View Full Version : Incoming! The Island of Blood Core Boxed Set

Brass Scorpion
06-20-2010, 11:51 PM
From the GW newsletter emailed this past weekend to online account customers:

Incoming! The Island of Blood

The Warhammer world; it is a place riven by battle, where mighty armies clash for glory, honour or the entertainment of Dark Gods. Darkened skies, tortured by cataclysmic magics tear open and rain blood upon the ceaseless combatants and the landscape is wracked by the carnage around it. Trees writhe in mutated agony, lashing out with limb and branch and rivers flow thick with the corpses of the slain. All upon the land are consumed by the unending battle, an age of war in which victory and defeat hang in the balance.

Cast against this macabre tableau fight mighty armies -warriors by their million raise banners of defiance or icons of dismay, taking up arms in the clash for survival. Beleaguered and surrounded, the forces of Order fight desperately to stem the tide of the armies of Destruction. Delighting in the carnage and ruination, the Dark Gods look on.

The Island of Blood is but one battleground upon the face of the Warhammer world, a mystical and dangerous place that has been twisted and mutated by the warping power of Chaos. In ages past the Island of Blood was a battleground upon which armies have bled and died in the ageless battle for supremacy... and they will do so again. Soon.

The Island of Blood is the new boxed game for Warhammer and is released this September. Packed full of stunning plastic Citadel miniatures and containing all the rules, dice and templates you'll need to play, it's the essential purchase for fans of the Warhammer hobby.

Meanwhile, if you like the Battle for Skull Pass boxed game (and who wouldn't with all those Goblins and Dwarfs) then it only seems fair to point out that once the last few remaining copies are gone they're gone, and they're never coming back! Pick one up while stocks last.

In August we'll feature more information about The Island of Blood on games-workshop.com and the full details will be released in September's White Dwarf.

If you can't wait until September to get your hands on the new rules then don't forget that the new Warhammer Rulebook and complete range of accessories are available to advance order by clicking on the image below.


Kieranator K82
06-21-2010, 03:35 AM
I'm not surprised that it's being released in September. That's when Assault on Black Reach was sold to the public. I'm not sure if I can see any new looking models amongst the masses though. Nice to see the new Skirmish formation in action.

Mars Ultor
06-21-2010, 07:47 AM
No, nothing new, at least on the High Elf side. Probably just a stock picture. So, we have to wait for the mini rule book to come out in September? Well, OK by me. I'm tired of amassing Warhammer tomes that are outdated in four years, only to shell over more money because they want to change a few rules and expect everybody to repurchase. If they can't make a system with a better lifespan then they will continue losing players each time they reboot. There's only so long people can take that before they cut their losses and walk away.

06-21-2010, 11:43 AM
No, nothing new, at least on the High Elf side. Probably just a stock picture. So, we have to wait for the mini rule book to come out in September? Well, OK by me. I'm tired of amassing Warhammer tomes that are outdated in four years, only to shell over more money because they want to change a few rules and expect everybody to repurchase. If they can't make a system with a better lifespan then they will continue losing players each time they reboot. There's only so long people can take that before they cut their losses and walk away.Yeah, that 4 year lifespan is pretty rough...they should go to a 5 year life span like video game consoles.

06-22-2010, 12:17 AM
I have heared that there will infact be 4 box sets, the first of which will be high elves v skaven, then empire v choas and two he did not know!!!!

the box sets would not be released all at once but stagered

06-22-2010, 12:20 AM
I would be really surprised if this were true. I'm not sure the expense of creating new kits for eight armies would pay itself back in sales.

I have hered from a good sorce that there will infact be 4 box sets, the first of which will be high elves v skaven, then empire v choas and two he did not know!!!!

the box sets would not be released all at once but stagered

06-22-2010, 01:13 AM
well you dont need to have new models in the case of empire v warriors of chaos you use the current range of plastic, this would keep interest in the new box set there as you have options on which one you wanted. for me who has only played 40k, and have wanted to start an empire army this would be great! I think it is possible (in my opinion)

06-22-2010, 01:17 AM
I would be really surprised if this were true. I'm not sure the expense of creating new kits for eight armies would pay itself back in sales.

Ooo I dont know, that sounds quite sensible to me. Hang on, GW, sensible? No it cant be true! lol

Seriously though, How many people wouldnt buy a box set because the armies dont interest them? Why limit your sales?

06-22-2010, 02:15 AM
GW have never released multiple starter sets and the models in starter sets are specially designed snap together kits, not the same as the regular range. I'm not saying it is impossible, or undesirable, I just don't expect GW to break with so many precedents.:)

well you dont need to have new models in the case of empire v warriors of chaos you use the current range of plastic, this would keep interest in the new box set there as you have options on which one you wanted. for me who has only played 40k, and have wanted to start an empire army this would be great! I think it is possible (in my opinion)

06-22-2010, 02:27 AM
GW have never released multiple starter sets and the models in starter sets are specially designed snap together kits, not the same as the regular range. I'm not saying it is impossible, or undesirable, I just don't expect GW to break with so many precedents.:)

Agreed. Nice thought though.

06-22-2010, 06:07 AM
No, nothing new, at least on the High Elf side. Probably just a stock picture. So, we have to wait for the mini rule book to come out in September? Well, OK by me. I'm tired of amassing Warhammer tomes that are outdated in four years, only to shell over more money because they want to change a few rules and expect everybody to repurchase. If they can't make a system with a better lifespan then they will continue losing players each time they reboot. There's only so long people can take that before they cut their losses and walk away.

Change a few rules?
This is the biggest shakeup since 5th to 6th edition.
You'd had to be told what was changed from 6th to 7th in order to know, with 8th I keep finding new things, small things but with a lot of impact.

06-22-2010, 07:39 AM
I hope that its not chaos and empire.

it's nice to see new models, and with empire and chaos there core units already have nice/new plastics.

models that are core and could do with an update:

-high elf both spearmen and archers
-tomb kings well everything lol
-dark elf spearmen (although i quite like these)
erm and theres more just can't think right now

06-22-2010, 09:09 AM
I hope that its not chaos and empire.

it's nice to see new models, and with empire and chaos there core units already have nice/new plastics.

models that are core and could do with an update:

-high elf both spearmen and archers
-tomb kings well everything lol
-dark elf spearmen (although i quite like these)
erm and theres more just can't think right now

I quite like the current High Elf stuff, its certainly not the worst out there. Now the new Skaven stuff? Didnt rate that at all.

06-22-2010, 08:16 PM
It's not so much making the core units look new and fancy, but the potential special and/or rare units.
Look at the Nobs and deff-koptaz in Black Reach, or the troll in Skull Pass.

I think we're more likely to get new things like Swordmasters or giant eagles; and globadiers (and/or mortar), Abomanation or plauge catapult.

Things that make you see it and say "Wow, now I have to get it just for that one model."

06-22-2010, 10:53 PM
Things that make you see it and say "Wow, now I have to get it just for that one model."

Or "Wow, now I can jump on eBay and buy that model on its own!"


06-22-2010, 11:19 PM
Yes, but all starter kits are moving towards a 1 or two part push together model. something that doesn't even require glue. Now how many core units are like that besides the ones in skull pass?

So although i think we might get a nice new griffon (i can hope) or swordmasters ..omg if that happened i would be flailing my way into the store on release day to ensure i had the first purchase and that i brought several boxes lol.

I don;t know anyone quite as obsessed with highelves at my local store. and swordmasters what a cool unit. Who wouldn't want to be a swordmaster lol

Herald of Nurgle
06-23-2010, 08:58 AM
Yes, but all starter kits are moving towards a 1 or two part push together model. something that doesn't even require glue. Now how many core units are like that besides the ones in skull pass?

Well, the Core Infantry for WoC, Skinks for Lizardmen, and Bretonnians could fit that 1 or two part pushes. Plus there's still all of those £5 sets...

06-23-2010, 11:49 AM
Well, the Core Infantry for WoC, Skinks for Lizardmen, and Bretonnians could fit that 1 or two part pushes. Plus there's still all of those £5 sets...

Don't forget that the new clanrats are also pretty close (a whole body with head, that just adds on arms).

06-23-2010, 12:43 PM
Well, the Core Infantry for WoC, Skinks for Lizardmen, and Bretonnians could fit that 1 or two part pushes. Plus there's still all of those £5 sets...

Sorry, i jsut realised i forgot to finish off my last post lol..was getting to excited about high elves.

`good examples, from the £5 sets i believe only chaos warriors would work. is there an empire one? i know that the ekeleton one is dated so thats unlikey.

skaven could be easily adapted to be simple one or two piece models.

as for skinks, yes but saurus?

im trying to think of the whole set, any army picked would have to have new core miniatures produced besides perhaps chaos warriors (the 5 pound set kind) in my opinion.

Lord Azaghul
06-23-2010, 12:50 PM
I just don't want to see more flat ugly dwarves like the last starter set. The goblins however were very solid in that same boxed set.

06-23-2010, 03:02 PM
Empire had one piece handgunners and spearmen back along...

06-23-2010, 05:18 PM
Hand gunner was 1 piece, but the spearmen were three pieces, body, weapon, and shield

06-23-2010, 07:46 PM
It's not so much making the core units look new and fancy, but the potential special and/or rare units.
Look at the Nobs and deff-koptaz in Black Reach, or the troll in Skull Pass.

I think we're more likely to get new things like Swordmasters or giant eagles; and globadiers (and/or mortar), Abomanation or plauge catapult.

Things that make you see it and say "Wow, now I have to get it just for that one model."When I worked for GW and we had the design team come in and talk to us, one of the things they mentioned about the release of Assault on Black Reach was the desire to do just that. Put something in the box that people would really say "Wow, I would have never expected them to do something THAT awesome."

SEE: Deffkotpas and Dreadnaught

I have heard High-elf Griffon rumors and Skaven Weapon Teams Rumors...althougth IMO plastic Warpfire thrower or that insane Hamster Ball of death would be awesome.

06-24-2010, 03:50 AM
skaven could be easily adapted to be simple one or two piece models.

Funny you mention that, I just put a box of rats together, and it was exponentially easier than the old models!

The new ones are 2-3 pieces... Pick an arm, add optional shield, put on base, done... They're all standing in pretty much the same pose, but for what they are worth(which is dying), I think it was a pretty good deal.

PLEASE give me a bell or a doomwheel in that box!

Lord Azaghul
06-24-2010, 06:26 AM
PLEASE give me a bell or a doomwheel in that box!

No way is that going to happen. Especially since they just release nice (very expensive) kits for both of those. Plastic weapons teams and new HE spearmen will be enough to be plenty of people to bite.

06-24-2010, 04:35 PM
No way is that going to happen. Especially since they just release nice (very expensive) kits for both of those. Plastic weapons teams and new HE spearmen will be enough to be plenty of people to bite.

Yeah, just wishful thinking. I did read what is rumored to be in the box from the article "dust off the tomes" or whatever. Seems like a good deal, I'd rather have a ratling gun than a warpfire thrower though. Everything else seems great though!

Now I have to read up on globadiers, and figure out if they can pitch from behind the rat ogres...

06-28-2010, 11:20 AM
I always like to get the new box set but if its ONLY HE vs Skaven I'm in a crunch as I don't play either of those and am not sure how convertible they'd be to either O&G or to the VC army I'm building.

I guess I could make a lot of HE zombies and use the skaven as ghouls.....

...hmm ok maybe I'll get it anyways ;)

06-28-2010, 11:11 PM
Warseer's Nixon (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4755910&postcount=1) says this is what minis are in the box:

High Elves
Prince on Griffon
Mage on foot
20 Sea Guard
10 Swordmasters of Hoeth
5 Ellyrian Reavers

40 Clanrats
20 Slaves
Poisoned Wind Mortar
Warpfire Thrower
2 Rat Ogres with Packmaster
5 Poisoned Wind Globadiers

06-29-2010, 02:35 AM
Thats a fairly interseting mix. Im not sure its the stuff of a starter box though....

06-29-2010, 06:40 AM
Dont see why not, the 7th ed one had cannons, trolls etc. It sounds like a pretty solid box to me :)

06-29-2010, 07:21 AM
Dont see why not, the 7th ed one had cannons, trolls etc. It sounds like a pretty solid box to me :)

For an entry level box to get people started in the hobby I just feel its a little complicated. But we shall see....

06-29-2010, 07:55 AM
Thanks Bigred!

I can definitely use those minis to convert out a VC army. Or at least the start of one.

06-29-2010, 08:45 AM
That is a lot of rats. I still haven't finished painting my AoBR Orks.:rolleyes: Think I'll go and read some Skaven painting tutorials.

Lord Azaghul
06-29-2010, 09:32 AM
I really have no intention on buying that box set. I've already sprung for the main BRB, and I don't play either of those armies. In fact I got rid of all me HE stuff because I knew it would be tempting!:D

06-29-2010, 11:18 AM
I really have no intention on buying that box set. I've already sprung for the main BRB, and I don't play either of those armies. In fact I got rid of all me HE stuff because I knew it would be tempting!:D

OOOO Look at Mr. Sensible! lol :D

06-29-2010, 11:30 AM
Thats a fairly interseting mix. Im not sure its the stuff of a starter box though....

I'd just prefer to see some more plastic elites. Putting the Sea Guard in there just seems stupid, as they're not a great choice, but it is "Island of Blood."

Love the prospect of plastic swordsmen, but as I said, I'd love to see plastic Phoenix Guard, White Lions, or Shadow Warriors.

Lord Azaghul
06-29-2010, 11:58 AM
I'd just prefer to see some more plastic elites. Putting the Sea Guard in there just seems stupid, as they're not a great choice, but it is "Island of Blood."


How are sea guard not a great choice?
The new rules give a large unit of them a HUGE bonus. Volley fire in ranks, the ability to massfire at ' stand and shoot' then attack in CC with masses of spears, rerolling missing most of the time!!!
They are probably one of the most virsital units in the game now.

06-29-2010, 12:08 PM
How are sea guard not a great choice?
The new rules give a large unit of them a HUGE bonus. Volley fire in ranks, the ability to massfire at ' stand and shoot' then attack in CC with masses of spears, rerolling missing most of the time!!!
They are probably one of the most virsital units in the game now.

My bad. Still in 7th Ed Mode.

06-29-2010, 12:15 PM
I'm thrilled about plastic Swordmasters, they are one of my favourite units from a lore perspective but I never bought any because I didn't like the metal models.

06-29-2010, 12:39 PM
I'm a new Fantasy player and I just started HE's, so I am super stoked :D !! I really love the fluff for the Sea Guard and am happy to hear I'll be getting more of them for a much reduced price! The Sword Masters and Ellyrian Reavers are also welcome, though the former more than the latter :)

I wonder if any of those three units will come with Musicians, Banners and Veterans, given that that would reduce the number of models you can add to your army when you start buying 2 or 3 of the box sets.

So my my count the High Elves are probably worth some where in the neighborhood of $190 by themselves, though the Ellyrian Reavers and the Griffin make up a large percentage of that total (over $95).

06-29-2010, 01:11 PM
I'm a new Fantasy player and I just started HE's, so I am super stoked :D !! I really love the fluff for the Sea Guard and am happy to hear I'll be getting more of them for a much reduced price! The Sword Masters and Ellyrian Reavers are also welcome, though the former more than the latter :)

I wonder if any of those three units will come with Musicians, Banners and Veterans, given that that would reduce the number of models you can add to your army when you start buying 2 or 3 of the box sets.

So my my count the High Elves are probably worth some where in the neighborhood of $190 by themselves, though the Ellyrian Reavers and the Griffin make up a large percentage of that total (over $95).

If we take "Battle for skull pass" as an example, then yes, there will be command models.

Lord Azaghul
06-29-2010, 01:12 PM
So my my count the High Elves are probably worth some where in the neighborhood of $190 by themselves, though the Ellyrian Reavers and the Griffin make up a large percentage of that total (over $95).

First thing: don 't buy a thing until the box's contents are confirmed.

2nd: The quality of the models should be solid, but probably not as good as most of the individual models (like say the new skaven clan rats) Last starter set the dwarves were really really bad, but the gobbos were very good. However if the box set rumors are true, then it’s a great buy for HE, assuming the quality is good, as everything in the box is currently metal or in dire need of a new sculpt (such as the seaguard)
3rd: Bases upon the cost of the book AND the 40k equivalent starter set I’m betting that the box is going to be very close to 100$, especially if the models are solid.