View Full Version : Want to hear a Necron joke?

06-22-2010, 06:02 PM
So its become apparent, from my time so far on BOLS that there is a dying respect for necron armies.

They are heavly limited in army selection, but i'm wondering why the necrons have become the butt of all jokes or so it seems.

I personally think they are great. I've play tested a new list a few times now and it works a treat.

so why are necrons a joke?

06-22-2010, 07:00 PM
Mainly due to phase out and sweeping advances, really. Especially Phase Out. Those are just two huge drawbacks that you have to somehow get past.

Plus, they lack the means to effectively counter certain power builds. Like Land Raider spam.

06-22-2010, 07:03 PM
Phase Out, having only one troops choice and no ability to move them around the field quickly save for taking Monoliths, but that becomes its own problem because the only effective ranged anti-tank unit also competes for heavy support slots. Immortals are great, Scarabs are too, C'tan ditto, but you have to take the less-than-impressive warriors in bulk to keep your army in the game.

06-22-2010, 07:08 PM
Necrons came out in 3rd edition, and in that edition, they were balanced for play during that time.

Now in 5th, there are three main disadvantages that Necrons simply cannot get around anymore....

1) Lack of Anti Tank weaponry. Necrons only really have Heavy Destroyers to take out heavy vehicles in the game because they used to be able to use their Gauss Rule and devastate vehicles with mass fire. This is no longer true.

2) Sweeping Advance. Necrons have LD 10 without many LD rules, so this coupled with their archaic wording on their WBB Rule, makes CC deadly to Necrons.

3) Phase Out. Gauss Weaponry and WBB used to be advantages, so the Necrons were balanced with Phase Out. Now, their advantages are disadvantages, so Phase Out is now 4x the disadvantage it used to be.

Necrons are a joke. This is true.

06-22-2010, 07:23 PM
Ok right i'm liking the valid points.

Phase out, well that's always been a problem so any necron player sort of has to deal with that.

sweeping advance, i'm still unsure on this:
does anyone have the two exact rulings from both the rulebook and the codex? (im at uni haven;t got my books on me)

or drop me a link to the thread i remember this being discussed.

the tomb spider, does that have ability to take a big anti tank weapon?

yeh gaus weaponry suffered with the new edition, but still quite nice for a basic trooper. means they can atleast prevent movement of a tank or its firing ability.

06-22-2010, 09:40 PM
the tomb spider, does that have ability to take a big anti tank weapon?

Nope, they can take claws or the equivalent of a staff of light only fired at BS 2. They also unfortunately compete for heavy support choices. They only other decent tank busters would be War Scythes and C'tan. However War Scythes only come on Lords and Pirahs and neither choice is really attractive because you're basically either suciding an expensive destroyer lord or taking a unit that is very much not worth their points. C'tan are just too many points for you to balance with phase out and trying to fit everything else you need.

06-22-2010, 10:09 PM
sweeping advance, i'm still unsure on this:
does anyone have the two exact rulings from both the rulebook and the codex? (im at uni haven;t got my books on me)

or drop me a link to the thread i remember this being discussed. .http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=7852

06-22-2010, 11:12 PM
Cheers for the link.

Hmmm a right pickle that one lol

i would argue, that they are casulties, and any csulties ca be brought back by WBB unles its from a power weapon etc.

the rules on sweeping advance say, at this stage the battle is over. if thats the case, in my head i see the battle being won, the victors celebrating, only to be shocked to see necrons rising from the dirt terminator stylee. lol

06-22-2010, 11:38 PM
Aw, I thought this was going to be another humour thread, like:

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Necron who?
No, Necrontyr.
...Get of my property.

bad moon on afull moon
06-23-2010, 01:24 AM
iv played necrons a number of times using a freinds army and i have no problem killing tanks , they can rip apart landraiders quite easily since glancing hits can still do enough damage to kill a tank or at least make it useless, and the point that they havent got anything to move around the board quickly, i disagree, theyve got the monolith, veil of darkness, deepstrikers and turboboosters what else do you need. WWB and the lack of options is the main problem, but i like using them since its a challenge and iv won a number of times since people still focus on the fact a monolith has landed on top of them and ignore the 60 odd necron warriors until the monolith is down, by that time its either disgorged a big unit of necrons with a lord or fired at anything big and threatening

06-23-2010, 02:02 AM
I dont know what to say necrons have an old army but if your like me then you take this old outdated codex and try and win its great fun and to tell you the truth ive lost 1 game out of 10 beating nids and Blood Angels

06-23-2010, 06:46 AM
I thought it was going to a joke tooo...

A Scotsman, Englishman & a Necron walk into a bar.......

06-23-2010, 07:08 AM
Aw, I thought this was going to be another humour thread, like:

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Necron who?
No, Necrontyr.
...Get of my property.

we can have jokes:)

how many c'tan does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

3, one hold the lightbulb another falls asleep. meanwhile the third (the deceiver) tells some eldar where the c'tan is sleeping. The eldar get there to find the c'tan has already been woken by his trusty alarm-clock. He gets angry and starts throwing the eldar at the c'tan standing on a chair holding the lightbulb. This c'tan starts dodgeing the eldar causing him to spin round thus screwing in the lightbulb.

an insite into c'tan DIY

Divergent Reality
06-23-2010, 09:00 AM
Necrons are on the bad end of the current rule set. The force is restricted by the lack of options. Sure, during 4th edition all you needed was gauss spam and anything mechanized went boom. Now the tin heads are lacking anti tank punch. The new combat resolution is another nail in the door of the tomb world.

I take small squads for warriors. I prefer to use one squad as a meat shield / speed bump and hope they are all killed in hand to hand, that way I can We'll Be Back into a nearby squad and rapid fire. Sure, I lose some models due to the nature of WBB, destroying and redistributing one of my squads to attempt to remove an enemy squad that is currently more threatening is worth it.

My force continues to be nowhere near combat effective in hand to hand, but I can minimize the issues so I can stay in the game as long as possible.

06-23-2010, 09:02 AM
Two Necrons walk into a bar, and one of them phases out, causing the other to phase out as well.