View Full Version : 1850 - Harlequins - Incubi Competitive/Semi-Competitive

02-13-2017, 11:28 PM
I'm aiming to be competitive/semi competitive with this list of Harlequins + Dark Eldar. I wanted to build a list where i can go real hard in melee using my favorite dark eldar unit the Incubi, alongside all of the Harlequin models that i own.

I used a CAD with a bunch of venoms to take objectives and annoy the opponent along with the skyweavers and voidweaver. The incubi raider can either arrive via deep strike or start on the field to put added pressure on turn 2.

The succubus join a Troupe unit each and arrive via the webway to present an imemdiate threat to any opponent. The armour of misery + mask of secrets combo to get a nice leadership bomb going right from the gate and the animus in order to get a neat power from pain bonus on the DE models. I considered haywire grenades instead but opted for the animus as getting early feel no pain and fearless can help a lot in objectives.

1850 Pts - Codex: Harlequins Roster - 1850 - Harlequins - Incubi

1 Cast of Players, 418 pts (Crusader; Heralds of the Laughing God)
11 Troupe (Shuriken Pistol x11; Close Combat Weapon x5; Harlequin's Kiss x6)
1 Troupe Master (Shuriken Pistol; Harlequin's Caress)

1 Inriam's Spectre

1 Shadowseer (Neuro Disruptor; Miststave; Mastery 2)
1 The Mask of Secrets

1 Cegorach's Jest, 438 pts (Rising Crescendo)
11 Troupe (Shuriken Pistol x11; Close Combat Weapon x5; Harlequin's Kiss x6)
1 Troupe Master (Shuriken Pistol; Harlequin's Caress)

2 Skyweaver (Zephyrglaive x2; Mirage Launcher x2)

1 Voidweaver (Shuriken Cannon x2; Prismatic Cannon; Mirage Launcher)

: Combined Arms Detachment (37#, 990 pts)
1 Succubus (HQ) [DE], 145 pts (Archite Glaive; Webway Portal; The Armour of Misery)

1 Succubus (HQ) [DE], 150 pts (Archite Glaive; Webway Portal; The Animus Vitae)

10 Incubi (Elite) [DE], 275 pts
1 Raider (Fast) [DE] (Dark Lance x1; Night Shields; Stealth)

5 Kabalite Warriors (Troops) [DE], 105 pts (Close Combat Weapon)
1 Venom (Fast) [DE] (Splinter Cannon)

5 Kabalite Warriors (Troops) [DE], 105 pts (Close Combat Weapon)
1 Venom (Fast) [DE] (Splinter Cannon)

5 Kabalite Warriors (Troops) [DE], 105 pts (Close Combat Weapon)
1 Venom (Fast) [DE] (Splinter Cannon)

5 Kabalite Warriors (Troops) [DE], 105 pts (Close Combat Weapon)
1 Venom (Fast) [DE] (Splinter Cannon)

Total Roster Cost: 1846