View Full Version : Red Stick Studio's Log and Blog

06-21-2010, 04:46 PM
Thread IS updated 1-2x a week! Latest: Pictures of WIP Commission, Horus Heresy Character, Luna Wolves 10th Company Captain, Garviel Loken!

Current Painting Projects


- Imperial Guard Command Tank... Big emphasis on it "wearing it's battle damage with pride"
- Warmachine solos/casters, including Variant Sculpt Sorscha, Madelyn Corbeau, Aeryss and Epic variant, Khador Manhunter Solo, and more (lots of Khador and Menoth)
- In the future (I am looking at about12 or months or so from now before I can start seriously working on any of these, but still worth noting) a load of Forgeworld Goodies that I have been asked to do, including:

# Tau Manta
# Tau Orca
# Tau Barracuda (2)

- Various single character 40k minis, including Khosar'ro Khan (Spelling?), Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran (display piece) and more.. (Once finished these minis DO go up for sale)
- Various units, including: Kasrkin Storm Trooper Squad (10), Manhunter unit (4), Winter Guard (10), and some Menoth units
- Various Reaper D&D minis (including an attempt to paint one of each of the Pathfinder Series) (Once finished these minis DO go up for sale also)
- Some 40k tanks (I have a full IG tank company and two Baneblades, not counting all the tanks for my various marine armies)
- Deathwing 2k
- Master of the Ravenwing, on speeder (Old metal speeder project)
-Eldar 2k, 10 Wraithguard, Yriel, 3 squads of harlequins..) (pics below of some of the goodies I have for the 3 squads)


# Finishing up my Grey Knight's Thunderhawk
# Maurader Bomber
# Lightnings (2)
# Valkyrie (display piece)
and I swear I'm forgetting some of it still, I think my collection's getting a bit big

Maybe, I'll even get enough ambition up to finish my Red Scorpions or Sisters of Battle Army...maybe..

06-21-2010, 04:50 PM
I decided today to start off writing a "basics of basing" article on the blog..I had a great chat with one of the new players at our lgs, and he asked me a lot of questions (i seem to be the resident 40k person for the newbies as far as painting/modeling/basing goes) that, after our discussion, others could benefit from what we chatted about. I thought it would do well as a multi part article, so it didn't intimidate players new to the hobby.

I have seen a few of the veteran players at our LGS lately driving off some of the newbies, both by their play styles, and their attitude, as well, and I do hope that it's not becoming a trend across the country.

06-22-2010, 09:14 PM
Hey guys, today's work included writing the second part of "Basing Basics" (still currently working on it, and while doing this, it's sparking ideas for more articles already).

I wish I could say I have accomplished more, but I did pull out my case that has my harlequins in it, and work on filing more seams. I was fortunate enough to acquire 30 of the old eldar harlequins, and honestly, I think all 30 are different, which makes filing fun. Also, they have some massive seams in the most unexpected spots!

But...I did get a base sculpted too! I have a Ultramarine Tyrannic War Vetran mini (the one throwing the grenade and screaming) that I am working on. I decided to give him a 'nid themed base, which included a spore mine that has been shot, and a small plant on the front. I am going to get some grit on it as well, and deciding what else to put on it, without going overboard. Hopefully I can get a shot up tomorrow of it!

I am looking forward to get a chance to snap some pictures of the assembled metal landspeeder. I honestly have to say I think it's one of the easiest models I've assembled! I was impressed in it's simplicity. And yes, the kit was old enough that the transfers were a lovely shade of yellow.

06-24-2010, 12:33 PM
Well, not so productive day or so. Got the second installation of "Basing Basics" uploaded, and fiddled about a bit filing the two Malifaux Crew boxes I acquired. Third installation of the "Basing Basics" up over the weekend.

So far, anyone have any comments/suggestions for future articles, or on the "Basing Basics" series?

06-24-2010, 12:50 PM
Oo wow, that's an ambitious list of projects. I'm especially looking forward to seeing the Cryx and the Tau Flyers. I haven't ever seen the big Tau flyers painted. I believe only a handful of Mantas have ever been made.

06-25-2010, 10:08 PM
@ Lerra We have Manta #49. It was hilarious, as it came in two 3 ft. tall boxes with all the components. I believe it's a 26pg instruction "manual" as well as 3 pages or so of parts.. I am honestly looking forward to the challenge :)


Ha! Got the 3rd installment of the "Basing Basics" up today! Shorter than previous articles, but I got a bit stumped, and can always add to later on.


We got a new camera! Soooo hopefully we'll have some new pics up soon, so everyone can see some of the projects!

06-26-2010, 11:18 PM
Here's some shots (albeit they could be better, but I am trying out a new camera, and seeing how well it works with macro mode) of some of the models that are currently being cleaned up to be painted for a 2k Eldar Force with Prince Yriel leading the way.





06-27-2010, 11:24 AM


OCdt Mephiston
06-29-2010, 07:55 PM
Those are some neat'oh retro models ya got there

07-01-2010, 11:27 PM
Hey, just a quick note to everyone! Got a new camera, and on top of that, I have finished up Skarre and matte varnished her! Will have pics up of her this afternoon! Her new owner will see pics before the mini, and that will be delivered this weekend hopefully. She's not based, on a black one currently, however she will be on a wood plank base, which is sitting at home for her!

07-02-2010, 08:08 AM

07-08-2010, 01:32 AM
While we have been a bit lax lately with new posts, and continuing our "Basing Basics" guide, fear not! We have been hard at work behind the scenes, away from the computer, working on projects!


- Privateer Press, Cryx Bonejack, with a Green/Jackbone/bronze colour scheme

- Privateer Press, Cryx General Gerlak Slaughterborn. Done with blue skin, silver armour, purple cloth, and other embellishments typical of the miniature.

- Games Workshop Knight Commander Pask. Model is done without it's base, permitting it to be put into your tank's cupola. Done with same colour scheme as the picture of him on Games Workshop's website. This miniature IS for sale. Please contact the studio at [email protected] for more information. Pictures posted soon.

- Privateer Press, Khador Wardog, Sepia coloured dog, with silver armour.

- Also, pictures taken, and article is being compiled for our wooden planking style bases. These came into play with Skarre, and other minis that are being painted up to go with her list. Very simple construction, very simple painting! This will be up soon, to be a bit of a side adventure to go with our "Basing Basics" road trip.

Also, successfully cleaned out some of the old minatures, including 9-10 GW Valhallan heavy weapon teams, and 3 10 man units, as well as a lot of special weapon minis. Congrads to the new owner, may the emperor choose to side with you and ensure your victory in the future!

New commissions we've been asked about:

- A pair of beasts to match an already painted legion faction list.

- Retribution 50 pt. themed list.

- How we did the plank bases (how to coming soon)

07-08-2010, 01:29 PM
On a lighter note...look what I found in my paint box over the weekend...


07-10-2010, 09:16 AM
Wood Plank Base Guide added! Read how to make these easy bases, and see the finished product!! We will be posting a how to paint it tomorrow!


07-12-2010, 11:53 AM
So far, today's accomplishments are nil, as far as models go. Got a few Cryx done, and have to retake the pictures because I accidently deleted them. So in lieu of pictures, I offer up the guide to painting the Wood Plank Bases we showed you how to make the other day :) Cheers!


As always, and questions or comments, give me a shout!

07-15-2010, 10:35 AM
Wow, a sense of accomplishment today. I had the opportunity to assemble some of my own minatures today! A Pureblood Warpwolf and Warpwolf Stalker! Filed, Pinned, and assembled, these were a blast! Even able to get the feet to set properly on the Pureblood. I have decided on a Desert Palette for the painting/basing scheme as well.

Also, an interesting note.. Nobody seems to like a commissar that's got a green coat rather than the typical black...Poor chap isn't getting the best of reviews on coolminiornot.

What do you think?


07-15-2010, 10:45 AM
I like the alternate color scheme on the commissar (black gets boring after a while). He seems a bit glossy, though, or it could just be the lighting in the photo. It makes the green coat look sort of vinyl-like instead of cloth-like.

07-18-2010, 01:43 PM
It does for some reason shine a bit, even with the matte varnish on it. I noticed that one as well but it seemed common with all the shots I took that day. I actually even had the mini in a booth to take the pics too. I am thinking about trying another coat of matte varnish on him again and hopefully it will tone it down.

07-21-2010, 01:28 PM
Got a simple commission request in the other day. Customer asked me about making one of my custom lava bases and painting it for his commander. Will have pics once the green is done for everyone to see :)

Also, I did find something cool while one Facebook yesterday. This great site, http://us.moo.com/en/ They make full colour business cards, and you can download templates to put your own pictures on them. They showed a mini portfolio when I initially went to the site, and had a brilliant idea that I wanted to share with other commission painters.

**Taking pictures of your minis, and putting them on the cards to give you a miniature portfolio of your work!**

They start around $22(us) to get 50, and you can have a different picture on every card. Thought it was a great way to keep a small ongoing portfolio especially if you've sold a lot of miniatures, and don't want to drag out a laptop, or tote about a binder of pictures, you can show people previous projects you've completed, as well as possibly giving them an idea of how they might want to paint their army, tank, warjacks or warbeasts and the like after looking through them. Seemed a simple investment for a potential huge turnaround. Also, you can get a free sample pack of 10, with your images on them! I am currently deciding which images I want to put on them to try them out.

The free ones have their watermark, but gives you a great idea of how they will look, and they are free! I am looking into investing in the regular ones for my painting, and possibly the mini ones for my photography. There's even holders and the like you can purchase as well. If you download the template, it works out better than just uploading the images though. It was much faster to download the template, fit the images to it, and go from there and upload.

08-01-2010, 03:27 PM
So, after a bit of a hiatus due to Gen Con (helped all those going from my LGS get ready) Back we are in full force! We've gotten a tiny bit of work of our own accomplished, and pictures that were promised a bit ago. Also some shots of miniatures we've finished in the past to come as well. The Space Wolf shown here, a plastic version of Lukas the Trickster is for sale. Contact the studio for more information if you're interested @ [email protected].


08-01-2010, 03:28 PM
General Slaughterborn (Part of the *huge* Cryx Commission we are doing)



08-01-2010, 03:31 PM
An actual model for *my* Khadoran Army! Wardog's base still isn't finished, the shots are to show the colour I got for dog herself, and the way the armour turned out!



08-01-2010, 03:41 PM
**News** I recieved word that my miniature, the Forgeworld Ravenguard Shadow Captain Korvydae is in! Looking forward to painting him up, and when he's finished, he will be for sale!

If you're interested in him now, please let me know. I intend on keeping the standard Ravenguard paint scheme, and leaving the base bare plastic so it can be customized for the army he will soon lead! If someone is interested in him, and also may want additional miniatures to go with him (such as an honour guard or command squad if you intend on running him under the regular codex), feel free to email me and we can discuss it. I've not seen his FW rules, so if someone could enlighten me about them I'd really appreciate it.

08-01-2010, 04:30 PM
Worked out paint scheme for the IG tank that's mentioned in the initial post.

Primer: Army Painter Uniform Grey (which will also be the middle colour in the camo)
Darker Colour: Greatcoat Grey
Lighter Colour: 50% Greatcoat Grey / 50% Astronomicon Grey

So far, I've managed to get it primed, mapped out the camo pattern with a pencil, and started blocking it in with thin layers of the paints. Still working on getting it entirely blocked in as of today. Worked on other projects at the same time though, taking a break with painting by:

- Basing Epic Kaya, and Pinning/basing her wolf Laris (sp? Don't have card handy)
- Working on the arms to go onto Korsa'rro Khan. This mini has progressed as of late, the body is finished, and the backpack/cloak has been finished and attached to the mini. Looking forward to getting this completed, as the white looks amazing!

08-19-2010, 10:28 AM
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posting lately, but I got word my mom's been diagnosed with cancer, so I'm working on the helping get things situated and trying to raise myself a bit of spare cash so I can help pay for expenses.

Quick update:

Finished Painting:
- Freebooter miniature, Brahyn http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/indexeng.html
I stuck fairly close to this paint scheme, other than skipping the detail on the cloak. The female faces on their minis in general are a difficult plain to work on, with the smooth round areas versus typical sculpts of women that have sharp defined edges of the face.

- Body/Cloak of Khan mini mentioned above. They look absolutely beautiful, and stand out so well amongst the darker minis in the showcase.

- Grey Knight Terminator. This is the LAST mini for my Grandmaster’s command squad!!! I’ve taken a lot of time on these guys, and they are beauties! Each member of the command squad is a brother captain miniature, with the tabards in different colours to represent their individual heraldry rather than the clunky shield on the left shoulder pad. The last mini to be completed was a Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield Terminator, which started with a Brother Captain body, just like all the rest. The only bit he’s lacking is a shoulder pad, which I am in the process of creating. The grandmaster is completely custom, starting with a terminator chaplain body, building the halberd myself, and more.

When I can get pictures (I have to repair one that someone dropped while playing an apocalypse game) of the entire squad I will post them! 3 Storm Bolter/Halberd minis, 1 Thunder Hammer/ Storm Shield combo, and the Grandmaster, with his Nemesis Force Weapon and Storm Bolter, ready to take on all who dare come to the table!

08-22-2010, 05:31 PM

08-22-2010, 05:33 PM

08-22-2010, 05:42 PM
New projects to add to the WIP List:

- Khan bike bits have been pulled out and collected for inspection. (I also realized I am missing part of the Khan model, so I can go no further until the one from GW arrives, bummer.

- Bits have also been pulled out to make two unusual miniatures:
* Techmarine with Conversion Beamer
* Techmarine on bike with Conversion Beamer

Any ideas for what chapters to make the techmarines from? It will not show much, but, I am taking suggestions! Maybe an inserted poll if I can?

****The Ravenguard Shadow Captain HAS ARRIVED!****
I got my hands on him over the weekend. A huge thanks to Goon for getting it for me! I've got to fix his feet, as there seemed to be air pockets in both, but he looks amazing! When completed he will be up for sale, if interested please let me know.

08-26-2010, 02:21 PM
Updated the Red Stick Studio Academy, found on our main site today.

So you don't have to flip through our blog if you don't want to, we added:

- Today's Blog Entry, Stripping Mininatures, a guide how to do so with both metal and plastic miniatures.
- Full copies of our multi part "Basing Basics" articles
- Painting Wood Plank Bases

Visit: http://redstickstudio.weebly.com/red-stick-academy.html to view the entire list of articles we've written!

09-20-2010, 03:50 PM
I had a blast figuring out how to make True Scale Space Marines from Lamenter's guide, and since figuring those out, I have had commission requests for them.

List of commissioned chapter TSM's requested (Most of these have been for a Captain/Marshal/Chapter Master/Librarian/Techmarine/Chaplain or a Heavy Weapons Mini)

Black Templar: Marshal and Emperor's Champion
World Eaters: Pre Heresy Kharn the Betrayer (as a Chaplain)
Blood Ravens: Heavy Bolter Mini
Blood Angel: Captain
Salamander: Librarian

Also, a few that are in limbo are the guys that are planning on playing the new Deathwatch RPG, as they haven't figured out what they are going to play yet. I've got an idea for mine, just need to figure out the particulars for making it, as I have decided on an Iron Snakes Librarian.

09-22-2010, 11:59 AM
Hello again! Two new articles for your perusal, one up yesterday, and one just a few minutes ago.

Yellow is Yellow is Yellow, Imperial Fists! Guide to painting yellow


Making a portfolio of your work and MOO. An in depth look at this product, and what it can do for you as a miniature painter or photographer.

Coming soon:
Zip Kicker? What's that, and why is it a necessity?
Review of Death Angel, the new Space Hulk Card Game
Review of Citadel Tanks
Continuation of Basing Basics
True Scale Marine log Continuation
and more!

10-03-2010, 11:16 AM
Got new toys this weekend! My dad was cool and sent me birthday money. Got a new lens for the big mean SLR camera, so I can start getting some shots during the tournaments and such (Just hoping some of the guys actually strain themselves and start painting their armies!).

Also had a bit of fun last weekend. A photographer f rom 225 (one of our local papers) spent the day at the LGS taking shots of myself and a friend of mine painting. Had a wonderful chat with him, it's going to be a main article for the December edition of the magazine, art section of course. He was trying to find something unusual as far as art went, instead of always going the mainstay and obvious routes, he wanted to bring to light something out of the ordinary. Very cool guy, had loads of fun spending the afternon chatting with him, explaining what some of the miniatures were, answering questions and so forth. Also looking forward to the December Magazine too :)

10-05-2010, 06:21 PM
Here's the link to the WIP shots of my most recent commission: Horus Heresy Character, Luna Wolves 10th Company Captain Garviel Loken! Please let me know what you think of him so far.