View Full Version : Deathwatch Kill Teams

06-22-2010, 01:17 PM
I have been back at work on my fluff based radical Ordos Xenos Inquisition force, and have been thinking that (in addition to other little extras like Kroot mercs, and Xenos predators as Eversor assassin) I would really like to add a squad of Deathwatch. Perhaps its fact that they would really scream "Ordos Xenos," or the influence of the new Deathwatch RPG soon to join Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader, or the fact that it will allow me to make representatives of some of my favorite chapters without having to build whole new armies, or perhaps it's just because they're awesome.

For starters I plan to use the old GW Deathwatch pdf rules from the now defunct Chapter Approved (still available with a quick search online), but given that these rules were written with the last codex in mind there are some potential problems, starting with the notes for the Captain and Librarian characters. Both have stat lines that differ from what they are in their current incarnations, and make mention of the Space Marine armoury, and the Librarian further mentions the now defunct Codicier version and power "Storm of the Emperor's Wrath." As the Librarian presents a whole slew of issues and I have no intention of using him anyway, my question focuses on the issue of the stats and Armoury.

I see two possible interpretations; one, use the profiles and Armoury from the old codex (as was intended at the time the rules were written), two, use the profile from the pdf, but let them take options from their current codex entries (their lower points cost should account for the worse stat line, and the whole list is pretty all over the place with points anyway).

What does the community here think is the best interpretation? Bear in mind that the army list is intended as a fun exercise in using available game legal (or at least GW sanctioned) rules to create a very characterful army rather than an extremely competitive one.

06-22-2010, 01:51 PM
If you have access to the old SM codex, and so could look at the difference in points costs of equipment and characters, I would think it wouldnt be too difficult to work out some quick conversions for points costs. As for characters I would suggest using the statline and points costs (possible adding a few for being Deathwatch... again compare the points costs in the update against those in the old codex, and add to the new codex) from the new codex as they are designed to work better in the current edition of the rules. this is more the special rules conflicting with the current rulebook, but im sure there would be other conflicts as well.

I think the best approach, especially if it is just for fun with a few friends, would be to talk with the guys you play with. If they are happy for you to play with the update as it stands, go for it... or what ever method they are happy with.

06-22-2010, 02:08 PM
Well, I think the best interpretation is to figure out what the "Deathwatch premium" is and add that on to the current statlines and costs. If this was a force I was designing for use among friends that's definitely the approach I would use (in conjunction with my friends, of course). I think I might have an old 4th ed. SM codex at home; maybe I can give you a hand once I get home and check.

Barring that, I would use your second approach. The trouble with the old armoury gear is that some of it is inferior to the current incarnation (storm shields, anyone?), and yet GW's own FAQs suggest that we should allow outdated SM armories to be upgraded for free.

06-22-2010, 03:28 PM
I agree with calculating the Deathwatch upgrade cost of the models and just adding it to the new codex entry. I don't recall the cost difference of the Captain, but the other guys were essentially Tactical Marines +5 points. Then one had to pay for the ammunition too.

06-22-2010, 03:43 PM
I would just use Sternguard straight from the SM codex, and tweak the rules so you can get them to work with the SM Captain/Librarian.

06-22-2010, 04:27 PM
Given the current codex, you could use the rules for Sternguard veterans for the Deathwatch kill teams (Similar stats, same sort of specialist bolter equipment), and use Captains, making sure they use hellfire rounds.

06-22-2010, 06:07 PM
Actually, I have the last three Codex: Space Marine books, so that's not an issue. And both the stats and points cost for the Captain are identical to the 4th ed codex Captain. To be honest the wargear costs between the codexes are not that different for the basic weapons. The issue is I would like to have him take Hellfire Rounds and and Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, which only exist in the new codex. Personally my inclination is to use the base points cost and stat line from the pdf and take choices from the Space Marine Captain's options based on the assumption that it fully replaces the Armoury in all ways.

Using Sternguard as counts-as deathwatch seems fairly standard procedure, but there are a couple of problems for me; one, there is no provision to include them in Inquisition armies, they simply are not an option for induction, two they lack some of the "true" Deathwatch characterful options such as Heavy Bolters with suspensors and Hellfire rounds, and silenced M.40 Stalker Shells. Basically I want to play around with the flavor, and the Deathwatch pdf seems like a good way to do that, and really, as long as "official" rules do technically exist for the Deathwatch, why not use them?

06-22-2010, 07:12 PM
If someone's willing to let you use the old Deathwatch rule in the game, they should be willing to let you just house-rule the inclusion of Sternguard. Shame on them if they don't. Unless it's a tournament.

06-22-2010, 08:28 PM
As far as the Sternguard thing goes, I would just make it +5 points to get access to all special-issue ammunition.

06-22-2010, 09:15 PM
I see what people are saying about the Sternguard, but the fact is Sternguard are Sternguard, not Deathwatch, and if I have actual rules for Deathwatch at my fingertips (however problematic) I'd like to try to use them. As the whole army is a fun fluff exercise I'm entitled to my little irrationalities when it comes to constructing it :D.

Perhaps best solution would be to stick with wargear options that are the same cost in both codex lists until I figure out a better idea or GW gives us proper Deathwatch (possibly even some time in the next couple of years if the new RPG takes off). A Deathwatch captain with Power Fist, bolter, and Inferno Bolts is similar in most respects to one with Power Fist, bolter, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher and Hellfire Bolts, my ammo is a little worse, and I lose out on some of the spiffy new toys in the new dex, but it gets the right "feel" across, and that's kinda the point with this whole army.

06-24-2010, 08:01 PM
I found another option for you: the guys over at the Tempus Fugitives have several campaign packs for download (you have to be registered, though). One of these is for the Damocles Gulf Crusade- there are rules for Ordo Xenos Inquisitors, Deathwatch Kill Teams, Deathwatch Pursuit Teams (bikes), and Deathwatch Terminators. Could fit the bill.