View Full Version : Returning after 3 year hiatus. Looking for advice at making decent Grey Knight build

01-24-2017, 08:07 AM
If this is in the wrong forum area let me know, just felt like this didn't really belong in the tactics area. It seems point lists will be around 1800 pts for the time being to make it easy for newer people to ease into the game.

After selling all my models years ago due to my locals dying it seems a following is starting again, and I now get the fun task of starting from scratch. I was excited to try a list I always wanted to back then (the draigo wing of badass terms and draigo marching across the board taking hits and then taking names :P), but I don't know if that's even feasible anymore. So I have a 2 part request.

a) If the draigo wing is possible can someone give an amount of terms I'd need in addition to draigo? Trying to convince the wife it's ok to get into the game again, and having an amount of figures to reach would help.

b)if draigo is no longer possible would a kind soul please reccomend a list of models? I'm not looking for cheese, just looking for fun fluff-centric knights.

Thanks if advance for any help. I'm excited to start again, a bit daunted by having to throw down the initial investment again, but I was never able to play grey knights before (I played tau when they sucked) and this will be new and exciting.

01-24-2017, 09:04 AM
Welcome back to the game!

Unfortunately, the Grey Knights are not the juggernaughts they used be. On the plus side, they do pack a lot of punch, especially when they team up with a fellow marine army. I've added both IG (now called astra militarum) and marines to my own army and I think the marine combo is really nasty. 1,850 points seems to be the magic number most armies are built around because that is the current format for the ITC. Here's a basic breakdown of how I would build a grey knight list from scratch.

GK (Combined Arms Detachment.)
Librarian (taking telepathy)
Strike Squad
Strike Squad



Space Marines (White Scars) Ally Detachment

Space Marine Librarian taking Hunter's Eye item and the Divination discipline.
Scout squad
Devastator Centurions with grav cannons and heavy bolters.

Dragio and the two librarians join the centurion devastator squad. Drago teleports the unit around the board allowing the grav cannons to do most of the work, the librarian with telepathy tries to give the unit invisibility and shriek; and the other librarian has the Hunters Eye item which ignores cover and he casts Prescience to allow re-rolls to hit.

It's a small, but very elite force that packs a lot of punch. That's my two cents!

Da Gargoyle
03-15-2017, 06:31 PM
With the value packs on offer now, you at least picked the right time to return, any starter box is good value but they are not doing GK that way at the moment, I didn't even see a model for Draigo in the list. Maybe it is in Forge World. Anyway, have a look at GW to check out the new factions if you haven't already. You might see an option you weren't aware of.