and I've seen it cut 10mm 316 grade stainless steel, however its mainly used in industrial applications.

Another alternative is water jet cutting, Ive seen this do some pretty intricate stuff

Hey, did you say you were gonna get one of these lasers yourself? That'd surely help your terrain! Which looks amazing
yeah I do im at the stage of getting quotes from several companies at the moment, the terrain in the pics so far have been cut via a laser, as with a warhound titan I have half built, it makes life sooo much easier. :D

09-24-2010, 06:23 AM
I would really like to see more of that terrain. It looks very impressive, though the vanes on the landing pad seem a bit stubby. Still, much better than a lot of Eldar terrain which is very stubby and inelegent. I'm still trying to find an efficient way of making Eldar terrain which meets my standards myself.

09-24-2010, 08:27 AM
I would really like to see more of that terrain. It looks very impressive, though the vanes on the landing pad seem a bit stubby. Still, much better than a lot of Eldar terrain which is very stubby and inelegent. I'm still trying to find an efficient way of making Eldar terrain which meets my standards myself.

Same, though I like the vanes on the pad. Most Eldar terrain is far to thick and, as you said, inelegant. I would pay for terrain like Lordgimpets!

09-24-2010, 09:37 AM
If hes paying 15,000 for the laser sure we could convince him to sell some to make the money back...:P

I know a little about lasers, having used them for my third year bachelors of engineering dissertation. CO2 shouldn't cut brass, as it uses brass mirrors to direct it, as fibre optics absord the energy due to its wavelength.

ND;YaG lasers can use fibre optics and might be able to cut brass, but tend to be more powerful and would likely damage softer materials

09-28-2010, 03:07 AM
thats a tempting idea, just see how my finances pan out in the next few weeks.

I agree with Eldargal in the way eldar buildings should look. these are all my first builds. However I have learned alot more about what I can and cant get away with as far as materials and how.. intricate I can make them. yet at the same time keep them simple and quick to assemble. I will be burning the midnight oil this fortnight as I have a planetstrike night comming up and i want to at least have the landing pad a fortress and 2-4 bastions and some agis lines made, weapons will be a bonus. and some more pics of course.

09-28-2010, 01:31 PM
Ooooooh! If you could make Eldar terrain that would have me pretty interested!

09-29-2010, 06:20 AM
that terrain looks great, but what caught my eye was the canopy on the wave serpent. How did you get that color? Did you just use a wash or glaze on it?

09-30-2010, 03:38 AM
This is what I use....
It is very handy for clear stuff like canopies etc. is a bit like syrup but I dont thin it down just brush it on the inside of the canopy. I originally used it on the gundam model (insert) which I actually airbrushed it over a coat of boltgun metal.

and I managed to finish one of the bastions... the rest are textured and basecoated and the landing pad is at first highlight stage.


09-30-2010, 01:57 PM
This is what I use....
It is very handy for clear stuff like canopies etc. is a bit like syrup but I dont thin it down just brush it on the inside of the canopy. I originally used it on the gundam model (insert) which I actually airbrushed it over a coat of boltgun metal.

and I managed to finish one of the bastions... the rest are textured and basecoated and the landing pad is at first highlight stage.


Tamiya Clears are great. I used Clear Green on my Fire Prism crystals. Looks crackin'!

Your Bastion is make of sweet, sweet win! Love it!

09-30-2010, 10:55 PM
That really is a lovely batallion, a little bit square for my taste though. But its easy for me to nitpick, I've not even started making my Eldar terrain.:rolleyes: It is just a nitpick too, it really is an impressive piece of terrain.

10-02-2010, 09:36 AM
It's all good, Originally when I was sketching out my concepts for this project I was going for the stereotypical cylindrical look. But I was not happy with what I had at my disposal materials wise, and even eldar terrain I saw on the web when looking for ideas though might have been well finished, I could still see the drink bottles and margerine containers used no matter how well you could dress it up.

The challenge I've had is using strait lines to look organic. though you cant see it in the pics I've worked with hexagons, drawing reference from bees and wasps etc that utilise the shape. this made it easier for me to build something from scratch, mind you I did make curves from scratch as well but the buildings ended up very very delicate and not feesible to be taken to my gaming club.

Fluff wise, Ive decided to spin it that Craftworld Eostara does indeed have architecture common to the Eldar race. But it's bonesingers feel I'ts visual grace is lost on temporary facilities that serve nothing more than a defence line. I guess you could say its their version of function over form, Bonesingers can weave them quickly, and they have the ability to sustain incoming ordinance. Also prevents lesser races from ever laying eyes on true beauty. :P

11-03-2010, 04:28 AM
It's been a while since ive been able to put paint to model due to some renovations I decided to get out of the way.. and are taking longer than I thought, so most of my gear is boxed for now but I have sneaking some WIP work on one of my titans and a scorpion. I've even managed to purchase a laser for future projects just a snag getting it through customs >< but anyway here some WIP pics
and the big fella
i'll take better pics when im finished them both, though I do have a cobra and some nightwings on the way too

11-03-2010, 04:40 AM
Very nice!:)

Brass Scorpion
11-03-2010, 08:14 AM
Great looking army. Love the Autarch on Jetbike conversion, really nicely done. The whole army is terrific.

11-04-2010, 08:26 AM
Oh my good god! Those are rather lovely! It's always nice to see Eldar Super Heavies! As ever, your scheme is striking and the painting looks smooth as you like. I have a long time 'til I can paint my Super heavies. I'm insisting to myself that I have the vast majority of my forces painted before going for them, though my Towering Destroyer is tempting me.

01-10-2011, 07:16 AM
Finally able to get some painting done between the home renno, most due to the pressure of up comming tournies.

Due to a recent return to my love of eldar guardians, especially storm guard. I'm finding them even more useful in some lists
over aspects. Sadly I won't have a second squad ready in time. Also why oh why do you GW sell them in units of 8 when 10 is the minimum size ><. Anyhow to the pics thise are done for now but will go back over them after the competition to come.

Add a warlock and farseer. both still WIP and the seer has his mind elsewhere at the moment, plan is to finish both of these in a day or so


01-10-2011, 07:27 AM
Very nice , I always love purple but cant seem to paint it correctly myself, though you have done a wonderful job!

OCdt Mephiston
01-10-2011, 09:56 AM
Your purple space elves are the prettiest space elves a guy could ask for... Are they currently single? ;)

01-10-2011, 11:22 AM
That purple is glorious. Any chance you'll share how you do it?

They do look fantastic! How usefull are they though? Never tried them and my ordinary Guardian tend to be a meat shield for the Warlock and Weapon Platform.

01-10-2011, 07:06 PM
Sweet looking models all around. You do a very good job with your models. I love the storm guardians. I take them over regular guardians anyday.:D

01-11-2011, 01:47 AM
Just wanted to say that you do some truely fantastic work, both with the painting and the terrain, Kudos to you sir, I hope you'll keep posting pics of your army!

01-12-2011, 08:52 AM
And Tadaaa the finished seer, just need a name for him I reckon

Thanks for the feedback guys, I have a tournie this weekend so it be the first time i take them out for a spin
unfortunately i could not finish my second unit of guardians so i had to ammend my list and taking fire dragons instead.. probably not a bad thing though ill see if i can get pic of them in action.

01-12-2011, 02:55 PM
I think it's fantastic, and the non-metalic blade is fantastic looking. Sure to pull in some paint points for sure.

Break a leg this weekend!

02-08-2011, 04:01 AM
its nice to come home and find a note telling you there is something hidden behind the AC unit.
It felt like a nerd version of santa lol. With the tourny out of the way i must say i was pleased with all things considerd. with a field of nearly 30, i placed 7th all those abouve me were either SW or BA not surprising but also a few were below me as well as the feard mechguard leafblowers. out of 8 games i lost 2 won 4 and drew 2 so i feel i can improve from my experiences. for now its back to the painting and whatnot

anyhow in short my FW order arrived with all my shiny new eldar goodness such as these..
i ended up with 10 of these the one in the pic is blu-taced togetherfor now. There are bits and streamers that are optional, what was annoying is the prism guns are very delicate and 2 in one bag had snapped during shipping. Im also thinking of removing the rocks they are modeled on as they endup standing way to high for my liking, also ill need to warm up and fix the warped guns too.

here is one of 2 hornets, pictured with 2 badly warped pulse lasers it also comes with a standard weapon sprue like the waveserpent just not sure what to use weapon wise maybe 2 EML.
I also got myself one of those warphunters which for an added bonus they chuck in a complete prism/night spinner kit which was not needed but im sure i could put the turret on one of my many falcons for a free tank :). as well as another titan to add to my arsenal.
and finally the start of some conversion work.
the top jetbike is my proto jetbike WIP incorporating a DE bike to give a more racing bike feel the lower jetbike is a test on the cowling of my craftworld emblem i finally decided apon. I'm sure you can see the where the inspiration is drawn from.

02-08-2011, 04:04 AM
Do you know your craftworld emblem looks a lot like the Autobots symbol?

Love all the models though!

02-08-2011, 04:16 AM
Do you know your craftworld emblem looks a lot like the Autobots symbol?

Love all the models though!

DECEPTICON symbol! Sorry, but the massive nerd in me could not let that go.

02-08-2011, 04:23 AM
Nice stuff there! Want some Shadow Spectres and hornets myself. Like yer jetbikes.

Your Craftworld is an Evil Decepticon?!? :D

02-24-2011, 08:32 AM
hmm just over a week till another tournament and i need to get this all finished by then :(
not sure im gonna make it in time :D. Oh, the half build guard will be another unit of Storm guard
glad i only need 3 of these for now but some closeups of these completed bikes. they just need a little tidy up and a bit of greenstuff here and there but are basicly finished

06-26-2011, 05:44 AM
WoW it has been ages since I updated this,

well truth be told its due to tournaments and a hand injury that prevented me working on my beloved Eldar for a while.
Oh and I was distracted with this side project :P

Anyhow, with my Phantom Titan sittin there begging for attention, I decided to test my scheme on my Revenant, this is the current WIP

At this stage I have the base airbrushing done on the parts. and now I can start adding more detail by hand, as well as making more of the white componants
bone in colour.

and a closeup on my freehand

06-26-2011, 05:46 AM
Very pretty!

06-27-2011, 07:23 PM
Wow! These are a really amazing! And I love those jetbikes for craftworld Decepticon!

But where did you get those bases? Were they home made? I hope not, because I know a friend who would really love them!

06-27-2011, 07:57 PM
That is some amazing work across the board!

The scenery is spectacular, and the color scheme on your craftworld is very impressive.

06-28-2011, 12:36 AM
sorry for the threadomancy (blame duke)

that is a lovely army i lovew the purple! and the titan is amazing ( how did you get the white?)


06-28-2011, 09:32 AM
I can cast threadomancy wherever I want... ;)

06-30-2011, 06:12 PM
thanks for the feedback,
When im home from work I will post some Picks of the Jetbikes painted
@ Occam, The bases are puchased from Microart Studio. from the ruined temple range. they come in packs of 3.

@ fuzzbucket, the white is simple GW white base spray, with a diluted Gryphone Sepia wash then re higlighted in skull white

I have the next 2 weeks off work so ill try and finish the Revenant and get to my second Phantom.

07-04-2011, 10:19 PM
Doh I thought I finished these bikes, looks like i need to do just that.
here the bases are done and the bikes have their base colours on with some inital highlights, so its still WIP.

The crome visors turned out better than I had hoped considering how much of a pain they were to do.

any how to the pics.

07-04-2011, 11:40 PM
Nice progress mate. Those bikes are looking awesome and the freehand on the Revenant equally so. Good job!

07-24-2011, 02:46 AM
More progress on the Titan..


And some dark eldar, while I wait for the titan to dry

09-01-2011, 09:44 AM
Love, love, love how the Revenant is turning out. That purple really is to die for!

Those bike are awesome too!

09-01-2011, 03:06 PM
That Titan looks very promising...

09-01-2011, 04:29 PM
Awesome titan! It looks like it's about to boot something into orbit. :D