View Full Version : Converted models

Inquisitor Gray
06-19-2010, 08:57 AM
So what are the rules for converting models and saying they are another type of model. For example, can you heavily convert a IG command squad sprue, adding a power claw, a commander hat, and a storm bolter, and say its Commissar Yarrick in a tournament?

I ask because I hate the metal models, and i like to add my own flare to the plastic ones. But I have never played in a tournament, so I don't know if this is legal.

06-19-2010, 10:54 AM
YES!! most definitely.

As long as your not silly and say "this servo skull is a space marine"

just make sure your conversions model the correct wargear, and is of an appropriate size and your good to go.

06-19-2010, 11:23 AM
This is one of the best aspects of the hobby. Some conversions are indeed far better then the actual stock model.
Be sure to post some pictures.

06-20-2010, 06:46 AM
So long as your conversion makes sense, then I say go for it!
I've got a whole Iron Hands army half-done, because I keep coming up with new things to do to it..

One of my main projects is a complete retooled conversion of the Marneus Calgar model, another is a techmarine on bike using a Skaven Doomwheel..

Another project I tihnk I'll start in a while is using the Archaon on foot model as an ancient archaic suit of power armour..

Just make sure that you have the right weapons etc on the model and you'll get away with it, but make sure to post pix!

The Mighty Git
06-20-2010, 08:52 AM
By all means, convert away! Home brew versions of character figs are awesome! I've built a Chaplain Iktanos ans a Crimson Fist Honor Guard entirely of plastic.There's enough bitz services out there that parts are acessible and affordable.