View Full Version : Confirmed Warhammer 8th from White Dwarf

06-21-2010, 12:34 PM
Just this morning i got my July White Dwarf, just thought i'd share a bit of info.

- The July White Dwarf is entirely dedicated to Warhammer. Nothing else!
- On the warhammer website they will do a tale of four gamers fro Empire, High Elves, Skaven and orcs.

Actually important stuff

- The lovely fancy new templates are measured from the inside, those frills around the edges count for nothing. The Blast one contains a Large Blast, a Small Blast and two specific target blast templates.

- There is a special Beastmen specific set of magic cards, but are limited edition only. Apparently other specialised Lores will be printed in the future. it costs £3.

- In the fluff, the warhammer world has progressed to a new tipping point of ultimate destruction, kind of like the timeline 'time of ending' in 40K.

- All of the rulebook fluff is written by Phil Kelly. (Interestingly, in the mag they talk about Fluff first of all.)

- Charging is 2D6 + the models movement. (So not quite as random as was feared.)

- A wizard belonging to a certain lore of magic gains several special rules specific to that lore.

- Terrain has a much more key role in the game. There is a terrain piece known as a 'Wyrding Well', which a unit within 3 inches may drink from. They may then roll a d6 and can get a variety of results from being poisoned and becoming inactive for a turn to recovering 2d6 wounds. Obviously, not all terrain pieces are that active, but it is interesting.

- All the measuring sets are relativly cheap- the two templates are £5 (And fairly sturdy.) and the Counter set (Full of awesome little counters and that big Tablet.) is a reasonable £8.

- John Blanche has been heavily involved in the Illustration.

-The Army Selection table is pretty interesting:

Lords- the points Limit is up to 25% and their is no limit on duplicate choices.
Hero's- Same as above.
Core- Minimum 25%, no limit on duplicate choices.
Special- Up to 50%, with up to 3 duplicates allowed or 6 if above 3000 points.
Rare- Up to 25%, with up to 2 duplicates (4 is over 3000.)

- There are special allowances for armies on 3000 points or more, named 'Grand Army's'.

- Horde units are units up to 10 models wide (Or 6 for Monstrous Infantry.) and allow both the 2nd and 3rd ranks to make supporting attacks.

- Expect Big Units. One example army had a unit of 50 Lothern Sea Guard. (700 points on its own!)

- 5 example armies in White dwarf, One was actually Ogres (See if you can spot any new models, I can't tell. They all look the same to me :D )

- Magic works like this, coming straight from Jervis:

"Two Dice are rolled at the start of each magic phase to see how strong the winds of magic are. The Casting Player gets Power Dice equal to the sum of both dice, while his opponent gets a number of dispel dice equal to the single highest dice roll."


Herald of Nurgle
06-21-2010, 12:54 PM
That Tale of Four Gamers selection is interesting - it certainly narrows down the possibilities of Isles of Blood. Empire or HE vs. Skaven or Orc/Gobs.

06-21-2010, 01:33 PM
Is that supposed to be 50% for special units?

06-21-2010, 02:03 PM
Is that supposed to be 50% for special units?Yes.

06-21-2010, 11:13 PM
That all sounds very arousing, though I hope they don't take the end times fluff stuff too far. I prefer having it vaguely hinted at rather than being slapped around the head with it.

06-28-2010, 02:35 PM
though I hope they don't take the end times fluff stuff too far. I prefer having it vaguely hinted at rather than being slapped around the head with it.


Herr Wiggles
06-29-2010, 10:37 PM
I have been reading through the book at one of my FLGS, and the are some small, but relevant changes that havent been talked about as much. Such as great weapons giving full bonus even when mounted, pistols have an extended range, flyers are movement 10 now, with the option of marching (for a 20in move), and some other changes to command groups and bsbs. I must say though, my favorite change has to be the lores themselves, as they open a whole range of possibilities.